hello world!
$ ls -l
p---b-q--+ 3 jtreed jtreed 24/mtf/seattle Oct 3 1998 juh
lrwxrwxrwx 1 ktreed jtreed 24/ f /seattle Sep 25 2023 kate -> juh
it’s a juh
i live here now
so you finally made it to the late 90s huh?
I’ve wanted to put up a personal site for a while, but today I am avoiding vacuuming, so it’s actually getting done! I used to do things, but now I work for a fortune 10 company and don’t do them anymore. I enjoy doing CAD and often remodel my apartment virtually (past apartments available: West Jordan, UT; Salt Lake City, UT. these have broken somewhat since the furniture models have been updated, and mates will not be repaired. end of life.) I used to have strong feelings about the web, but they’ve been replaced with numb disappointment in web developers.
I’m exceedingly lazy, with the caveat that I’m willing to do more of fun work in order to avoid doing less of boring work (the well-explored engineer’s conundrum). Maybe I’ll write about things I’m pretending to work on someday. They’re all right here in my notes; maybe I can export the whole canvas to the web nightly or something. That might be cool!
but juh, you said you used to do things? surely you must use linux? who is this lady?
well, ok, yeah, so…
- using thinkpads p1g2 for personal and x1cg7 for work, but i don’t really like them all that much
- recently switched from arch-ish to ubuntu because i thought it was the sustainable thing to do after manjaro shit the bed again. i have some regrets i think. maybe i didn’t learn the right lesson
- recently switched from chrome to firefox because tumblr said so, but not one hot woman has come to make out with me over this and i want a refund
- i3 and kitty-term and fish and vim
- docker, docker compose, traefik, nginx
- used to do a little math, like partially implementing a guiding vector field path-following algorithm for a particular holonomic drivetrain (i did some navigation/telemetry code too)
- used to build stuff in PHP, basic crud applications for an FRC team back in high school
- used to build stuff in JS, all kinds of cursed shit the second time i was in college
- used to build stuff in
, all kinds of cursed shit the first time i was in college - hell, i even used to build stuff in css, like this silly framework i made for an assignment
- used to use git, and tried to explain it for one of my roommates
- used to burn dinosaurs in my jeep
- oh yeah i have a jeep :) like many of my friends, it’s very cute but also broken :(
that’s a lot of things you don’t do anymore
yeah… sometimes i feel down about it, but i’m trying to do more things! and in the process of building this site, I have learned many things, and I have built a nice little docker image for auto-pulling your git repos and dumping them into nginx tidily :)
i’m working on electrical engineering now! buildin’ a lil esp32 boarb for pulling mac addresses :3
wow juh, you are so cool and i want to talk to you
you’re welcome to reach out any time, and i’ll answer when i feel like it:
- juh@libera, jtreed secondary
- juh.gay+<your handle here>@you.jtreed.org
- FIRST Robotics contact: [email protected]
- discord: juh2600
- the fedi thingy: [email protected]
- if you call me i will not answer :)
i also exist in a couple of other places:
don’t these sites usually have links to your friends?
yes!! the fun part!