A Science of Concurrent Programs

Leslie Lamport

Last modified on 25 October 2024

The book A Science of Concurrent Programs will be published by Cambridge University Press.� A final draft of the pdf version of the book is now available.� Also available is supporting material consisting of TLA+ specifications of many of the examples in the book and instructions on how to use them.

The List of Corrections

This is a list of all known errors and omissions in the book.   If you are the first to report an error, you will be acknowledged in any new edition. -------------------------------------------------->

The material is organized hierarchically, with the material for each chapter in a separate folder (directory).   Each folder, including the root, has a README file containing the exercises and an explanation of what else is in the directory.   The material is available as a Zip file for Windows users and as a gzipped tar file for Unix users. ------------------------------------------------------------------->


The Book
This pdf version of the book is copyright � 2024 by Leslie Lamport.� It may not be reproduced or distributed for commercial purposes, or for any purpose other than for personal use, without the prior written permission of the author or the publisher.
PDF File

The Supporting Material
This material is contained in a zip file. Unzipping this file produces a folder named book-specs containing a number of files and subfolders. Read the file README.pdf for instructions about how to use the material.
Zip File