Eduardo Ortiz
Product Design. Currently at the U.S. Digital Service at the Department of Homeland Security
Following (11)
mikeyd Mikey Dickerson |
alex_gaynor Alex Gaynor |
mjw matthew j weaver |
joecrobak Joe Crobak |
ldchang Liyan David Chang |
kathytpham Kathy Pham |
victorgarcia Victor Garcia |
dnesting David M. Nesting |
jcmeloni Julie Meloni |
paultag Paul R. Tagliamonte |
Followers (13)
froi Froilán Irizarry Rivera |
ctp Chris Parker |
jcolman Jonathon Colman |
bogebzhotnobla Grishhuk Germogen |
getraf Rafael Elizalde |
brianjeremy Brian Jeremy Kupetz |
jameshome James Home |
tomberek Thomas Bereknyei |
victorgarcia Victor Garcia |
elliottsw |
Browse others (15)
gtougher Georgina Tougher |
radiomikenyc Michael Perazzetti |
pedrosena Pedro Sena |
jandah Chris Nelson |
cristiansalazar Cristian Salazar |
tycek Bartosz Samolej |
lyrehc Cheryl W |