Password Safe

KeePass 2.54 released

Screenshot KeePass 2.54 has been released today!

You can get it here: Download KeePass 2.54.

This is a stable release. It is recommended to upgrade from any previous 2.x version to 2.54.

KeePass 2.54 mainly features user interface and integration enhancements, and various other minor new features and improvements.

Hashes and signatures for integrity checking are available, and program binaries are digitally signed (Authenticode). New translations are available, too.

For a comparison of the current KeePass 1.41 and 2.54, see: Editions Comparison.

If you like KeePass, please don't forget to donate.

" + "Windows SmartScreen Warning. " + "The warning can be ignored. For details, see the " + "FAQ. " + "KeePass does not contain any malware; here are reports " + "by more than 60 anti-virus programs: " + "VirusTotal Scan, " + "Jotti Scan." + ""); } // ]]>

Certain feature items are now saved to the
enforced configuration file. If you are using one or more of the following features and are upgrading to KeePass 2.54 using an installer (setup EXE or MSI), please note:
  • Triggers:
    If your triggers were not stored in the enforced configuration file up to now, KeePass 2.54 disables the trigger system. If you want to continue using your triggers, open the 'Triggers' dialog (via the main menu item 'Tools' → 'Triggers'), activate the 'Enable trigger system' option, check all triggers (with regard to security, privacy, functionality, compatibility, etc.) and click the 'OK' button.
  • Global URL overrides:
    If your global URL overrides were not stored in the enforced configuration file up to now, KeePass 2.54 disables them (individually; therefore, it is recommended that you remember the overrides that you have enabled before upgrading to KeePass 2.54, e.g. by taking a screenshot). If you want to continue using your overrides, open the 'URL Overrides' dialog (via the main menu item 'Tools' → 'Options' → tab 'Integration' → button 'URL Overrides'), check all desired overrides (with regard to security, privacy, functionality, compatibility, etc.), enable them and click the 'OK' button.
  • Password generator profiles:
    If your password generator profiles were not stored in the enforced configuration file up to now, KeePass 2.54 disables them. If you want to continue using your profiles, open the 'Password Generator' dialog (via the main menu item 'Tools' → 'Generate Password'), click the shield button (top right) and check all profiles (with regard to security, privacy, functionality, compatibility, etc.).

If you are using the portable ZIP package, KeePass 2.54 tries to migrate triggers, URL overrides and password generator profiles automatically.

If you were using an enforced configuration file that allows mixing enforced items with non-enforced items, the non-enforced items may be overwritten, because the default content mode of some elements has changed. In this special scenario, it is recommended to migrate the local/global items to the enforced configuration file manually (using an XML/text editor) before starting KeePass 2.54.

When starting KeePass 2.54 for the first time, it checks whether there is an enforced configuration file containing one of the elements whose default content mode has changed. If so, a backup of your local/global configuration file is created in your temporary folder ('%TEMP%', usually 'C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp'; file name 'KeePass_DATE_TIME.config.xml'). After the migration steps above, you can delete the backup file, if you wish, or the operating system will delete it sometime. If you want to keep the backup file, move it to a different folder.

Changes from 2.53.1 to 2.54:

New Features:

  • Triggers, global URL overrides, password generator profiles and a few more settings are now stored in the enforced configuration file.
  • Added dialog 'Enforce Options (All Users)' (menu 'Tools' → 'Advanced Tools' → 'Enforce Options'), which facilitates storing certain options in the enforced configuration file.
  • Export confirmation dialog banners now have a yellow-orange background.
  • In export confirmation dialogs, the text of the 'OK' button is now changed to 'Confirm Export'.
  • In report dialogs, passwords (and other sensitive data) are now hidden using asterisks by default (if hiding is activated in the main window); the hiding can be toggled using the new '***' button in the toolbar.
  • The 'Print' command in most report dialogs now requires the 'Print' application policy flag, and the master key must be entered if the 'Print - No Key Repeat' application policy flag is deactivated.
  • The 'Export' command in most report dialogs now requires the 'Export' application policy flag, and the master key must be entered.
  • Single line edit dialogs now support hiding the value using asterisks.
  • On Unix-like systems, commands that require elevation now have a shield icon (like on Windows).
  • TrlUtil: added 'Move Selected Unused Text to Dialog Control' command.


  • Improved process memory protection of secure edit controls.
  • The content mode of the configuration elements '/Configuration/Application/TriggerSystem', '/Configuration/Integration/UrlSchemeOverrides' and '/Configuration/PasswordGenerator/UserProfiles' is now 'Replace' by default.
  • The built-in override for the 'ssh' URI scheme is now deactivated by default (it can be activated in the 'URL Overrides' dialog).
  • When opening the password generator dialog without a derived profile, the '(Automatically generated passwords for new entries)' profile is now selected by default, if profiles are enabled (otherwise the default profile is used).
  • Improved UI update performance in the password generator dialog.
  • Improved and renamed dialog banner styles.
  • The separator line of light dialog banners is gray now.
  • Improved serialization/deserialization of custom configuration settings (used by plugins).
  • Improved reporting of unknown database header fields.
  • On Unix-like systems, the clipboard workarounds are now disabled by default (they are not needed anymore on most systems).
  • Improved clipboard clearing on Unix-like systems.
  • Improved starting of an elevated process on Unix-like systems.
  • TrlUtil: improved keyboard shortcut assignment and toolbar construction.
  • Installer: the desktop shortcut is now created for all users (if the option 'Create a desktop shortcut' is activated).
  • Installer: removed the Quick Launch shortcut option.
  • Upgraded installer.
  • Various UI text improvements.
  • Various code optimizations.
  • Minor other improvements.


  • In report dialogs, the 'Print' and 'Export' commands now always use the actual data (in previous versions, asterisks were printed/exported when the application policy flag 'Unhide Passwords' was turned off).
  • The icon of the custom algorithm options button in the password generator dialog is not cut off anymore.