Stephen Downes
Specialist in learning, media, technology, philosophy. I develop personal learning, open learning and education technology resources. I am an avid photographer and cyclist, and I enjoy travelling, camping and the outdoors.
Casselman, Ontario, Canada
Following (3)
chris Chris Coyne |
audreywatters Audrey Watters |
kenbauer Ken Bauer |
Followers (10)
cmadland Colin Madland |
thorprichard Thor Prichard |
larats Lara Lopes |
francson Francois Koffi |
creator13 Bond |
robert_best Robert Best |
empeiria Jörg Lohrer |
kgashok Ashok Bakthavathsalam |
carlesbellver Carles Bellver Torlà |
douglevin Doug Levin |
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shaharuk_yb Shaharuk Shaikh |
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ejyke Ejike |
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