General Meetings
Each October, we hold an Annual General Meeting where we present our trustees' report and annual accounts for the previous 12 months. These are meetings which any student member can attend. You’ll be able to hear what officers have been doing on your behalf and what your new Full Time Officer team will be striving to achieve for students over the year. You'll be able to meet the Student Executive team and out trustees and ask questions about the union’s projects finances, plans, projects and performance.
We will also provide details of what the union spent its money on, why we did it and what impact it had. We'll be sharing what we have planned for the next twelve months based on feedback from students across campus. This is a great opportunity to ask questions or hear more about our work.
In February, there’ll be a second General Meeting where members will be able to hear what we’ve accomplished via our Impact Report. There will also be reports from our student Scrutiny Panels to enable you to see what your officers have achieved against their manifesto pledges and projects, policy that you have passed and any joint initiatives with the university, to improve your student experience.
General Meetings also include discussion items about issues which will affect large numbers of our student members and where it's important that there is a strong student debate. If meetings are quorate (the number of members in the room is high enough), the position of the union on an issue can be set by its members.
-->The Students' Union is the recognised representative body of and for Lancaster University students. Students drive our work to improve their experience of University study and life.
Students also control their Students' Union. Our Union Assembly, made up of student leaders and representatives, decide how we run, and what we do as an organisation. Our Full-Time Officers take a year out of their studies to represent students and lead their Students' Union. Students elect the Full-Time Officers every March. Students also nominate themselves for and elect Liberation and Campaign Officers, delegates to NUS National Conference, and Student Trustees on our charitable Trustee Board.
Students are asked to elect Student Academic Representatives (to represent their academic interests) and their Junior Common Room Executive (for their college life) each Michaelmas Term. As members of affiliated societies and sports clubs, students nominate themselves for and elect the people who lead these groups. All these people are students and volunteers of the Students' Union, they all contribute to our work to represent students at Lancaster University.
We want to talk to you. You can always contact your representatives: your Student Academic Rep, JCR Executive, LCOs and FTOs, or anyone else! However, you can also contact the Students' Union directly. You can email us on [email protected] or come and see us in Bowland Main.
Want to get involved? Then turn up! See what's coming up below:
We're constantly working to make students' lives and studies better. Find out some of the things we have been up to below: