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More on Electronic Scholarly Publishing

A bibliography-in-progress, bringing together resources and discussions on electronic scholarly publishing, as well as other links useful to particular issues in the ElectraPress project.


Bailey, Charles W., Jr. Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography. University of Houston Library. Last updated 9 December 2005.

Unsworth, John. An Overview of Electronic Scholarly Publishing. IATH: University of Virginia. 21 April 2001.

Electronic Publishing Projects

Create Change, supporting faculty and librarian action in scholarly communication.

Digital Humanities Quarterly, an open-access, peer-reviewed, digital journal covering all aspects of digital media in the humanities. Published by the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO).

Digital Library Federation, a consortium of libraries and related agencies that are pioneering the use of electronic information technologies to extend collections and services.

History E-Book Project, American Council of Learned Societies.

The Institute for the Future of the Book,

Journal of Electronic Publishing, University of Michigan Press.

NINES: A networked interface for nineteenth-century electronic scholarship.

The Nora Project.

Public Knowledge Project, University of British Columbia.

Scholarly Publishing Office, University of Michigan University Library.

The Stoa Consortium.


TK3, from Night Kitchen.

Open Journal Systems, from the Public Knowledge Project, University of British Columbia.

SOPHIE, in development, from the Institute for the Future of the Book.


Arnold, Kenneth. The Scholarly Monograph is Dead. Long Live the Scholarly Monograph. In Scholarly Publishing on the Electronic Networks: The New Generation: Visions and Opportunities in Not-for-Profit Publishing: Proceedings of the Second Symposium, ed. Ann Okerson, 73-79. Washington, DC: Office of Scientific and Academic Publishing, Association of Research Libraries, 1993.

Ball, Mary Alice. Libraries and university presses can collaborate to improve scholarly communication or “Why can’t we all just get along?”. First Monday 9.12 (December 2004).

Brown, John Seely, and Duguid, Paul. The Social Life of Documents. First Monday 1.1 (May 1996).

Cameron, Robert D. A Universal Citation Database as a Catalyst for Reform in Scholarly Communication. First Monday 2.4 (April 1997).

D’Arms, John H. The Electronic Monograph in the 21sts Century. American Council of Learned Societies (2000).

Davidson, Cathy N. Understanding the Economic Burden of Scholarly Publishing The Chronicle of Higher Education (3 October 2003).

Esposito, Joseph J. The devil you don’t know: The unexpected future of Open Access publishing. First Monday 9.8 (August 2004).

Esposito, Joseph J. The processed book. First Monday 8.3 (March 2003). Updated October 2005.

Hillesund, Terje. Will E-Books Save the World? First Monday 6.10 (October 2001).

Hobohm, Hans-Christoph. Changing the Galaxy: On the Transformation of a Printed Journal to the Internet. First Monday 2.11 (November 1997).

Hockey, Susan. Electronic Texts: The Promise and the Reality. American Council of Learned Societies Newsletter 4 (February 1997).

Kelty, Christopher M. Free Software/Free Science. First Monday 6.12 (December 2001).

Kennelly, Brian G. Caught in/on the Web: To Publish Without Perishing in the Digital Age. First Monday 5.8 (August 2000).

Odlyzko, Andrew. The Economics of Electronic Journals. First Monday 2.8 (August 1997).

Peters, Stuart. Presenting a Successful Electronic Journal Subscription Model. First Monday 5.9 (September 2001).

Roberts, Peter. Scholarly Publishing, Peer Review and the Internet. First Monday 4.4 (April 1999).

Smith, Elizabeth H. From genesis to revelation of an online resource: The North Carolina History and Fiction Digital Library. First Monday 10.8 (August 2005).

Unsworth, John. Electronic Scholarship, or, Scholarly Publishing and the Public. Paper delivered at MLA, December 1994. Republished on Internet, 1996.

Unsworth, John. The Importance of Failure. The Journal of Electronic Publishing 3.2 (December 1997).

Willinsky, John. Copyright Contradictions in Scholarly Publishing First Monday 7.11 (November 2002).

Willinsky, John. The unacknowledged convergence of open source, open access, and open science. First Monday 10.8 (August 2005).


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