

Kontact's source code is spread across many components in many repositories - it is easy to get lost and overwhelmed if you are new to it. If you want to get involved in development of Kontact just read the materials linked from this page and get in touch with us - we will help you find your way around our codebase.

Please start by reading some information on the KDE PIM Community wiki.

Junior Jobs

Looking for some simple tasks to get started with improving Kontact? Then check out our junior jobs. We have collected a number of tasks that are fairly simple and isolated and don't require in-depth understanding of the entire codebase and architecture - perfect entry point into the beautiful world of Kontact.

If you would like to start working on some task, feel free to assign it to yourself (unless it's already assigned to someone else) and let us know in the comments below the task.

從原始碼編譯 Kontact 個人資訊管理

社群 wiki 有提供關於設定開發環境的資源。


The Kontact developers generally hang around on the #kontact and #akonadi IRC channels on Libera Chat. Most development-related discussions take place on the kde-pim mailing list. Just join in, say hi and tell us what you would like to help us with!


沒有問題!您還是可以幫助我們改善 Kontact 個人資訊管理,有許多事情是不需要知道任何程式語言的!

  • 錯誤分類與調查 —— 幫我們找 Bugzilla 當中分類錯誤、重複或是無效的錯誤回報
  • 本地化 —— 幫忙將 Kontact 個人資訊管理 翻譯成您的語言
  • 說明文件 —— 幫助我們改善使用者說明文件,讓 Kontact 個人資訊管理 對新使用者更友善
  • 宣傳 —— 幫我們宣傳 Kontact 個人資訊管理,不論是在線上還是線下
  • 更新 wiki —— 幫我們更新 wiki 上的資訊,寫新的教學等等... 讓他人更容易加入!
  • 您還有其他主意嗎?來聯繫我們吧!