For the Blessings We Are About to Receive
Despite last year’s suspicion that this year’s Thanksgiving would be spent with my family, at the usual New Jersey Italian feast, things changed. My mother decided to stay in Louisiana; my sister decided to join her there. And the Navy decided that they really needed R. again, right through the holiday season. So I displayed adaptability and came to DC (or, more accurately, NoVa) for turkey day.
Alas, unlike last year’s London jaunt, this time out, I brought big stacks of work with me. The bulk of the work on the anthology project I’ve been embroiled in since the beginning of the summer is due December 1, and I’m within spitting distance of actually making the deadline, if I press really really hard in the home stretch. Unfortunately, pressing hard in the homestretch (and traveling to the ASA, and writing the paper that I delivered at the ASA) has meant, for the last few weeks, an utter slackitude toward my students’ work; I managed, just before I left town for the break, to get back the drafts of one class’s term papers, but only because I absolutely had to. I’ve still got a massive stack of writing from my other class, which I’m hoping that I might be able to read on the plane home.
The point I wanted to make in that paragraph was this: I’ve been working pretty close to non-stop during this break. Yesterday was lovely; we took it easy, did some work, and celebrated our thankfulness with a wonderful Korean dinner. The holiday’s officially over, however — R. had to go in to work today, and I’m about to get back at it myself. Six anthology entries and a big stack of student writing remain between me and a clear conscience. I hope that proper posting will resume imminently.
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