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an old warehouse at the start of demolition

So I’ve finally given in and drunk the kool-aid, and have uploaded my first photoset to flickr.[1] I’m not entirely sure why it took me this long, though it has something to do with the gallery feature of ExpressionEngine, which I was pretty committed to making work. And it’s a great feature, but flickr’s mighty compelling, so this is kind of an experiment to see which I like better.

This post is largely a test, to make sure that the API I’m using is working properly. In part, though, I’m also showing off a set of condo-related photos, documenting the demolition of the old city yard directly across the street from me, over the course of the spring semester. Construction is on the verge of beginning on phase 2 of my neighborhood, and the new village expansion is similarly beginning just down the street from me. The good news about this is that my pseudo-urban life is about to become a bit more convincing; the bad news is that the inconveniences of construction will be everywhere in evidence for the next year-plus.

  1. Update from 2024: that account and its photos are now gone, but the key image is above. ↩︎


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