AMA - How Do I Cope With Everything

17 Nov 2024 | ~2 minute read

This is the second AMA post I've written. I'm currently sat on a flight to Florida, so I'm wading through these to help quell the boredom.

Anyway, Marco on Fosstodon asked this one; hopefully it will be a bit more positive than the last one. He asked:

How do you cope with wife, kids, animals, hobbies, Fosstodon, watches and all other things?

Marco is right, there's a lot of things that we manage. Here's an incomplete list off the top of my head:

I think the first thing to call out here is that most of this I don't do alone. I don't "manage" my wife (she actually manages me, usually). She supports me. We're a partnership and share this list out between us, among everything else that's needed in the household too.

She couldn't do it without me, and I certainly couldn't do it without her.

But that still doesn't leave much in terms of spare time, and that's fine. I like being busy, but honestly, when I hear people say they don't have time to do something, I usually call bullshit on that. For most people there's always time that you can find somewhere.

So anyway, we manage it all by working together. This allows us to get a tonne of shit done, but still have time for ourselves, and every now and then, time for each other.

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