Jason Petersen
Versatile programmer and polemicist living in the mountain west with a doctor wife, small child, and not-so-small dog.
Denver, CO
Following (24)
shanelin Shane Lin |
gbm G. Blake Meike |
jessie Jessie Frazelle |
glennf Glenn Fleishman |
craigkerstiens Craig Kerstiens |
lukasfittl Lukas Fittl |
bcrypt Yan |
zeynep Zeynep Tufekci |
jasonpeacock Jason Peacock |
asavage Alex Savage |
Followers (11)
jwalsh Jason Walsh |
faozlerig Pleshheeva Filofeya |
djhalon James Polanco |
gbm G. Blake Meike |
kevinelliott Kevin Elliott |
shanelin Shane Lin |
asavage Alex Savage |
lukasfittl Lukas Fittl |
bfd B.F. Dimmick |
jasonpeacock Jason Peacock |
Browse others (14)
spinningarrow Sahil |
pedh Ped Hasid |
curusarn Šimon Let |
sethgoldfarb Seth Goldfarb |
johnkeegan512 Jack Keegan |
dissimilate Harry Henley Smith |
fevarsotela Felipe Vargas Sotela |
equalitie eQualit.ie |