Rodolphe Belouin
I am a developer, writing Javascript, Scala and Haskell. I play piano, and love jazz and gospel music.
Nantes, France
Followers (5)
cnivolle Clément Nivolle |
adericbourg Alban Dericbourg |
dsferruzza David Sferruzza |
jtanguy Julien Tanguy |
judu Julien Durillon |
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lucasreta_af Lucas Reta |
gwhicker Gary Whicker |
bripkens Ben Blackmore |
denolsbisi Adebisi Adenola |
orwen Ondrej Vesely |
cybette Carol Chen |
theycallmevirgo Joseph Stavitsky |
olshansky Daniel Olshansky |
demonslayer666 Tanjiro Kamado |