The New Everyday
I’ve just posted the following announcement at MediaCommons:
We are thrilled today to unveil The New Everyday, an experiment in “middle-state publishing” being undertaken here at MediaCommons as part of a two-year project undertaken by the New York Visual Culture Working Group, housed at NYU and funded by its Humanities Initiative. The project is launching with a cluster edited by Nicholas Mirzoeff considering the murder of Jorge Steven L??pez Mercado; the pieces that form this cluster are open for discussion, and are intended to be seen, both collectively and individually, as remaining somewhat “in process.” We hope that you’ll join the discussion within this cluster, and that you’ll consider curating a future cluster as well.
I’m extremely happy to see projects like The New Everyday moving forward, allowing MediaCommons to take on a more actively experimental role in thinking about the future of publishing in media studies. We’re of course on the lookout for more such projects, so join in!
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