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#reverb10, Day 6: Make

Today’s prompt:

Make. What was the last thing you made? What materials did you use? Is there something you want to make, but you need to clear some time for it?

What’s the last thing I made? Why, thank you for asking!

The last thing I made was a website. A couple of them, in fact. I made them using WordPress, CommentPress, some CSS magic, and a whole lot of writing by Yours Truly.

The first was the relaunch of The Anxiety of Obsolescence: The American Novel in the Age of Television, which site now hosts the full text of my first book in discussable format.

Just at the end of last week, however, I launched “Infinite Summer: Reading in the Social Network”, which is serving up the draft of an article that’s bound for a collection of essays on the legacy of David Foster Wallace.

I’m actively seeking feedback on that draft, so pop by and leave any thoughts you might have.

What do I want to make next? Isn’t that just the question. I’ve made it roughly to the end of the first half of my sabbatical and have managed to clear out most of the things that were on my to-do list when it started. There are a few things lingering there, most notably some projects for MediaCommons that I need developer help with, but what’s ahead for me — what I have already cleared out the time for, astonishingly enough — is precisely figuring out what I want to make next. I have the vague sense that the Infinite Summer essay is part of a larger project on reading and writing in networked environments, but I’m not yet sure of the details. By May, I’d like to have a better sense of what that larger thing will be, and a bunch of the research toward it under my belt.

And I’m starting that this morning! Wish me luck. (And go comment on “Infinite Summer!)


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