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Shuri is a nastika and the 2nd King of the Yaksha clan, many consider her the 2nd strongest due to not knowing about the existence of the original 2nd, Jambavan which died in the beggining era of the universe[1]. Yuta was placed in her care on Planet Isholy when he was separated from his siblings because of the Power of the Name. She disappeared in the year N0 along with Vishnu.


In her human form, Shuri appears as a tall woman, with pinkish-white skin tone and large breasts. She has very long pink straight hair that almost touches the ground, reddish eyes, and pink eyebrows. Shuri has distinctive pink furry ears that protrude from her hair and resemble fox-ears, and a long and thick pink furry tail. She is usually seen wearing a short red dress with long and wide pinkish-white sleeves and a pinkish outline on the top. On her feet she wears red high-heels with straps that go in part up her legs.

At one time she is shown to be wearing a very short pink dress with short wide sleeves on top her regular dress. The dress has red sides, a red decorative line on the bottom side, a red ribbon that is tied in front, and goes around her breasts, a red outlining on the topside and sleeves.


Shuri appears to have a gentle and pacifistic personality. She prefers a non-violent approach to solving problems, a view she seems to share with Vishnu. Shuri has shown herself to be a patient and understanding mother to Yuta, who always believed in him and never rushed him. She was very conscious of her role as King and didn't consider humans to be food or a threat for any sura.

Skills and Abilities[]

As the third ranked Nastika of her clan, Shuri is an undoubtfully powerful sura. Notably, despite actually being the third strongest, most did not show any suspicion of her being considered the 2nd rank.

Shuri possesses the unique power of "Charm", which can turn most humans and even nastikas into her followers. Specifically, the power causes the followers to be receptive to and act upon Shuri's hidden desires, even without her intending to influence them in this way. This can have dangerous implications, as they might act in ways Shuri wouldn't want and endanger themselves and others. It's possible some targets are resistant or immune to this effect, as both Yaksha and his mate seemed resistant, as well as the gods.


  • Shuri is considered one of the "Great Beauties" of the suras, along with Airavata and Urvasi.[2]
  • Shuri is not simply missing, but is referred as being "no longer of this world" by Ran's grandmother.[3] However, her death hasn't been confirmed.
  • Unusually for a nastika, she is stronger in female form.[4]
  • Apparently, she's very close to Vishnu, as she's often shown by his side.
  • According to Taraka, she ruined Yuta and left him for Vishnu.[5]



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Vishnu names Shuri[6]

Shuri was the second-ranked nastika of the Yaksha clan and she became King after Yaksha's death. She was responsible for the alliance with the Garuda and Gandharva clans due to her friendship with their kings and Vishnu.[7]

Eventually, Garuda was unable to raise his children, since the Power of the Name forced them to be separated and go into hiding. Maruna was taken by Gandharva and Kalavinka by Vishnu. Yuta, the middle child, was given to her to train and raise in Isholy from the years D873 to N0 (when she disappeared).[7] She is shown to be a motherly figure for him; she accepted and held him as a child, while many other suras avoided him, because of his Chaos side.[3]

In the year N0, she disappeared with Vishnu, leaving Yuta on his own.[5] Altogether, Shuri's memory is a source of guidance, strength and solace for Yuta. Even now, he tries to keep the promise made to his foster mother and avoids attacking any human he meets, regardless of how cruel and vile they might be.[8]

Season 1[]

Chapter 6: The Past I Yearn For/Longing for Yesterday[]

(1) Garuda had three friends, whom he entrusted his children to when he could no longer take care of them himself. Maruna went to Gandharva, the second to Shuri, and the third the primeval god Visnu.

Chapter 7: Half (半)[]

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Shuri hugging a young Yuta[9]

(3) From a flashback, the Yaksha clan at first suggests that Shuri kill Yuta, noticing he couldn't differentiate between allies and enemies. Shuri is warned he'll grow stronger and be more difficult to get rid of. She admits it's true but points out Yuta isn't at fault for inheriting such tastes and decides to give him more time to adapt.

In a later flashback, Shuri sits Yuta on her lap and tells him to eat only suras that attack him and never to kill humans, because they pose no threat to him. A young Yuta complains that doing so will be hard, but she says it isn't and makes him promise to her never to eat a human under any circumstances.

Back in the present, while Yuta is staring at a downed half that half hunters used hoti marut on, Yuta keeps his word to his "mom" to never eat humans by mercilessly chewing and spitting out the human half hunters.

Chapter 8: The Wavering King[]

(3) In a flashback to N5, Hanuman, the third king of the Yaksha clan, tells Gandharva that Shuri and Visnu are no longer of this world and Garuda may never wake up, leaving Gandharva as the only one left from their group of friends.

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Shuri teaches Yuta the "Way of King" as Visnu watches[10]

(4) Shuri taught Yuta the "Way of a King," the expected behavior for a king, claiming he was meant to walk that path. In order to avoid emotional resonance a King must never let his emotions get the better of him, so his feelings must always be kept in check.[10]

(6) In a flashback, Shuri is seen talking to Yuta, telling him she noticed he broke their promise again. However, she assures him he won't be punished, since she believes in him and knows he'll succeed in overcoming the urges of his chaotic tendencies. Yuta, calling Shuri mom, promises that he'll control himself.

Chapter 10: The Night it Rained Fire[]

(4)(11) Maruna thinks back to when he parted with his siblings. He envied Yuta for going to Shuri and he worried that the planet Kalavinka was going to with Visnu, Willarv, might be dangerous because it is full of magicians.



(17) Shess notes that it is a shame that the alliance between the Garuda, Gandharva, and Yaksha clans seems to be dissolving with their founders no longer present. A flashback shows Shuri and Garuda reluctantly shaking hands while Gandharva holds their hands together with a smile.

Chapter 12: Lies for You[]

(4)(5) When Yuta escaped from Taraka, a dummy substituting for Kali, she said that neither Garuda, Shuri, or Visnu can stop her. Also, according to Taraka, Shuri disappeared along with Visnu, and she ruined Yuta with fancy words of love.

Season 3[]

Chapter 45: Crime and Punishment[]

(13) According to Kali, Shuri spent centuries teaching Yuta that Visnu is right. Because of this, Yuta stands against his own mother.

