BlogTalk Reloaded 1.2
Panel 1: Adolfo Estallela and Jan Schmidt
(tags: blogtalkreloaded)
adolfo estallela
“blogs, from communicative to connective artifacts”
cannot reduce blogs to texts; when we do, we miss some of their most interesting aspects
web 1.0 — social bounded settings: MUD, chat, newsgroup — interactions; public spaces, in which text and technology are detached; social interactions through text and images separated from technologies
social software — not just text and images; communication not separated from technology
what else is there beyond text and image? (social interactions in blogs)
— a blogger introduces a hyperlink to my blog
— my blog detects the link
— my blog sends me a notification
— the trackback mechanism generates a cross-link
the system generates the connection
blogs are more than text and images; they are a connecting infrastructure, too
a post is not just a piece of text, but also infrastructure; links created by system; conversations that take place through links — not just text
infrastructure does the work of establishing social interactions
jan schmidt
“social software: facilitating information-, identity- and relationship management”
what is social software? — change question to how do people use social software, and how do we study social software use?
social software is not new: chart of “the rise of citizen media”
analytical framework — uses of social software governed by rules, codes; result in relations
rules are generalizabel schemata for action (“social scripts”), guiding situational performance by providing shared expectations based on both previous actions and generalized knowledge
— adequacy rules — what format is suitable?
— procedural rules
relations can be hypertextual (links) or social (ties)
code allows or restricts certain actions, but is not fixed or stable or deterministic; actual use of social software is embedded in social practices
— production of technologies (how designers expect it to be used)
— appropriation of technologies (includingplayful or unwanted uses)
rules frame situative use
code facilitates situative use
relations are produced/maintained by situative use
but: relations are prerequisite for obtainment of gratification
questions: am I missing anything here? are there more structural dimensions? is there more to social software than info mgt, identity mgt, and relationship mgt? where does gender come into the picture?
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