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つるばみ Tsurubami

by つるばみ Tsurubami

  • Compact Disc (CD) + Digital Album

    Pin-up sleeve (JIS B5 : 182mm × 257mm), Limited 50 numbered.

    Includes unlimited streaming of つるばみ Tsurubami via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.
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    7 remaining
    Purchasable with gift card

      $10 USD or more 


  • Streaming + Download

    Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Purchasable with gift card
    Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.

      $8 USD  or more




This is Tsurubami’s 1st cassette in 1995 (limited edition of 20).

Tsurubami was formed in 1994.

The three of us ? me, Higashi and a female drummer called Nobuko Emi are like three bloodbrothers whose destinies have been bound together from a previous existence. This bond between us later developed into the “Soul Collective” ideal of AMT. The three of us have been given a huge mission in life and as a result we’re like waves that come and go, tides that ebb and flow.
As long as we three have life on this planet the group will continue to exist. Here’s a summary of our mission: According to the theory of Inyo Gogyo, everything that exists in the world can be expressed by Yin and Yang, the two principles. (even computers work in this way). Everything is created from Yin and Yang, and the interactions of the Five Elements - wood, fire, earth, metal, water. The workings of the universe can be understood through a knowledge of the Two Principles and Five Elements. The form of everything on Earth and in the heavens is created by Yin and Yang, while the workings of the world occur through the Five Elements. If we take it that sound is one particle of time, then the energy of sound flows from the deepest past into the far future. And that also suggests that the purpose of ritual and prayer is to recreate the energy that existed at the beginning of the cosmos. Rituals and prayer function to reawaken that which existed at the beginning, to open the doors of this world, and to make that energy flow once more. Through the holy sound of Ohm, can we glimpse the eternal, escape the constraints of time (past, present, and future), and come to meet the Buddha?
For us, Tsurubami is a place of eternal spiritual training, a place where everything must be laid bare. This band itself is the last and greatest stronghold of group existence. I see it as a place where we can experiment with a form of improvised playing based on paranormal communication which has existed since the time of the troubadours.

Tsurubami has taken a hiatus since the end of 2009.


released November 5, 2021

1. 至福千年王国 Shifuku Sennen Okoku
2. 天侠の徒 Tenkyo No To
3. 流れ Nagare

Tsurubami :
Kawabata Makoto : guitar
Higashi Hiroshi : bass
Emi Nobuko : drums

music by Tsurubami
recorded at Studio Soybean (Nagoya) 12th December 1994
produced, engineered and mixed by Kawabata Makoto


all rights reserved



Kawabata Makoto Japan

Guitarist and multi-instrumentalist. Leader of Acid Mothers Temple.
While he's best known for his earsplitting, guitar heroics with AMT, he's also the founder of his own school of ecstatic guitar drone using bowing and glissando techniques.
His first started releasing works for electronics and homemade instruments in 1978. Since then his activities have been almost too wideranging to grasp:
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