A very common reason is a wrong site baseUrl configuration.\n

Current configured baseUrl = / (default value)\n

We suggest trying baseUrl = \n\n',document.body.prepend(n);var e=document.getElementById("__docusaurus-base-url-issue-banner-suggestion-container"),s=window.location.pathname,o="/"===s.substr(-1)?s:s+"/";e.innerHTML=o}document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",(function(){void 0===window.docusaurus&&insertBanner()}))

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Lightweight Kubernetes

The certified Kubernetes distribution built for IoT & Edge computing

This won't take long…

curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io | sh - 
# Check for Ready node, takes ~30 seconds
sudo k3s kubectl get node

For detailed installation, refer to the docs

Great For


Why Use K3s

Perfect for Edge

K3s is a highly available, certified Kubernetes distribution designed for production workloads in unattended, resource-constrained, remote locations or inside IoT appliances.

Simplified & Secure

K3s is packaged as a single <70MB binary that reduces the dependencies and steps needed to install, run and auto-update a production Kubernetes cluster.

Optimized for ARM

Both ARM64 and ARMv7 are supported with binaries and multiarch images available for both. K3s works great on something as small as a Raspberry Pi to an AWS a1.4xlarge 32GiB server.

How it Works

{{ .Site.Title }}

The above figure shows the difference between K3s server and K3s agent nodes. For more information, see the architecture documentation.

Get Started

1. Download K3s - latest release: x86_64, ARMv7, and ARM64 are supported
2. Run server
sudo k3s server &
# Kubeconfig is written to /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml
sudo k3s kubectl get node

# On a different node run the below command.
# NODE_TOKEN comes from /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/node-token on your server
sudo k3s agent --server https://myserver:6443 --token ${NODE_TOKEN}

Learn More

Read the latest SUSE Rancher blog on K3s.


Sign up for the latest "K3s Basics" Online Training.

Watch Training

Originally developed by

K3s is a CNCF Sandbox Project