Kinnikuman Wiki


MachLink to this section

Japanese Name: マッハ
Height: 221cm, 7'2"
Weight: 182kg, 401lbs
Homeland: Peru Flag of Peru
Classification: Seigi Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 2,000,000 Power


Mad SkeletonLink to this section

Japanese Name: マッドスケルトン
Height: 188cm
Weight: 102kg
Homeland: Germany Flag of Germany
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 1,050,000
Voice Actor: Yasunori Masutani

Mad Skeleton is a mercenary Chojin who has traversed many battlefields. At times, he has nearly starved to death fighting alone and unassisted, and in order to never forget those experiences, he shaved the flesh off his own face to give himself the appearance of a skeleton.


Maneraa Snake

MaryuLink to this section

Japanese Name: マリュウ
Height: 241cm
Weight: 260kg
Homeland: Malaysia Flag of Malaysia
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 1,220,000

A Malaysian dragon Chojin of Chinese descent. He practices Jeet Kune Do and emits a strange, birdlike cry when using those techniques. His horns are said to act as a cure-all medicine.

Masked AladdinLink to this section

Masked aladdin
Japanese Name: マスクド・アラジン
Height: 193cm
Weight: 121kg
Homeland: Saudi Arabia Flag of Saudi Arabia
Classification: Justice Chojin
Tag Team: Saudi Arabian Combo (with Buchanan)
Chojin Kyodo: 400,000
Manga Debut: Ultimate Chojin Tag Tournament Arc Chapter 29
Submitted by: Takashi Onizawa (Tokyo)

Masked Aladdin is one half of the Saudi Arabian Combo with Buchanan. He was killed along with several other teams by the Five Disasters the night before the tournament.

Master KeyLink to this section

Japanese Name: マスター・キー
Height: 176cm
Weight: 130kg
Homeland: Morocco Flag of Morocco
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 500,000
Manga Debut: Chojin Olympics: The Resurrection Arc Manga Chapter 32
Submitted by: Takashi Watanabe of Aichi

Mat KongLink to this section

Japanese Name: マットコング
Height: 199cm
Weight: 218kg
Homeland: Uganda Template:Country data Uganda
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 1,200,000

MaximLink to this section

Japanese Name: マキシム
Other Names: Cooking Master
Height: 179cm
Weight: 71kg
Homeland: France Flag of France
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 940,000
Manga Debut: Kinnikuman Nisei Vol. 8 Chapter 70
Submitted by: Yasushi Okabe of Saitama

MedicalmanLink to this section

Japanese Name: メディカルマン
Height: 180cm
Weight: 68kg
Homeland: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 770,000
Manga Debut: Ultimate Chojin Tag Tournament Vol. 5 Chapter 54
Submitted by: Oshaku Yoshida of Osaka

Medicalman is a Chojin surgeon capable of performing emergency surgery anywhere. Thanks to the medical instruments stocked through his entire body, he works primarily onsite at medical emergencies. The instruments on his fingers can be swapped out for different ones.


Military JoeLink to this section

Japanese Name: ミリタリーJOE
Height: 197cm
Weight: 180kg
Homeland: Malaysia Flag of Malaysia
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 2,300,000

Millennium XLink to this section


Height: 198cm
Weight: 85kg
Homeland: Sweden Flag of Sweden
Classification: Evil Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 240,000

Mr. BrainLink to this section


Height: 202cm
Weight: 138kg
Homeland: Iraq Flag of Iraq
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 5,860,000
Manga Debut: Weekly Playboy Kinnikuman 29th Anniversary

Mr. DJLink to this section


Other Names: Master DJ
Height: 178cm
Weight: 72kg
Homeland: USA Flag of United States
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 690,000
Manga Debut: Kinnikuman Nisei Chapter 12
Submitted by: Nippon Broadcast Radios

Mr. FacebookLink to this section


Height: 185cm
Weight: 112kg
Homeland: USA Flag of United States
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 24,000,000

Mr. Facebook is a social media Chojin. His spacesuit-like clothes are an evolved form of exoskeleton protecting his body, the same as a crustacean's shell. He communicates via cellphone, and does not easily show his face.

Mr. GatchaLink to this section

Japanese Name: ミスター・ガッチャ
Other Names: Mr. Dispenser
Height: 220cm
Weight: 400kg
Homeland: Belgium Flag of Belgium
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 1,000,000

Mr. HypocriteLink to this section

Japanese Name: Mr.ピポクリット (Mr. Pypocrite)
Height: 179cm
Weight: 81kg
Homeland: Jamaica Flag of Jamaica
Classification: Evil Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 8,000,000
Manga Debut: Ultimate Chojin Tag Tournament Vol. 5 Chapter 53
Submitted by: Katsumi Iiboshi of Aichi

Mister J.R.Link to this section

Japanese Name: ミスターJR.
Height: 200cm
Weight: 430kg
Homeland: Japan Flag of Japan
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 7,000,000

Mr. ShipLink to this section

Japanese Name: ミスターシップ
Height: 187cm
Weight: 540kg
Homeland: Ireland Flag of Ireland
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 1,200,000

Mr. Ship is a battleship Chojin. This is merely the form he takes when walking on land. When he cuts loose on the open seas though, his hull drops down to his feet and he himself serves as the mast, stretching out his arms to unfold a sail.

Mr. SkateboardLink to this section

Japanese Name: Mr.スケートボード
Height: 198cm
Weight: 83kg
Homeland: USA Flag of United States
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 800,000
Manga Debut: Ultimate Chojin Tag Tournament Arc Chapter 2
Submitted by: Koutarou Maruyama (23) of Tochigi

Mister TyphoonLink to this section

Japanese Name: ミスタータイフーン
Height: 180cm
Weight: 76kg
Homeland: Taiwan Flag of Taiwan
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 1,300,000

Mitsuharu MishimaLink to this section


Homeland: Japan Flag of Japan
Classification: Human
Manga Debut: Kinnikuman Nisei Chapter 3

A human wrestler that was teaming with Giant Haba against Big Van Voyager and Stan Harrison in an All-Japan Pro Wrestling match at Korakuen Gardens. The DMp then interfered in the match and killed Voyager and Harrison. A parody of Mitsuharu Misawa.

Mosquito CoilmanLink to this section

Japanese Name: カトリセンコウマン (Katorisenkouman)
Height: 172cm
Weight: 83kg
Homeland: Serbia
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 450,000
Manga Debut: Ultimate Chojin Tag Tournament Arc Chapter 2
Submitted by: Ken Hiroshima (31) of Hiroshima

MosquitosLink to this section

Japanese Name: モスキートス
Height: 156cm
Weight: 47kg
Homeland: Malaysia Flag of Malaysia
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 700,000

Mukiko NikutaLink to this section


Homeland: Planet Kinniku Flag of Planet Kinniku

Musaka AlexandriaLink to this section


Homeland: Planet Kinniku Flag of Planet Kinniku
Family: Churrasco Clan

Musaka Alexandria is an ancestor of Meat and the rest of the Churrasco Clan.


Nail Clipper ManLink to this section

Japanese Name: Tumekiriman
Height: 155cm
Weight: 40kg
Homeland: Germany Flag of Germany
Classification: Evil Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 250,000
Manga Debut: Kinnikuman Nisei Chapter 12
Submitted by: Nippon Broadcast Radios.

NamazungaLink to this section

Japanese Name: ナマズンガ
Height: 177cm
Weight: 80kg
Homeland: Brazil Flag of Brazil
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 800,000

NascamanLink to this section

Japanese Name: ナスカマン
Other Names: Nazcaman
Height: 190cm
Weight: 108kg
Homeland: Peru Flag of Peru
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 650,000

Nascaman is one of the few power fighters among Luchador Chojin. He can make animal symbols appear on his chest at will and use abilities reminiscent of those animals.

The NoodlemanLink to this section

Japanese Name: ザ・ヌードルマン
Height: 220cm
Weight: 300kg
Homeland: Taiwan Flag of Taiwan
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 980,000
Manga Debut: Kinnikuman Nisei Vol. 8 Chapter 70
Submitted by: Shosen Nakanowatari (中野渡正宣) of Aomori

The Noodleman's arms and legs gradually extend when his cup is filled up with hot water. It's convenient, but on the flipside, not very powerful. He's in peak condition three minutes after the water is poured in.


The OctopusLink to this section


Height: 180cm
Weight: 116kg
Homeland: Portugal Flag of Portugal
Classification: Evil Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 800,000

Octopus ArmyLink to this section


Height: 188cm
Weight: 88kg
Homeland: France Flag of France
Classification: Evil Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 880,000

An octopus Chojin stuffed inside a military uniform, Octopus Army specializes in Marine Corps-style landing operations. His preferred method of assassination is to sneak up on someone and block their mouth and nose with his tentacles.

Old Well ManLink to this section

Japanese Name: 古井戸(ふるいど)マン (Furuidoman)
Height: 235cm
Weight: 55kg
Homeland: Japan Flag of Japan
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 420,000 Power

OkorudeLink to this section

Japanese Name: オコルデ
Other Names: Ocolede
Height: 175cm
Weight: 100kg
Homeland: Brazil Flag of Brazil
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 830,000 Power
Submitted by: Ucci

OnigawaramanLink to this section

Japanese Name: 鬼瓦マン
Height: 183cm
Weight: 89kg
Homeland: Japan Flag of Japan
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 850,000
Manga Debut: Ultimate Chojin Tag Tournament Arc Chapter 2
Submitted by: Eriko Gotou (16) of Kanagawa


OrochimanLink to this section

Japanese Name: オロチマン
Height: 225cm
Weight: 103kg
Homeland: Japan Flag of Japan
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 1,200,000 Power

OsmanLink to this section

Japanese Name: オスマン
Height: 193cm
Weight: 168kg
Homeland: Turkey Flag of Turkey
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 800,000
Anime Debut: Chapter 126

Named after Osman I.

The OysterLink to this section


Height: 202cm
Weight: 156kg
Homeland: Japan Flag of Japan
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 1,600,000
Manga Debut: Weekly Playboy Kinnikuman 29th Anniversary

The Ozone-ManLink to this section

Japanese Name: ジ・オゾンマン
Height: 175cm
Weight: 75kg
Homeland: Chile Flag of Chile
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 1,200,000
Manga Debut: Ultimate Chojin Tag Tournament Vol. 5 Chapter 53
Submitted by: Tsuyoshi Kadota of Tokyo


Pachinker ZLink to this section

Japanese Name: パチンカーZ
Height: 230cm
Weight: 200kg
Homeland: Zambia Flag of Zambia
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 950,000

Pachinker Z is a slingshot Chojin.

PantomimerLink to this section

Japanese Name: パントマイマー
Height: 190cm
Weight: 91kg
Homeland: Spain Flag of Spain
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 36,000,000
Trademark Techniques: Madrid Illusion
Manga Debut: Chapter 374 (Cover Art)
Anime Debut: Episode 3 (Nisei)

A chojin that failed to graduate from the Hercules Factory. He seldom speaks because he is confident in his ability to fully express himself via pantomime. He can also completely mask his presence. Pantomimer was one of many students at the Hercules Factory. He manage to enter the final test for graduation, but fails to an unknown legend, and is never seen again.

PearlmanLink to this section

Japanese Name: パールマン
Height: 174cm
Weight: 68kg
Homeland: Tahiti
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 1,000,000

PeleLink to this section


Height: 183cm
Weight: 102kg
Homeland: Brazil Flag of Brazil
Classification: Evil Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 770,000

PlesiomanLink to this section


Height: 280cm (including neck)
Weight: 235kg
Homeland: UK Flag of the United Kingdom
Classification: Evil Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 1,140,000
Manga Debut: Kinnikuman Nisei ~All Out Assault~ Chapter 20
Submitted by: Noriwaka Mikami of Hokkaido

Plesioman has the genes of the plesiosaurus, a large marine reptile from the age of the dinosaurs. Since it takes so long for pain signals to reach his brain, he has a high pain threshold and can keep fighting a long time.

PoseidonLink to this section

Japanese Name: ポセイドン
Height: 215cm
Weight: 460kg
Homeland: Greece Flag of Greece
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 2,800,000
Manga Debut: Ultimate Chojin Tag Tournament Vol. 5 Chapter 53
Submitted by: Naoyuki Tashiro of Osaka

Power Commando JoeLink to this section

Japanese Name: パワーコマンド・ジョー
Other Names: Commando Joe
Height: 205cm
Weight: 190kg
Homeland: Libya Flag of Libya
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 1,140,000

Power Commando Joe is an extremely violent and aggressive soldier Chojin. The cannon on his back can rotate 360 degrees and fire in all directions, but its range is limited to a few dozen meters.

Powerman (パワーマン) Flag of Saudi Arabia

Power WalkerLink to this section

Japanese Name: パワー・ウォーカー
Height: 288cm
Weight: 520kg
Homeland: Malaysia Flag of Malaysia
Classification: Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 1,180,000 Power
Manga Debut: Kinnikuman Nisei ~All Out Assault~ Chapter 14
Submitted by: Masayuki Minato (港 正幸) of Shizuoka

An excavator chojin.

PsychopathLink to this section

Japanese Name: サイコパス
Height: 188cm
Weight: 302kg
Homeland: USA Flag of United States
Classification: Evil Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 3,150,000

Psychopath has personally modified his own body, turning himself into a half-cyborg. His right hand has a grip strength of 300kg, but runs out of power in only 2 hours.
