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denoland/stdTools for testing Deno code like snapshot testing, bdd testing, and time mocking
This package works with Deno
JSR Score
a week ago (1.0.5)
This package provides utilities for testing.
import { assertSpyCalls, spy } from "@std/testing/mock"; import { FakeTime } from "@std/testing/time"; function secondInterval(cb: () => void): number { return setInterval(cb, 1000); } Deno.test("secondInterval calls callback every second and stops after being cleared", () => { using time = new FakeTime(); const cb = spy(); const intervalId = secondInterval(cb); assertSpyCalls(cb, 0); time.tick(500); assertSpyCalls(cb, 0); time.tick(500); assertSpyCalls(cb, 1); time.tick(3500); assertSpyCalls(cb, 4); clearInterval(intervalId); time.tick(1000); assertSpyCalls(cb, 4); });
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