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Kdenlive Café in December
The next Kdenlive Café will be on the 3rd of December at 8 PM UTC. Come chat with the team! Join us at:
Kdenlive 24.08.3 released
The last maintenance release of the 24.08 series is out. We fixed some issues, so project opening should be working again. Fix crash caused by incorrect codec passed on opening subtitle. Commit. Fixes bug #495410. Fix shadowed variable causing incorrect clip...
Kdenlive 24.08.2 released
Kdenlive 24.08.2 is out with many fixes to a wide range of bugs and regressions. Fix title producer update on edit undo. Commit. Fixes bug #494142. Fix typo in dance.xml. Commit. Fix single item(s) move. Commit. Fix cycle effects playling timeline and sometimes broken...