Web developer. Crypto Enthusiast. Newly baptized student of the markets.
Following (14)
spacedrop Stellar Space Drop |
cpw Chris Patten-Walker |
kashta |
smurfette Shanette |
kemba The Plug |
alangray1980 Alan Shaheed Gray |
bigmarh Lamar Wilson |
jimmysong Jimmy Song |
maxkeiser Max Keiser |
laurashin Laura Shin |
Followers (5)
nappieluv01 |
kashta |
thea1961 Althea |
alangray1980 Alan Shaheed Gray |
kplawver Kevin Lawver |
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olgacdolek Olgaç Dölek |
henegan jacob henegan |
arkaitos Alex Wu |
dbhagen87 Daniel Hagen |
moises Moises |
jeromeparas Jerome Paras |
giuliozompetti Giulio Zompetti |
davewill2 David Williams |