Just a Theory

By David E. Wheeler

POC: Distributing Trunk Binaries via OCI

A couple months ago, Álvaro Hernández suggested that Postgres extensions should be distributed as OCI (née Docker) images:

It’s all about not reinventing the wheel, and leveraging the ecosystem around OCI. Many of the problems (solutions) in building, packaging and distributing extensions are already solved by OCI: there’s a whole ecosystem of tools around OCI that provide additional benefits in terms of tooling, infrastructure and common knowledge.

As a relatively experienced Docker image builder and distributor, I found this idea intriguing. I wasn’t familiar with the OCI Image Manifest Specification, which defines how to build OCI images containing arbitrary files, or “artifacts”. But if we could adopt an existing protocol and federated registry system like OCI/Docker, it would save pretty significant development time over building our own — plus we’d be adopting and potentially contributing to a standard.

After PGConf.dev, I decided to see if I could work out how to distribute packages in the recently-proposed trunk format such that an OCI/Docker-style image URL could be used to install a version of an extension compiled for the appropriate architecture.

Thanks to the denizens of the #oras and #zot channels on the CNCF Slack, I extended the trunk format POC in pg-semver PR 69 to build the necessary JSON manifest files, push them to a registry, and then pull and install the architecturally-appropriate package. Here’s how it works.

Metadata generation

First, I extended trunk.mk, which builds a trunk package, with a few more targets that create the JSON files with metadata necessary to build OCI manifests. The files that make trunk now also generates are:

OCI standard annotations describing a package, including license, vendor, and URLs. The semver_annotations.json file looks like this:
  "org.opencontainers.image.created": "2024-06-20T18:07:24Z",
  "org.opencontainers.image.licenses": "PostgreSQL",
  "org.opencontainers.image.title": "semver",
  "org.opencontainers.image.description": "A Postgres data type for the Semantic Version format with support for btree and hash indexing.",
  "org.opencontainers.image.source": "https://github.com/theory/pg-semver",
  "org.opencontainers.image.vendor": "PGXN",
  "org.opencontainers.image.ref.name": "0.32.1",
  "org.opencontainers.image.version": "0.32.1",
  "org.opencontainers.image.url": "https://github.com/theory/pg-semver"
An object with fields appropriate for OCI platform specification, plus the creation date. Here are the content of semver-0.32.1+pg16-darwin-23.5.0-arm64_config.json:
  "os": "darwin",
  "os.version": "23.5.0",
  "architecture": "arm64",
  "created": "2024-06-20T18:07:24Z"
An object defining annotations to use in an image, built for a specific platform, all under the special key $manifest to be used later by the ORAS CLI to put them in the right place. semver-0.32.1+pg16-darwin-23.5.0-arm64_annotations.json example:
  "$manifest": {
    "org.opencontainers.image.created": "2024-06-20T18:07:24Z",
    "org.opencontainers.image.title": "semver-0.32.1+pg16-darwin-23.5.0-arm64.trunk",
    "org.opencontainers.image.licenses": "PostgreSQL",
    "org.opencontainers.image.description": "A Postgres data type for the Semantic Version format with support for btree and hash indexing.",
    "org.opencontainers.image.source": "https://github.com/theory/pg-semver",
    "org.opencontainers.image.vendor": "PGXN",
    "org.opencontainers.image.ref.name": "0.32.1",
    "org.opencontainers.image.version": "0.32.1",
    "org.opencontainers.image.url": "https://github.com/theory/pg-semver",
    "org.pgxn.trunk.pg.version": "16.3",
    "org.pgxn.trunk.pg.major": "16",
    "org.pgxn.trunk.pg.version_num": "160003",
    "org.pgxn.trunk.version": "0.1.0"

The org.opencontainers.image keys are the same as in semver_annotations.json, while the new org.pgxn.trunk annotations are intended for an install client to find the image appropriate for the version of Postgres, although that functionality isn’t part of this POC.

The only change to the Makefile to support these annotations are the addition of a DESCRIPTION variable to populate org.opencontainers.image.description and a REPO_URL to populate org.opencontainers.image.source. trunk.mk includes a couple other new variables, too: TITLE (defaults to EXTENSION), VENDOR (defaults to “PGXN”), and URL (defaults to REPO-URL).

Publishing Images

The new shell script push_trunk uses the ORAS CLI and jq to build the necessary manifest files and push them to an OCI registry. It currently works only two trunk files like those built in the trunk POC. It first “pushes” the trunks to a locally-created OCI layout, then constructs manifests associated the SHA ID of each just-pushed image with annotations and platform configurations and writes them into an image index manifest. Finally, it pushes the complete OCI layout described by the index to a remote registry.

If that sounds like a lot of steps, you’re right, it adds up. But the result, following a precedent established by Homebrew (as described in this issue) is multiple images for different platforms indexed at a single URI. Once we publish the two trunks:

./push_trunk localhost:5000/theory/semver:0-32.1 \
    semver-0.32.1+pg16-darwin-23.5.0-arm64 \

We can fetch the manifests. The address for the image index is that first parameter, localhost:5000/theory/semver:0-32.1; we fetch the manifest with the command

oras manifest fetch localhost:5000/theory/semver:0-32.1

Which returns:

  "schemaVersion": 2,
  "mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json",
  "manifests": [
      "mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json",
      "size": 1285,
      "digest": "sha256:1a14997eb380f9641cba6193c001eb630319f345d76ef07aee37f86fafcdbe0b",
      "platform": {
        "os": "linux",
        "architecture": "amd64"
      "annotations": {
        "org.pgxn.trunk.pg.version": "16.3",
        "org.pgxn.trunk.pg.major": "16",
        "org.pgxn.trunk.pg.version_num": "160003",
        "org.pgxn.trunk.version": "0.1.0"
      "mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json",
      "size": 1302,
      "digest": "sha256:385fcfe6b33c858c3f126fb4284afe23ba8c2f7c32db8a50a607dfece6dd9162",
      "platform": {
        "os": "darwin",
        "os.version": "23.5.0",
        "architecture": "arm64"
      "annotations": {
        "org.pgxn.trunk.pg.version": "16.3",
        "org.pgxn.trunk.pg.major": "16",
        "org.pgxn.trunk.pg.version_num": "160003",
        "org.pgxn.trunk.version": "0.1.0"
  "annotations": {
    "org.opencontainers.image.created": "2024-06-21T13:55:01Z",
    "org.opencontainers.image.licenses": "PostgreSQL",
    "org.opencontainers.image.title": "semver",
    "org.opencontainers.image.description": "A Postgres data type for the Semantic Version format with support for btree and hash indexing.",
    "org.opencontainers.image.source": "https://github.com/theory/pg-semver",
    "org.opencontainers.image.vendor": "PGXN",
    "org.opencontainers.image.ref.name": "0.32.1",
    "org.opencontainers.image.version": "0.32.1",
    "org.opencontainers.image.url": "https://github.com/theory/pg-semver"

Note the manifests array, which lists images associated with this URI. The first one is for amd64 linux and the second for arm64 darwin. They also contain the org.pgxn.trunk annotations that would allow filtering for an appropriate Postgres version. The idea is to download an index like this, find the manifest information for the appropriate platform and Postgres version, and download it. To get the darwin image, pull it by its digest:

oras pull localhost:5000/theory/semver:0-32.1@sha256:385fcfe6b33c858c3f126fb4284afe23ba8c2f7c32db8a50a607dfece6dd9162

Which downloads the file:

$ ls -l *.trunk

Nice! The OCI protocol allows for filtering on platform directly, skipping the need to download and examine the image index. This is how docker pull --platform works, but is general to OCI. We can fetch a manifest with this command:

oras manifest fetch --platform linux/amd64 localhost:5000/theory/semver:0-32.1

Which returns not the image index, but the manifest for the Linux image:

  "schemaVersion": 2,
  "mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json",
  "artifactType": "application/vnd.pgxn.trunk.layer.v1",
  "config": {
    "mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.config.v1+json",
    "digest": "sha256:90c8d6f2e67cba09f8178648ad95a6b31e51c0d902058bf396f9e7e5f50c8dfd",
    "size": 84
  "layers": [
      "mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.layer.v1.tar+gzip",
      "digest": "sha256:b52b292cabe3ca479673ab68d3ea647802a86f15059c3e19ed24d5a7688159c3",
      "size": 61983,
      "annotations": {
        "org.opencontainers.image.title": "semver-0.32.1+pg16-linux-amd64.trunk"
  "annotations": {
    "org.opencontainers.image.created": "2024-06-21T17:55:13Z",
    "org.opencontainers.image.description": "A Postgres data type for the Semantic Version format with support for btree and hash indexing.",
    "org.opencontainers.image.licenses": "PostgreSQL",
    "org.opencontainers.image.ref.name": "0.32.1",
    "org.opencontainers.image.source": "https://github.com/theory/pg-semver",
    "org.opencontainers.image.title": "semver-0.32.1+pg16-linux-amd64.trunk",
    "org.opencontainers.image.url": "https://github.com/theory/pg-semver",
    "org.opencontainers.image.vendor": "PGXN",
    "org.opencontainers.image.version": "0.32.1",
    "org.pgxn.trunk.pg.major": "16",
    "org.pgxn.trunk.pg.version": "16.3",
    "org.pgxn.trunk.pg.version_num": "160003",
    "org.pgxn.trunk.version": "0.1.0"

Or we can pull the file by platform with:

rm *.trunk
oras pull --platform linux/amd64 localhost:5000/theory/semver:0-32.1

And now the Linux image has been downloaded:

$ ls -1 *.trunk

Pretty nice! These examples use zot running in a local Docker container, but could just as easily use the Docker registry (docker.io) or the GitHub registry (ghcr.io) — which is where Homebrew stores its images (e.g., sqlite 3.46.0).


With these manifests configured and pushed, changes to install_trunk use this knowledge to download from the registry instead of relying on an existing file (as implemented for the trunk POC). Now we call it like so:

./install_trunk localhost:5000/theory/semver:0-32.1

First, it assembles platform information from uname, then pulls the platform-specific image with this oras command:

oras pull --no-tty --plain-http \
     --format 'go-template={{(first .files).path}}' 
     --platform "$platform" "$trunk"

As before, it downloads the image appropriate for the platform. The --format option, meanwhile, causes it to also download annotations and extract the path for the downloaded file. So in addition to downloading the file, it also emits its full path:


the script proceeds to unpack the image with that file name and continues with the installation process as before.


The last new file in the PR is docker_compose.yml, which sets up an amd64 Linux container for building an extension for Postgres 16, and a zot container to push to and pull from. I used it to build this POC and record this demo:

To use it yourself, run these commands with docker_compose.yml:

git clone https://github.com/theory/pg-semver.git
cd pg-semver
git checkout -b trunk-oci origin/trunk-oci
docker compose up -d

This clones the pg-semver repository, checks out the trunk-oci branch, fires up the containers. Wait a couple minutes for Postgres to start and be configured, then, assuming you can build against Postgres 16 on your local machine, you can follow the same steps. The commands in the demo are:

make trunk
docker compose exec linux bash
make clean
make trunk
ls -1 *.trunk
ls -1 *.json
./push_trunk localhost:5000/theory/semver:0.32.1 \
    semver-0.32.1+pg16-darwin-23.5.0-arm64 \
./install_trunk localhost:5000/theory/semver:0.32.1
docker compose exec linux bash
./install_trunk zot:5000/theory/semver:0.32.1

You might need to adjust the first trunk image name if your local configuration is not the same as mine.

Concept Proven

Honestly, this POC far exceeded my expectations. It worked great! Not only does the trunk format seem to work well, but distributing via OCI registries is even better! It brings a bunch of benefits:

  • We could build a community registry that automatically builds images for PGXN releases for a variety of platforms. This could grow to become the default method for installing extensions, perhaps via a command such as pgxn trunk install theory/semver.
  • Anyone can use any other registry, and the tooling will work with it. Just as you can pull Docker images from docker.io, you can also pull them from ghcr.io, quay.io, or any other OCI-compliant registry. The same applies here. Extension authors can build and publish trunks to their own registries if they like.
  • Better yet, organizations can build extension registries for their own use cases, to complement the community registry. Think internal registries for private extensions, or commercial registries that additional features, such as security scans or curation.

Super promising! I’m just about ready to get to work building this stuff, though I anticipate a few challenges:

  • We’ll need a way to find the latest version (tag) of a release. I’m sure this is do-able, since Homebrew does it. There must be some other index for tags (ghcr.io/homebrew/core/sqlite:latest doesn’t return a result, alas).
  • In addition to filtering on platform specification when pulling an image, it would be nice to filter on other attributes, such as the org.pgxn.trunk annotations defining Postgres the version. For now it will be fine for the CLI to download an image index and find the right image, but additional server-side filtering would be very nice.
  • Will need to support extensions that can run on any architecture, such as pure SQL extensions. I think this will be pretty easy by publishing a single tagged image instead of an image index.
  • If we build a community registry, where should it be hosted? Homebrew uses ghcr.io, presumably avoiding hosting costs, but it might be nice to have a specific community registry, perhaps at trunk.pgxn.org or perhaps oci.postgresql.org.
  • If we do host a registry, might we want to allow extension authors to publish their own trunks within their namespaces? How might that be organized?

I can imagine workable solutions to these relatively minor challenges. As long as we can encapsulate them into the commands for a single command-line client, it should work out well.

Can’t wait to get started. What do you think?