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iSync and the Verizon CDMA RAZR V3c

Two posts this morning, the first of which makes the second one possible. Post the first:

Back in December, I think, when I first got my Verizon CDMA RAZR V3c, I found a discussion board post with information on how to edit iSync in order to link up with the phone via Bluetooth and synchronize contacts and calendars. This was made possible because Verizon had failed to do its usual job of disabling OBEX on the new phones. I followed the directions, set up my desktop computer to synchronize, and promptly got all my contacts and calendars linked up. But, for whatever reason, I never followed this by setting up my laptop to sync.

And, in the meantime, Apple released iSync 2.2, which theoretically enabled synchronizing with the V3c, but which in practice actually disabled what I was able to do before. So I did some tinkering this morning, and managed to get things working again.

I post this both for the benefit of anyone else trying to sync to a Verizon CDMA RAZR V3c, but also so that I can remember what I did in the event the next release of iSync re-disables actual synchronizing. I make no promises about this working, however; if you tinker around with this stuff, you do so at your own risk.

First off, this appears only to work with version 2 of the phone’s software. You can figure out which software version your phone uses by opening the menu and choosing Settings and Tools > System > Device Info > Other Information > S/W Version. The last two digits of the number shown represent your software version.

Next, if you’ve already paired your phone with your computer, open Bluetooth preferences and delete the phone’s profile from the device list. Then right-click (or ctrl-click) on iSync in the Finder, and select “Show Package Contents” from the pop-up menu. Navigate to Contents > PlugIns > ApplePhoneConduit.syncdevice > Contents > PlugIns > PhoneModelsSync.phoneplugin > Contents > Resources > MetaClasses.plist.


Okay. Open MetaClasses.plist in your favorite text editor and search for “razorV3c.” There are two entries in this file, one that’s labeled “com.motorola.razorV3c” and one that’s labeled “com.motorola.razorV3cVerizon.” Delete the entire entry for “com.motorola.razorV3cVerizon,” as follows:

				<string>"Motorola CE, Copyright 2004"+V3c</string>
				<string>"Motorola CE, Copyright 2000"+V3c</string>
				<string>Motorola CE, Copyright 2000+V3c</string>
					<string>RAZR V3c</string>

Next, look at the entry for “com.motorola.razorV3c” and delete the following from it:


Finally, edit the lines after “” to read:

				<string>Motorola CE, Copyright 2005+Motorola CDMA V3c Phone</string>
				<string>Motorola CE, Copyright 2000+Motorola CDMA V3c Phone</string>

Save the file and exit.

Make sure the Bluetooth is turned on on your phone. In the Devices tab of Bluetooth Preferences on your computer, click Set Up New Device, and then click “Find Me” on your phone. Follow the instructions on your computer screen, and your iSync connection should be set up automatically.


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