Mon, 16 Dec 2024 16:00:00 +0900hourly1KOSE Acquires Shares of Puri Co., Ltd. in Thailand and Makes It Subsidiary
Mon, 16 Dec 2024 16:00:00 +0900KOSEKOSE Corporation, headquartered in Chuo Ward, Tokyo and Puri Co., Ltd., headquartered in Bangkok, Thailand, which operates the holistic wellness (*1) brand PANPURI mainly in Thailand, have agreed to a ...<![CDATA[
KOSE Corporation, headquartered in Chuo Ward, Tokyo and Puri Co., Ltd., headquartered in Bangkok, Thailand, which operates the holistic wellness (*1) brand PANPURI mainly in Thailand, have agreed to a share transfer agreement for Puri's shares.
(*1) A concept that aims to maintain one's comprehensive physical, mental, and social health
Currently, under the medium-term strategy of its medium- to long-term vision, "Vision for Lifelong Beauty Partner -- Milestone 2030," KOSE aims to "add regionally rooted brands" to achieve the business growth on a global scale by optimizing its operations in each region based on the approach of "no longer doing everything on its own." By collaborating with external partners and utilizing external assets instead of sticking to its own resources, KOSE will expand its brand portfolio to meet diverse needs and accelerate the global business growth.
Established in 2003, PANPURI is a niche fragrance and holistic wellness brand that creates luxurious, multisensory experiences rooted in Eastern traditions and Thai heritage. With a dedication to clean beauty through its Zerolist (TM) standard (*2), excluding over 2,300 questionable ingredients, PANPURI is renowned for its exquisite Eastern-inspired scents, artisanal craftsmanship, and use of precious natural ingredients. Blending tradition with innovation, the brand inspires harmony and well-being through thoughtfully crafted products and rituals offering a curated range of exquisite fragrances, body care, skincare, home ambiance creations and luxurious spa experiences to nurture the senses, promote well-being, and inspire balance. Guided by its Zerolist (TM) commitment to clean formulations and a focus on sustainability, PANPURI blends artisanal craftsmanship with modern innovation to deliver products and experiences that elevate everyday rituals into moments of harmony and mindfulness. Focusing on the sophisticated product lineup, creation of stores where customers can experience the brand's world view, and customer experience such as spa services at hotels, PANPURI operates the brand's stores at luxury shopping malls, hotels, resorts, and travel retailers in Thailand, etc. It has grown rapidly in recent years through major reforms of the PANPURI brand by implementing measures such as product improvements, store development, and formulation of expansion strategies, and has established a firm position in Thailand.
(*2) The standard for exploring sustainable natural alternatives as much as possible and pursuing the creation of safe and clean products with vegan formulations and cruelty-free methods
By acquiring the shares of Puri, KOSE will contribute to the further growth of Puri and expand KOSE's business portfolio to increase contact points with new customers and provide further value. Through these efforts, KOSE will also strengthen its presence in the Global South markets to increase its corporate value.
"We are very happy to welcome PANPURI to the KOSE Group's brands with the acquisition of shares of Puri, which has established a firm position in Thailand as a company operating a holistic wellness lifestyle brand. We believe that PANPURI's traditional approach from ancient times in Thailand and sophisticated product design, which creates cosmetics that feel good to use and enrich the mind on top of being effective, highly align with our constant approach since our establishment to continually pursue sensory quality while inheriting tradition and innovation. With this acquisition of shares, we will accelerate the global strategy set forth in our medium- to long-term vision, and aim to establish a presence in the Global South markets and further enhance our value."
"This partnership with KOSE Corporation marks a transformative milestone for PANPURI. With KOSE's global innovation, expertise and resources, we are excited to elevate our vision of Thai holistic wellness and beauty, rooted in the wisdom of our traditions and a commitment to clean, sustainable practices. Together, we will bring PANPURI's unique approach to wellness -- blending Thai craftsmanship, mindfulness, and sensorial excellence -- to a broader global audience. This collaboration allows us to preserve our heritage while embracing a future of growth, innovation, and shared passion for creating meaningful beauty experiences."
Puri Co., Ltd.
Name: PURI CO., LTD. (brand name: PANPURI)
Location: Vanissa Building, Tower B, 20th Floor, 29 Ploenchit Road, Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330
Title and name of representative: Founder & CEO Vorravit Siripark
Main businesses: Sales and distribution of beauty and fragrance products and spa and wellness services
Capital: THB 13 million (as of December 31, 2023)
(Approximately JPY 58.5 million, calculated at THB 1 = JPY 4.5)
Establishment: 2003
Number of major sales agents: 26 in Thailand, etc.
Brand concept: Holistic wellness
Sales: THB 580 million (for the fiscal year ended December 2023; Approximately JPY 2,610 million, calculated at THB 1 = JPY 4.5)
Number of shares owned after change: 1,062,702 shares (voting rights ownership ratio: 79.89%)
Date of conclusion of the share transfer agreement: December 10, 2024
Stock transfer execution date: December 30, 2024 (scheduled)
Founded in 2003, PANPURI is a holistic wellness brand deeply rooted in Thai traditions. Renowned for its clean, sustainable, and sensorial products, PANPURI reimagines self-care through a holistic philosophy that nurtures balance, harmony, and mindfulness, bringing timeless wellness practices into modern living.
]]>KOSE and TOKYO ELECTRON DEVICE to Jointly Exhibit at CES, to Commercialize Mixed Reality Makeup ...
Tue, 26 Nov 2024 17:00:00 +0900KOSEKOSE Corporation, headquartered in Chuo ward, Tokyo, and TOKYO ELECTRON DEVICE LIMITED, headquartere...<![CDATA[
TOKYO, Nov. 26, 2024 /Kyodo JBN/ --
KOSE Corporation
KOSE Corporation, headquartered in Chuo ward, Tokyo, and TOKYO ELECTRON DEVICE LIMITED, headquartered in Shibuya ward, Tokyo, will jointly exhibit at CES 2025, the world’s largest technology show to be held in Las Vegas in the U.S. state of Nevada from January 7 to 10, 2025. The exhibit will offer mixed reality (MR) makeup simulations, as the KOSE exhibit at CES 2023 (*1) had. Using high-speed projection mapping technology to smoothly follow facial movements, anyone can try on makeup in an instant. This product has been named the CES Innovation Awards 2025 Honoree in the XR Technologies & Accessories category. A business booth will also be set up to discuss the deployment of services encompassing makeup simulation and product purchase.
(*1) News Release: KOSE to Exhibit for the First Time at CES, the World’s Largest Technology Show (Japanese only): https://corp.kose.co.jp/ja/news/7805/
Mixed Reality Makeup 0 min try-on studio
CES 2025 Innovation Awards 2025 Honoree
Visitors will be able to experience the technology and discuss business opportunities.
Dates: January 7-10, 2025
Booth location: Tech West, Venetian Expo, Halls A-D -- 55339 -- Lifestyle
CES is a technology show that gathers cutting-edge products from around the world together in Las Vegas. The 2024 event was massive, with over 4,300 booths hosting more than 130,000 visitors. KOSE exhibited at CES for the first time in 2023, providing experiences of MR makeup simulations using high-speed projection mapping. Many of the more than 1,200 visitors gave the technology positive reviews, saying it both amazed and moved them, and they could sense new possibilities for self-expression. Based on these favorable reviews, KOSE judged the service had the potential to open up new possibilities for makeup and had the potential for application in many different areas, including entertainment. Paths to commercialization have been explored. At directly managed stores in Japan, customers could experience the same MR makeup service, leading to makeup proposals tailored to the individual. KOSE aims to expand sales by incorporating the insight gained into its service.
At CES 2025, which provides a global stage allowing experiences of the service and business talks, KOSE will exhibit jointly with TOKYO ELECTRON DEVICE, supplier of a core component of the service -- a special projector. KOSE will use the response to the booth to guide further service enhancements and will explore the scope of commercialization, including fields outside the beauty domain.
About MR Makeup Simulation Using High-speed Projection Mapping
This service consists of a makeup simulation system that enables instant projection of makeup onto the face of a person sitting in a booth simply by operating a control panel. The technology was developed through collaboration between KOSE and the Yoshihiro Watanabe laboratory of the Department of Information and Communications Engineering in the School of Engineering at Institute of Science Tokyo (*2). The service has been available at KOSE concept store Maison KOSE Ginza since August 2022.
(*2) News Release: Development of Real Face Makeup Simulation System Employing High-speed Projection Mapping Technology and Color Correction technology (Japanese only): https://corp.kose.co.jp/ja/media/2022/10/20221025.pdf
About CES Innovation Awards
The CES Innovation Awards is an awards program held in conjunction with CES that recognizes outstanding design and technology in digital and technology products. The 2025 winners were selected in 33 categories based on criteria such as functionality, design, uniqueness and innovation. The service of KOSE and TOKYO ELECTRON DEVICE received a high score in the XR Technologies & Accessories category and named as the "CES Innovation Awards 2025 Honoree."
The CES Innovation Awards are based upon descriptive materials submitted to the judges. The Consumer Technology Association (CTA) did not verify the accuracy of any submission or of any claims made and did not test the item to which the award was given.
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]]>元フィギュアスケート選手の鈴木明子さん友情出演! スペシャルムービー 「BEYOND THE BEAUTY」
Tue, 06 Dec 2016 14:55:04 +0900コーセー 株式会社コーセー(本社:東京都中央区、代表取締役社長:小林 一俊)は、テレビ朝日「フィギュアスケートグランプリファイナル2016」に放送冠協賛を締結しました。本大会は、12月9日(金)よりテレビ朝日...<![CDATA[
12月9日(金)「フィギュアスケートグランプリファイナル2016 presented by KOSE」にて
株式会社コーセー(本社:東京都中央区、代表取締役社長:小林 一俊)は、テレビ朝日「フィギュアスケートグランプリファイナル2016」に放送冠協賛を締結しました。本大会は、12月9日(金)よりテレビ朝日系列にて「フィギュアスケートグランプリファイナル2016 presented by KOSE」として放送されます。
これに伴い、“きれいの、その先にあるもの”を探してがんばる女性の姿を描いたスペシャルムービー「BEYOND THE BEAUTY」を、12月9日(金)にテレビ朝日系列で放送される「フィギュアスケートグランプリファイナル2016 presented by KOSE」内にて、一夜限定の120秒TVCMとして地上波オンエアいたします。また、そのスペシャルムービーのプロローグを12月3日(土)からテレビ朝日系列でオンエアいたします。
I r i s/アイリス (シンガー/女優/モデル)
「なんでも ワールドランキング ネプ&イモトの世界番付」(日本テレビ)の旅企画「NIPPON優しさ旅」で日本縦断ヒッチハイクに挑戦し、注目を集めた新人シンガー。2012年 マレーシアで、シンガー、女優としての活動を開始。2013年末、アジア最大級の映画祭・「アジア・パシフィック・フィルム・フェスティバル」への出演をきっかけに、2015年 日本に移住。透き通る歌声と9等身の圧倒的なスタイルが魅力。母国語マレー語はもちろん、北京語・福建語・広東語・英語などの多言語を使いこなし、現在は驚異的なスピードで日本語を習得中。日本発のアジアンスターを目指した活動を始動。
Sony musicよりデビューCD「I love me / good bye」を4月27日リリース予定。
雪肌粋賞・・・・10名 賞品:雪肌粋洗顔料1年分(ホワイト洗顔クリーム×12個)&Iris CD「I love me / good bye」(通常版)
Gap賞・・・・・5名 賞品:Gapのデニムクラッチバッグ&雪肌粋ホワイト洗顔クリーム1個