Kinnikuman Wiki

The God Shark is member of Kinnikuman Soldier's team. He acts as the Second Guard of the team.


He is distinguished by the sharp fins that cover his entire body, and the bodysuit that streamlines his torso. In the water, he swims at the super high speed of 100km/h.


Despite been named as a "Brutal Chojin", Soldierman consider him and the rest of his team to be more nicer than what he was expecting.


He is a humanoid chojin dressed up as a shark, with different sharp fins located around his body, as well as a long cape and a shark helmet that covers his face, letting only a pair of glowing, yellow eyes, visible. In the anime, he is giving a blue skin tone and a more visible face.


Deep of Muscle 2[]

The God Shark was choosen by The God of Brutality to be one of the members of Team Soldier, with Kinnikuman Soldier as the Captain of it, to participate in the Survivor Match for the Kinniku Throne. He was in the middle of a swimming competition with Baron Potato, Devil Squid, Eelman and Sazae King when Soldier and Heavy Metal arrive, joining their team on the spot.

He then travel with them to find their Centre Guard, and in a French-styled Café, they found the French chojin Lupin, and The God Shark mention that he looks like a butler. After Woolman, their Centre Guard, join the team, they travel to Canada, to find the last member. Fearing that the Canadian chojin, was him he shows great joy to see that it wasn't him, but Bulldozerman.

He followed Soldier and the rest to Japan, were they go to Mt. Fuji to start a hard training before the competition, but after some time, a mysterious man arrives, challenging the whole team into a fight. Soldier accepted, but for his misfortune, all his team, including The God Shark, were defeated by him.


Survivor Match Arc[]

A member of the original Soldier Team, The God Shark, along with his teammates, trained in the snowy mountains ahead of the Survivor Match for the Kinniku Throne. All of them, however, were killed by Kinniku Ataru who then took on the mantle of Kinnikuman Soldier.


Jaws Crush

Career Record[]


  • Team Soldier Second Guard

Win/Loss Record (Single)[]



  • Submitted by: Tsutomu Terada (寺田努) of Mie

