Chris Gibson
Executive Director of FIRST - the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams. Previously CISO at Orwell Group (fintech), CISO at Close Brothers (Merchant Bank), before that the director of CERT-UK and prior to that director of e-crime at Citigroup.
London, United Kingdom
Following (8)
tsumicat Shawn Richardson |
pallor pete allor |
mandyq Mandy Queen |
jeanrobert Jean-Robert Hountomey |
runninggeek Vivian (Smith) Michaels |
drscholl Derrick Scholl |
0marg Omar Gani |
markstanhope Mark Stanhope |
Followers (21)
adulau Alexandre Dulaunoy |
vipergeek Dave Dugal |
terry109 Terry Claus |
pallor pete allor |
tsumicat Shawn Richardson |
jtkristoff John Kristoff |
pt_cfriacas Carlos Friaças |
jeroenh Jeroen van der Ham |
jeanrobert Jean-Robert Hountomey |
jennd Jennifer Davis |
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torgeirnatvig Torgeir Natvig |
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