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The Hieromnemon was commonly a Deacon ; when he was in Pri'eft's Orders, as it fometimes happen'd, he was excufed from dreffing the Pope in his pontifical Habits. Wb.eib.er he were Deacon, or Pri'ett, he had under him an Officer named Ca/lrifius. He had alio the keeping of the Book cmitulcd Contacion, or Book ot Ordination 5 and that call'd Enthronianifmus, which was a Sort of Ritual.

The Word is compofed of the Greek, Ufr, [acred, and j/h/mf, one who advertifes, or puts in Mind of.

H1ERONYMITES, or Hermits of St. Jerom. See Jeronymites and Hermit.

The Word is compounded of hgit, holy, and tmua, Name.

HIEROPHANTES, or Hierophanta, in Antiquity, a Pricft among the Athenians. See Priest.

The Hieropbantes was properly the Prieft of the God- defs Hecate : At leaft, the Title was only given to the Pricfts when they performed the Sacrifices of that God- defs, and in refpect of her.

St. Jerom fays, that the Hieropbantes extinguifhed the Pire of Lull, by drinking Cicuta, or the Juice of Hem- lock ; or even by making themfelves Eunuchs. — Appollo- dorus obferves, that it was the Hierophanta who inftrufled Perfons initiated into the Religion, in the Myfteries and Duties thereof ; and that it was hence he derived his Name. For the fame Reafon he was alfo called <Prophetes, Prophet. — ■ He had Officers under him to do the fame Thing, or to affift him therein, who were alfo called fropbetes and Exegetes, i. e. Explainers of divine Things.

To the Hieropbantes it belonged to drefs and adorn the Statues of the Gods, and to bear them in Proceffions and Ceremonies.

The Word comes from iifit, holy, [acred, and p«n», I appear.

HIEROPHYLAX, an Officer in the Greek Church. — His Quality is that of Guardian, or Keeper of the holy Things, Utenfils, Veftments, (Sc. anfwering to our Sacri- Jlan, or Sexton. See Sacristan.

The Word is compofed of ie{o<, facer, and puW;, Keeper, of pl/a&t7s>, / keep.

HIEROSCOPY, Hieroscopia, a Kind of Divination, perform'd by confidering the Victim, and every Thing that occurs during the'Courfe of the Sacrifice. See Sa- crifice and Victim.

The Word is form'd of isfot, facer, and a-i.mAa, I confider.

HIGHNESS, a Quality, or Title of Honour given to Princes. See Title and Quality.

The Kings of England and Spain had formerly no other Title but that of Higbnefs ; the firft, till the Time of James I. and the fecond, till that of Charles V. See Ma jesty.

The petty Princes of Italy began firft to be comple- mented with the Title of Higbnefs in the Year kSjo. _ The Duke of Orleans aflumed the Title of Royal Higbnefs, in the Year 1S31, to diitinguifh himfclf from the other Princes of France.

The Duke of Savoy, now King of Sardinia, bore the Title of Royal Higbnefs, on Account of his Pretentions to the Kingdom of Cyprus. — 'Tis faid that Duke only took the Title of Royal Higbnefs, to put himfelf above the Duke of Florence, who was called great Duke ; but the great Duke has fince affumed the Title of Royal Higbnefs, to put himfelf on a Level with the Duke of Savoy.

The Prince of Conde firft took the Title of Moft ferene Higbnefs, leaving that of fimple Higbnefs to the natural Princes.

HI1S Teftibus, q. d. T'hefe Witnejfes ; was a Phrafe antiently added in the end of a Deed that was written in the fame Hand with the Deed 5 upon which the Witncfles were called, the Deed read, and then their Names entred. See Deed and Witness.

This Claufe of Hits teftibus, in Subjects Deeds, conti- nued till, and in, the Reign of Hen. VIII. but is now wholly omitted. Coke on Littleton.

HILARIA, in Antiquity, Feafts celebrated every Year, by the Romans, on the eighth of the Calends of April, in Honour of the Mother of the Gods. See Feast.

The Hilaria were folemnized with great Pomp, and reioycing. Every Pcrfon drefs'd himfclf as he pleas'd, and took the Marks, or Badges, of whatever Dignity, or Qua- lity, he had a Fancy for.

The Romans took this Feaft originally from the Greeks; who call'd it ANABASIS, q. d. Afcenfus : The Eve of that Day they fpent in Tears and Lamentations, and thence denominated it KATAEA2I2, Defcenfus.

Afterwards, the Greeks took the Name IAAPIA, from the Romans ; as appears from 'Photius, in his Extract of the Life of the Philofopher Ifldore.

Cafaubon maintains, that befide this particular Signifi- cation, the Word Hilaria was alfo a general Name for all Solemn, or Feaft Days, whether public or private and

HIGH, Alms, a Term of Relation, applied to a Body, Jomeftic. But Salmajius docs not allow of this.

confider'd according to its third Dimenfion, or its Elevation above the Horizon, or even above the Ground. See Height.

Thus, we fay, the Pike of T'enariff is reputed the higheft Mountain in the World. See Mountain.

The Monument is 202 Foot high from the Ground. See Monument.

The Tower of St. ^Paul's, before its firft burning down in 1086, was 520 Foot high 5 on this was a Pole of Cop- per, and on that a Crofs 15 Foot and a half high. — The Towers of Notre Dame at Taris, fo much talk'd of, are 212 Foot high, Sic. See Altitude.

High, is alfo ufed to denote a Perfon in Power, Dig- nity, &c. See Title and Quality.

Thus God is frequently called in Scripture the moft high. So on Earth we fay, high and puiffant Lord, Prince, c2c. ■ — • The States General of the United Provinces, are called their High Mightineffes. See States, &c.

So in England we fay, High Court of Parliament. See Parliament.

Lord High Chancellor, 1 ; „ ^Chancellor.

Lord High Treafurer, J (.Treasurer.

High, in Mufic, is fometimes ufed in the fame Scnfe with loud, in Oppofition to low : And fometimes in the fame Senfe with Acute, in Oppofition to Grave. See Sound, Acuteness, Gravity, e£e.

High Bearing-Cock, is a Term ufed with Refpect to Fighting Cocks j denoting Gne larger than the Cock he fights withal. — As a Low Bearing Cock is one over- matched for Height.

Hiai-Dutch, is the German Tongue in its greateft Purity, c5c. as fpoken in Mifnia, &c. See Language. See alfo German, Dutch, cSt.

High Operation, in Chirurgery, isa Method of extracting the Stone 5 thus call'd, by Reafon the Stone is taken out at the upper Part of the Bladder. See Stone.

For the Method of performing the High Operation. See Lithotomy.

The High Operation is faid to have been firft praflifed

by RoJJ'y, others fay by Franco a Chirurgeon of Laufan.

It has been lately retriev'd by Mr. Douglas, and now

pracfifed with good Succcfs by Mr. Chejelden, and others.

High Relievo, See Relievo.

High Sea, or Ocean, is that far from Land. See Sea and Ocean.

High Water, is that State of the Tides when they ccafc to flow. See Tides, Flux, EV.

'triftan, T. I. p. 482. diHinguiih.es between Hilaria and Hilariie. The former, according to him, were public re- joycings; and the latter, Prayers made in Confequence thereof; or even of any private Feaft, or Rejoycing, as a Marriage, &c. The public laired feveral Days ; during which, all Mourning, and Funeral Ceremonies, were vilipended.

The Hilaria, were firft inftituted in Honour of the Mo- ther of the Gods, as is obferved by Macrobius, L. I. C. 10. and Lampridius, in his Life of Alexander Sevens ; being apparently intended to cxprefs the Joy conceiv'd at the Birth of the Gods.

HILARODE, or Hilaroeus, in the antient Mufic and Poetry, a Sort of Poet among the Greeks, who went about ringing little gay diverting Poems, or Songs ; tho' fomewhat graver than the Ionic Pieces. See Rhapsodus.

The Hilarodes appear'd drefs'd in white, and werecrown'd with Gold. At firft they wote Shoes ; but afterwards af- fumed rhe Crepida, which was only a Soal, tied over the Foot with Straps.

They did not fing alone ; but had always a little Boy, or Girl, to attend them, playing on fome Internment.

From the Streets, they were at length introduced into the Tragedv; as the Magodes were into Comedy. See Magodes, Tragedy. ££c.

The Hilarodes were afterwards call'd Simodes, from a Poet named Simus, who excell'd in this Kind of Poetry.

The Word is compounded of (A«{o!, joyful, and dSil, Singing, Song. See Hilarodia.

HILARODIA, a Poem, or Compofition in Verfc, made, or fung by a Sort of Rhapfodifts call'd Hilarodes. See


Scaliger holds Hilarodia, Hilaro-7'ragedia, Tblyaco- grapry, and the Rhintonic Fable, to be all Names for the fame Thing. See Hilaro-Tragedia.

HII.ARO-TRAGEDIA, a dramatic Performance, partly traoic, or ferious ; and partly comic, or merry. See Drama.

Scaliger, Voet. L. I. C. 51. holds, the Hilaro-Tragediit and Hilarodia, ro be one and the fame Thing. Others, rather take the Hilaro-'fragedia to have been pretty nearly what we call a Tragi-Comedy. Others, again, will have it to have been a pure Tragedy, only terminating with a happy Cataftrophc, which brings the Hero out of a wretched into a fortunate State. —But the firtt Opinion feems the moft probable, and the beft warranted. See Tragedy.
