Software 2.0I sometimes see people refer to neural networks as just âanother tool in your machine learning toolboxâ. They have some pros and cons, theyâ¦Nov 11, 2017173Nov 11, 2017173
AlphaGo, in contextUpdate Oct 18, 2017: AlphaGo Zero was announced. This post refers to the previous version. 95% of it still applies.May 31, 201718May 31, 201718
ICML accepted papers institution statsThe accepted papers at ICML have been published. ICML is a top Machine Learning conference, and one of the most relevant to Deep Learningâ¦May 24, 20177May 24, 20177
A Peek at Trends in Machine LearningHave you looked at Google Trends? Itâs pretty cool â you enter some keywords and see how Google Searches of that term vary through time. Iâ¦Apr 7, 201710Apr 7, 201710
ICLR 2017 vs arxiv-sanityI thought it would be fun to cross-reference the ICLR 2017 (a popular Deep Learning conference) decisions (which fall into 4 categoriesâ¦Mar 14, 20178Mar 14, 20178
Virtual Reality: still not quite there, again.The first time I tried out Virtual Reality was a while ago â somewhere in the late 1990's. I was quite young so my memory is a bit hazyâ¦Jan 17, 201718Jan 17, 201718
Yes you should understand backpropWhen we offered CS231n (Deep Learning class) at Stanford, we intentionally designed the programming assignments to include explicitâ¦Dec 19, 201648Dec 19, 201648
CS183c Assignment #3The last few weeks we heard from several excellent guests, including Selina Tobaccowala from Survey Monkey, Patrick Collison from Stripeâ¦Nov 15, 20153Nov 15, 20153