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Restren:Falcon in Venezuela.svg

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Restren wreydhek (Restren SVG, 1,654 × 1,479 piksel yn hanow, myns an restren: 1.3 MB)


Deutsch: Lage des Staates Falcón in Venezuela.
English: Location of state of Falcón in Venezuela.
Pennfenten Ober honan
This SVG _?_ includes elements that have been taken or adapted from this _?_:
Venezuela location map.svg (by NordNordWest).
This SVG _?_ includes elements that have been taken or adapted from this _?_:
Guyana location map.svg (by NordNordWest).
Awtour TUBS Gallery
Other versions

This SVG map is part of a locator map series applying the widespread location map scheme. Please see root category to browse for more.

SVG genesis
The source code of this SVG is invalid due to 3 errors.
This W3C-invalid map was created with Adobe Illustrator.
This W3C-invalid SVG map was uploaded with Commonist.
This Adobe SVG map is very large because TUBS kept the superfluous Adobe PGF or other CDATA garbage


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w:en:Creative Commons
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  • ranna kehaval – Mar kwrewgh hwi chanjya, treusfurvya po drehevel war an ober ma, res yw dhywgh lesranna agas kevrohow yn-dann an keth lecyans hag an derowel, po lecyans kesplegadow.
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depicts Sowsnek

copyrighted Sowsnek

16 Du 2011

Istori an restren

Klyckyewgh war dhedhyans/eur rag gweles an folen dell o an termyn na.

a-lemmyn13:29, 16 Du 2011Skeusennik an versyon a-dhia 13:29, 16 Du 20111,654 × 1,479 (1.3 MB)TUBS

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Gweles devnydh ollvysel moy a'n restren ma.