At some point a month or so ago (probably more "or so" given my recent what is time even challenges), I upgraded the innards of this site from Eleventy 2.0 to Eleventy 3.0. This turned out to require a moderate amount of tinkering in order to get things shifted from the older version's use of CommonJS to the newer one's use of ESM. I managed to get it about 95% sorted fairly quickly, however. The one real holdout was my webmentions functionality, which I was having a hard time getting to work in the new iteration.[1] As my current gig does not afford me a lot of tinkering time, I had to put that aside, figuring that the site was at least doing the basics, and that would do for now.
I turned back to trying to fix webmentions yesterday, and finally managed to get the data retrieved and cached and munged and filtered in all the ways, such that it landed on the right pages. But it looked terrible. And so there were many more hours of frustration while I tried to figure out why the new eleventy-image and its fancy transform were causing such trouble in the rendering of webmention avatars.
Except they weren't. It turned out that it was a basic CSS problem -- as in the css file that styles webmentions was somehow not getting included in the build process. And now it is.
So: a post to celebrate a successful rebuild! And perhaps even to inspire a bit more writing in the weeks ahead.
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