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    <i>Demon's Souls</i> Demons, Ranked

    Demon’s Souls gets pretty creative with its bosses compared to the games that came after it, both in terms of

    Amazon's Error Dogs, Ranked

    The video game world spent a significant portion of the morning trying to score an Xbox Series X or Xbox Series S.

    Classic Rock, Ranked

    Kelsey said she saw the film Yesterday on a plane. I said I didn’t understand why “Eleanor Rigby” was such a popular

    Deadspin, Ranked

    Today is my last day as your social media person here at good ol’ Deadspin dot com. I truly cannot think of any

    Worst Foods To Barf, Ranked

    I know what you’re thinking: Barfing is bad! All foods are bad to vomit! This is true, but some foods are way worse

    Arcade Games, Ranked

    The Deadspin staff recently moved its office to Times Square, so we’ve been absolutely dying to check out every