I no longer use Keybase. It's a centralised, walled garden. And it's now been acquired by Zoom, meaning your data will be even more mined. The utility of this platform is basically sub-zero to me. I suggest you evaluate for yourself.
Following (66)
makoshark Benjamin Mako Hill |
karora Andrew McMillan |
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evgeni Evgeni Golov |
Followers (86)
wouterverhelst Wouter Verhelst |
noexpand Andre Dierker |
treuss Thomas Reuß |
lfaraone Luke Faraone |
tveastman Tom Eastman |
sheldrake Philip Sheldrake |
marcofranssen Marco Franssen |
makoshark Benjamin Mako Hill |
karora Andrew McMillan |
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pburkindine Pete Burkindine |
oyvinderaker Øyvind Barsnes Eraker |