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Notes on making MediaCommons

making MediaCommons is up and rolling, but we really need your help. One of our major benefactors is watching the planning site carefully, using it as a metric to gauge potential future interest and involvement in MediaCommons proper; for that reason, we want to demonstrate a robust level of participation now, as the site is coming into being.

There are several ways that you can get involved, ways that will not only benefit MediaCommons’s future funding, but also help shape the network itself, helping to make it into the most useful, productive platform possible:

— Join in discussions on the blog. We’re attempting to use these discussions as a means of measuring interest in particular issues with respect to the future of scholarly publishing in media studies. Disagree with us. Stake out positions we’ve overlooked. Steer us toward the questions that you want us to be asking.

— Submit proposals via our call for “papers.” And once proposals from other scholars are posted, review and discuss them. These “papers” will be the first projects developed and published by MediaCommons; we want your projects, and we want your input into the kinds of projects we should be taking on.

— Curate a video for In Media Res, and discuss the videos that others have curated. Once a week, a media scholar posts a video clip and a brief commentary on it, hoping to spark discussion of media texts that takes place almost as quickly as those texts appear. We’re hoping to develop, gradually, an archive of such clips that will remain available for scholarly use, and so we want this to remain a feature of MediaCommons once the full network is established.

We’ll also be looking for volunteers to join us as area editors, as more features come online. But for now — what kinds of features would you like to have available? What would be most useful to you as a scholar, as an instructor, as someone who cares about media? Please go to making MediaCommons and let us know.


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