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Update Number Two: The Contract

I’d heard this was coming about a week and a half ago, but like the Jewish taboo on pre-birth baby gifts, I couldn’t celebrate it until hard copy was well in hand: I have a contract for my book!

I don’t have an estimated publication date yet, but at some point in the not ridiculously distant future, The Anxiety of Obsolescence: The American Novel in the Age of Television will be published by Vanderbilt University Press. I’m thrilled with the press, and particularly my editor, who is a dream: Vanderbilt doesn’t really have a full line in my field, but she just liked the book so much she wanted to publish it. And the press is asking for only very minor revisions. And they have moved with lightning speed throughout the review process, as compared with other presses that shall remain nameless.

More details, no doubt, as they arise, but my readers here were so supportive and kind through the sucky period of rejection that I wanted you to be among the first to know. Raise a glass with me this evening, if you get a chance — and thanks for helping me not give up.


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