International journal of Science Culture and Sport, 2014
KOBĠ'ler, Türkiye'de faaliyet gösteren firmaların %99,90'nı oluĢturmaktadır. Ayrıca istihdamdaki ... more KOBĠ'ler, Türkiye'de faaliyet gösteren firmaların %99,90'nı oluĢturmaktadır. Ayrıca istihdamdaki payı, yatırımlardaki payı, toplam katma değerdeki payı ve ihracattaki payı ile KOBĠ'ler, ülke ekonomisi için önemli bir aktör haline gelmiĢtir. Buna karĢın KOBĠ'lerin toplam kredilerdeki payı ise geliĢmiĢ ülkelere göre daha düĢük düzeyde gerçekleĢmiĢtir. Türk Bankacılık sektörüne yabancıların girmesi ile artan rekabetle KOBĠ'lere dönük kredi ve ürün çeĢitliliğinde artıĢ ile bankaların KOBĠ'lere ilgisi artmaya baĢlamıĢtır. ĠSO yaptırılan 2013 yılı ekonomik durum tespit araĢtırmasına göre; iĢletmelerin %47,9'nun finansman sıkıntısı çektiği tespit edilmiĢtir. Bu kapsamda 2013 yılı sonu itibariyle KOBĠ'lerin bankalardan kullandıkları kredi payı %25,9 oranında gerçekleĢmiĢtir. Bu iki sonuç, iĢletmelerde özellikle KOBĠ'lerde finansman konusunun hala önemli bir sorun olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır.
The aim of this study is to measure the market and financial performance of the paper industry fi... more The aim of this study is to measure the market and financial performance of the paper industry firms listed in Borsa Istanbul by adopting (Multi attribute utility theory) MAUT which is one of the most widely used Multi criterion Decision-Making (MCDM) Methods. The performance of the firms are assessed for the period between 2011 and 2013. The weights of evaluation criteria are determined by applying Entropy, which is an objective weighting method. In the analysis, the firms are ranked by integrating Entropy based MAUT method. According to the analysis results, Kartonsan has the highest performance rate for all the years, whereas Viking has shown the poorest performance except for the year 2011. During the period, Mondi and Olmuksan which are acquired by foreign investors has shown relatively stable performance, however the performance rate of Kaplamin is unstable. The only firm that has a rising performance trend during the period is Alkim. On the other hand the sample is also analy...
Real Estate Investment Trusts are financial intermediaries which facilitate the provision of fina... more Real Estate Investment Trusts are financial intermediaries which facilitate the provision of finance for real estate properties and thus play a key role in the development of the real estate market. An accredited assessment of financial performance is more vital today as there is increasing competition which poses a risk to maintaining the market share of companies. Therefore, the valuation of companies in terms of liquidity, profitability, turnover and capital structure help managers to take the necessary measures and thus contribute to the soundness of the companies. In this study, a financial analysis of REITs between 2011Q1-2014Q3 within the financial market in Turkey was measured using Entropy based TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to An Ideal Solution) which is a widely-used Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) method. According to the empirical results, for all the periods, Avrasya, Akmerkez, Sinpaş, Kiler and İş were found to be the most efficient REITs respectively, whereas, İdealist, Atakule, Alarko, Nurol and Vakıf demonstrated the worst financial performances throughout the whole period.
International journal of Science Culture and Sport, 2014
KOBĠ'ler, Türkiye'de faaliyet gösteren firmaların %99,90'nı oluĢturmaktadır. Ayrıca istihdamdaki ... more KOBĠ'ler, Türkiye'de faaliyet gösteren firmaların %99,90'nı oluĢturmaktadır. Ayrıca istihdamdaki payı, yatırımlardaki payı, toplam katma değerdeki payı ve ihracattaki payı ile KOBĠ'ler, ülke ekonomisi için önemli bir aktör haline gelmiĢtir. Buna karĢın KOBĠ'lerin toplam kredilerdeki payı ise geliĢmiĢ ülkelere göre daha düĢük düzeyde gerçekleĢmiĢtir. Türk Bankacılık sektörüne yabancıların girmesi ile artan rekabetle KOBĠ'lere dönük kredi ve ürün çeĢitliliğinde artıĢ ile bankaların KOBĠ'lere ilgisi artmaya baĢlamıĢtır. ĠSO yaptırılan 2013 yılı ekonomik durum tespit araĢtırmasına göre; iĢletmelerin %47,9'nun finansman sıkıntısı çektiği tespit edilmiĢtir. Bu kapsamda 2013 yılı sonu itibariyle KOBĠ'lerin bankalardan kullandıkları kredi payı %25,9 oranında gerçekleĢmiĢtir. Bu iki sonuç, iĢletmelerde özellikle KOBĠ'lerde finansman konusunun hala önemli bir sorun olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır.
The aim of this study is to measure the market and financial performance of the paper industry fi... more The aim of this study is to measure the market and financial performance of the paper industry firms listed in Borsa Istanbul by adopting (Multi attribute utility theory) MAUT which is one of the most widely used Multi criterion Decision-Making (MCDM) Methods. The performance of the firms are assessed for the period between 2011 and 2013. The weights of evaluation criteria are determined by applying Entropy, which is an objective weighting method. In the analysis, the firms are ranked by integrating Entropy based MAUT method. According to the analysis results, Kartonsan has the highest performance rate for all the years, whereas Viking has shown the poorest performance except for the year 2011. During the period, Mondi and Olmuksan which are acquired by foreign investors has shown relatively stable performance, however the performance rate of Kaplamin is unstable. The only firm that has a rising performance trend during the period is Alkim. On the other hand the sample is also analy...
Real Estate Investment Trusts are financial intermediaries which facilitate the provision of fina... more Real Estate Investment Trusts are financial intermediaries which facilitate the provision of finance for real estate properties and thus play a key role in the development of the real estate market. An accredited assessment of financial performance is more vital today as there is increasing competition which poses a risk to maintaining the market share of companies. Therefore, the valuation of companies in terms of liquidity, profitability, turnover and capital structure help managers to take the necessary measures and thus contribute to the soundness of the companies. In this study, a financial analysis of REITs between 2011Q1-2014Q3 within the financial market in Turkey was measured using Entropy based TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to An Ideal Solution) which is a widely-used Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) method. According to the empirical results, for all the periods, Avrasya, Akmerkez, Sinpaş, Kiler and İş were found to be the most efficient REITs respectively, whereas, İdealist, Atakule, Alarko, Nurol and Vakıf demonstrated the worst financial performances throughout the whole period.
Papers by Mehmet Apan