Stephanie Gawroriski
Developer of SquirrelJME, an open source implementation of Java ME 8 (CLDC 8.0/MEEP/MIDP 3.0/J2ME).
Following (18)
meepingsnesroms Jane Doe |
makyo Madison Scott-Clary |
zadammac Zachary Adam-MacEwen |
kandyelmo Kandy |
rufflepaws Leah Abigail Sutter |
caelan Caelan Borowiec |
gingerbeardman Matt Sephton |
forst Foster 'Forst' Snowhill |
pandorasfox Cassandra Fox |
xssfox XSS Fox |
Followers (17)
icefoxx JAMIEvx |
rufflepaws Leah Abigail Sutter |
kode54 Christopher William Snowhill |
elsandosgrande Sandi (Sandy) Vujaković |
kandyelmo Kandy |
retroromper |
xerz Francisco Gómez |
sonic2k Ragnar Sonic2k |
meepingsnesroms Jane Doe |
gingerbeardman Matt Sephton |
Browse others (14)
demianbrener Demian Brener |
someone Someone |
joshuaadams Josh Adams |
kristoice Kristofer Á. |
amri AMRI |
patrickjaberg Patrick Jaberg |
sandromachado Sandro Machado |
vadimit84 Ibraev Vadim |
cybercatgurrl Chloe Stars |