Consultant specializing in local-first software, web, p2p, mesh, vr, ar.
Working on decentralizing everything at https://software.mauve.moe/
Following (25)
micahscopes Micah |
vdmo vdmo |
dkastl Daniel Kastl |
wsbi Yuko |
edrex Eric Drechsel |
lidel Marcin Rataj |
dietrich Dietrich Ayala |
sammacbeth Sam Macbeth |
austinfrey Austin Frey |
gatewaybrowser Gateway Browser |
Followers (30)
micahscopes Micah |
macosta Martín Acosta |
neatonk Kevin Neaton |
tanyaro Tanja Rohlfs |
w4rl0ck3337 |
cparker15 Christopher Parker |
vdmo vdmo |
lab8916100448256 Lab 8916100448256 |
alexanderk Alexander Kulbartsch |
tatecarson |
Browse others (13)
cryptobzh Crypto.bzh |
krwaul krwaul from XCHFarm.de |
seangage_kj Sean Toha of the house of Gage |
lizabeth9nu7cr Lizabeth Crespin |
roadie195 casey |
bmastalski Bartosz Mastalski |
lizhu13899 Lizhu Chen |
dcundiff David Cundiff |
alextar24 Alex Tarzikhan |