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#reverb10, day 22: Travel

Prompt the 22nd:

Travel. How did you travel in 2010? How and/or where would you like to travel next year?

Ooh, this is timely. I’m writing from the executive lounge of the Prague Marriott hotel, where R. and I are enjoying another of our vaunted working vacations. I know they make some people I know crazy — we should be out, doing touristy things! But neither of us is big on the touristy stuff, and given that this is our third trip to Prague, we’ve seen most of what we wanted to see. Mostly what we want to do on these trips is be elsewhere, to settle into the sounds and flavors of another culture in the way that we would if we lived there. (Okay, if we lived there in a fancy schmancy hotel with no real responsibilities.)

It’s my favorite way to travel: go somewhere, settle in, drink lots of coffee, write like a fiend.

But this year’s travel has also included a fair number of conferences and an exciting bunch of lecture trips to amazing places:

The 2011 lineup already includes:

Happily, being on sabbatical, I’ve been able to accept almost all the offers that have come my way, but it’s clear that I won’t be able to keep up this pace once my leave is over. So once I move back to Claremont — probably in early June — the travel should slow a bit. But I’m hoping to get one more good writing vacation in over the summer.


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