The best place to find me is the @BitSharesDEV group on Telegram. My Telegram handle is @abitmore. I don't check Keybase frequently at the moment.
Following (7)
xeroc Fabian Schuh |
kencode kenCode at Agorise |
taconator |
tamami_sugimoto Tamami Sugimoto |
pconrad |
oxarbitrage Alfredo |
ryanrfox Ryan R. Fox |
Followers (19)
victorxiper victor |
jbahai Jonathan Baha'i |
rycc230 Ryszard Budka |
seablue Sea Blue |
cassyo cass |
jgaltman Thomas Freedman |
liondani Daniel Schwarz |
mini EOS Argentina |
clockworkgr Alex Megalokonomos |
mattbeckman Matt Beckman |
Browse others (14)
solex1 Andrew Clifford |
roxanegilson Roxane GILSON |
psureshk Praveen chander Sureshkumar |
anriheoaeriok ewa janczak |
kike92 jesus marquez |
onlywedd anna sedano |
gazzeh nadagazzeh |
turankaramuk Turan Karamuk |
pedroaguilar Pedro Aguilar |
fzaninotto François Zaninotto |