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Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis (PFIC) is a chronic condition that begin in childhood and leads to cir-rhosis and liver failure in the first years of life. It can be difficult to distinguish from other forms of cholestatic... more
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      CancerCancer Biology
j Summary Background Vitamin B 12 deficiency in infancy may cause failure to thrive, severe neurological disorders and megaloblastic pancytopenia. It is well known that infants born with deficient vitamin B 12 storage have increased the... more
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      PhysiologyNutrition and DieteticsNutritionResearch Methodology
Background: Atherogenic process is accelerated with cigarette smoke that contains many oxidants and prooxidants, capable of producing free radical and enhancing the oxidative stress. We investigated oxidative and antioxidative status of... more
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      CardiologyOxidative StressAdolescentFree Radical
Severe hypoglycaemia requiring more than 20 mg/kg per minute glucose infusion was seen in a premature infant. The infant was born to a woman with active tuberculosis, and she was on prophylactic isoniazid. Discontinuation of isoniazid... more
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      Treatment OutcomeTuberculosisHypoglycemiaNewborn Infant
The prevalence of asthma and allergic diseases has been reported to be higher in urban than in rural areas between developed and underdeveloped countries and within any given country. Studies in Turkey have yielded different results for... more
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Bartter sendromunun karakteristik bulgulari olan hipokalemi, hipokloremi ve metabolik alkaloz ile beraber plazma renin ve aldosteron düzeylerinde yükseklik Gitelman sendromu, diabetes insipitus ve kistik fibrozisinde içinde yer aldiği bir... more
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      Cystic FibrosisDiabetes Insipidus