Gee, Time Warner, Thanks for Asking
I’ve just gotten the following email message from my friends at Time Warner Cable:
We’ve got a hard choice…
Roll Over or Get Tough?
No one likes paying more. You don’t. We don’t.
Yet, every time our contracts with TV program providers come up for renewal, that’s what we face.
Price increases. Big ones. Up to 300% more.
Sometimes we can avoid passing them on to you. Sometimes we can’t. Sometimes, a network will threaten to take your shows away if we don’t roll over.
Whenever that’s happened in the past, we’d make the best deal we could and hope that would be the end of it. But it never was. So no more.
The networks shouldn’t be in the driver’s seat on what you watch and how much you pay. You’re our customers, so help us decide what to do.
Let us know if you want us to Roll Over or Get Tough.
We’re just one company, but there are millions of you.
Together, we just might be able to make a difference in what America pays for its favorite entertainment.
So, in effect, you’re using the power of crowdsourcing to find out whether your customers would prefer to pay the same amount for less entertainment, or to pay more for the same amount. By intimating that we all need to form a united front to stick it to the network Man.
One might also consider that the same united front could conceivably used to tell one’s cable provider where they can stick not only their bogus referendum but also their ridiculously overpriced service.
We may be your customers, but if you think you’re in the driver’s seat on what we watch and how much we pay, you might consider that piece of mail I got last week telling me that Fios is coming to my neighborhood.
Is all I’m saying.
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