js13kGames Resources
List of useful tools, materials, and tutorials for creating a js13kGames entry, and post-mortems from already created games. The items are in no particular order. Please feel free to suggest additions or edits to the list either by editing this file directly, sending a pull request on GitHub, or emailing them to [email protected].
Micro game engines and boilerplates
- LittleJS - lightweight 2D JavaScript game engine with fast WebGL rendering
- ox - tiny 2D game framework for the web
- Selfish - class-free, pure prototypal inheritance
- Mibbu - Javascript game microframework
- Allegro.js - JavaScript port of a game programming library
- Ocelot - minimalist HTML5 2D game engine, Ocelot aims for simplicity and small filesize
- js13k-boilerplate - js13kGames boilerplate
- JS13k Gulp workflow - A gulp-powered workflow with source file minification, image optimization and zip generation
- js13k-toolkit - starter repository for js13kGames, a set of tools for developing a JS game and keeping it under 13kb
- js13k-requirejs - require.js-powered application template with build tools
- js13k-rollup - gulp/rollup.js powered template with support for ES2015 modules and build tools
- js13k-starter - sample js13k project structure, example and Gulp build process
- Tiny-Canvas - lightweight minimal implementation of a batched and stack matrix based Canvas with WebGL backend
- Ga - tiny, cute and friendly system for making HTML5 games
- Umbra - customizable framework based on Ga. Designed for the 2020 JS13K Jam.
- js13kGames-boilerplate - includes game loop, utility functions and webpack config to package game with just one command
- js13k-webpack-starter - build with a single command, dev server, es2015 support
- js13k-base - simple commands, a server, and a sample game + framework
- js13k-webpack-typescript-starter-party - starter Webpack project to transpile TypeScript, build, and zip your game
- js13kgames-parcel-starter - starter repo to build, zip, and check the file size of your game with a single command
- Kontra - a lightweight JavaScript gaming micro-library, optimized for js13kGames
- JS13K 2017 Kit - a pico-8 like graphics engine and game boilerplate
- JS13K starter - gulp starter watching changes, and tasks to compile, minify, inline, and zip you game for better optimization
- js13k-ecs - a 1kb entity component system, designed for js13k
- js13k-2d - a <2kb 2D WebGL renderer, designed for js13k
- floppy - a micro game engine for beginners
- Jabo Micro Game Engine - lightweight and beginner friendly micro game engine
- Craters - Craters is a modular JavaScript framework reimplemented in TypeScript for rapid HTML5 game development.
- gamejam-boilerplate - mini boilerplate for 2D canvas games with keyboard/mouse/touch support, live reload & optimized zip build
- platform-engine - 2D platform engine that handles collisions, slopes, rotations, etc.
- CSS3Dframework - 1.5kb library to render 3D scenes using CSS3D shapes and sprites, and move the camera
- WebGLframework - 1.5kb library to easily render 3D scenes using WebGL (WIP)
- 280 bytes responsive, hackable, mobile friendly game framework with native arrow keys / WASD / ZQSD key inputs detection
- Mini2Dphysics - 1.5kb 2D physics engine. Just set the gravity, create Circles and Rectangles, and watch them fall and collide
- 2D isometric map - An example of isometric 2D map renderer on 2D canvas. Each tile can have a custom height
- Hexagonal map - An example of hexagonal map renderer on 2D canvas
- MiniDragAndDrop - a DOM-based, easy-to-use drag&drop library for desktop and mobile browsers (1/2kb zipped)
- MiniIK - a tiny Inverse Kinematics example
- responsiveTouchGameFramework - responsive canvas game framework with unified mouse / touch inputs
- TypeScript Starter - Powerful and easy to use Vite-based build process that minifies then compresses with RoadRoller and ECT.
- WebGL TypeScript Starter - Same as above but adds automatic shader minification.
- litecanvas - 4kb canvas game engine for small games.
- PWA starter pack - Progressive Web App Template with included Service Worker. Gulp-powered build with Roadroller and BrowserSync.
- W - a 3kb WebGL framework with tons of features
- microW - a very simple 1kb Webgl scene renderer with cool features too
Sound and music
- SoundBox - an HTML5 synth music tracker
- jsfxr - as3sfxr synth port to JavaScript
- jsfxr - the other as3sfxr synth port to JavaScript with a JS playback library
- Arcade audio for js13kGames - blog post about generating your own sound effects
- Sonant-X - small JavaScript synthesizer library
- Web Audio API prototypes - demos using the Web Audio API to synthesize audio in the browser
- TinyMusic - simple, lightweight music synth/sequencer in JavaScript using the Web Audio API
- Google Music Creator - a simple music creator by Google
- ZzFX - Zuper Zmall Zeeded Zound Zynth
- ZzFXM - A tiny JavaScript music renderer for ZzFX
- Mini Music - draw a melody with your mouse, choose the tempo, volume and base note, then export it as a super short JS code
- Mini Orchestra - same, with more options and many instruments at once
- Mini Synth - 1kb piano/guitar synth
- Piano Playback ⇧ - Forked xem, tool to make sequence of notes to play in game.
- Alphabet-piano - Melody from an ASCII string
- Mini Sound Editor - Sound effects editor and tiny JS player, plus a list of examples
- Game Audio Bundle - Free Sound effects compressed in .mp3 (there's a folder with all that are < 13kb)
- midi2array - parse/extract notes from a MIDI file
Artwork and fonts
- OpenGameArt - free graphics assets
- Sprite generator - 1 color sprite interpreter
- Voronoise - procedural pattern generation
- Blockies - identicon generation
- Pixel map generator - generate pixel maps
- Pixen - pixel art editor for Mac OS X
- CompressPNG - compress PNGs online
- TinyPNG - advanced lossy compression for JPG and PNG images (preserves alpha transparency in PNGs)
- Pixel Font - tiny pixel font
- Piskel - Pixel Art and Animated Sprites
- aseprite - animated sprite editor & pixel art tool
- Pyxel Edit - is a pixel art editor designed to make it fun and easy to make tilesets, levels and animations
- js13k mini-svg editor - Create mini-svg graphics for your js13k game using a webbased editor
- Canvas-Txt - The better way to print multiline text on HTML5 canvas with auto line breaks and alignments (source code)
- SpriteStack - voxel editor for 2D artists with retro renderer & animation support. Exports spritesheets, slices & vox models
- tinyfont.js - Tiniest possible pixel font for your JS games (<700b zipped)!
- RLE sprite editor - Editor and converter for Run Length Encoded sprites. Make tiny pixel art sprites in a text format.
- PetitePatterns - A collection of micro (1/2kb) repeating SVG patterns
- Mini SVG Creator - Create tiny SVG images with a mouse and keyboard (ellipses, rectangles, paths with lines, curves, arcs...)
- SVGenerator - a dynamic SVG generator with custom colors
- CSSprite - Gather many images/icons into a single PNG file to save hundreds of bytes
- Mini Pixel Art - 8-color pixel-art editor that outputs a JS snippet to render the image on a 2D canvas without using an image file
- Unicode13/shapes - a list of all the shapes and emoji present in Unicode 13 (warning, some of them aren't available on all OS's)
- Unicode13/emoji - emoji polyfill (allowed in JS13kGames entries!) to add consistent support for Unicode 13 Emoji across OS's
- js13k-path - A super short polygon editor and drawer (each new point is encoded on 1 ASCII char)
- Mini pixel font - Generate a pixel-art font with a few lines of JS
- Raycasting - Render a 3D scene on a 2D canvas from a 2D grid using column-based raycasting
- Nice galaxy background - Generate a nice procedural galaxy background with stars
- Image Encryptor - 8-color pixel-art image encryptor - gives the same output as Mini Pixel Art, but based on images you provide
- Mini Pixelart Editor - multi-project 8-color pixel-art editor, remembers your palette and generates encrypted image strings and rendering code
- pxtex - tiny random pixelized image generator
- Try Terser - a live version of the Terser ES6+ minifier
- babeljs - JS (ES2015/2016/2017) minifier based on Babili, choose your flavor in the "presets" dropdown
- Packer - JavaScript compressor
- JavaScript Minifier - minify your JavaScript
- RegPack - self-contained packer for size-constrained JS code
- Closure Compiler - compile your code
- UglifyJS - JavaScript parser / mangler / compressor / beautifier library for NodeJS
- Extreme Javascript minification - compression experiments
- ADVZIP - zip file optimizer / recompressor (can reduce a 13kb zip to 9~11kb)
- Minify - a JavaScript and CSS minifier
- JSCompress - a compression tool for javascript
- Efficient Compression Tool
- glslx - Online GLSL shader minifier
- miniMinifier - tiny (but super efficient) HTML and CSS minifiers
- int2binary2html - helps you to encode a long list of integers (0-255) in binary and embed it in your index.html
- Int2Unicode - Convert a list of integers into a JS string
- Roadroller - flattens your JavaScript demo
- ZTML - Extreme inline text compression for HTML / JS
- spglsl - advanced glsl (webgl1 and webgl2) minifier, runs in nodejs. Supports rollup, vite.
WebXR resources
- A-Frame Documentation - introduciton to A-Frame
- A-Frame Slack invitation - ask questions here
- A-Frame Registry - useful components
- Awesome A-Frame - many more A-Frame resources & examples
- js13k A-Frame Webpack boilerplate - build with a single command, dev server, es2015 support, basic example
- WebXR Discord
- Gyro.js - harmonizes the gyroscope/accelerometer output across all mobile devices
Other tools
- Video Game Name Generator - generate a name for your game
- stats.js - JavaScript performance monitor
- Live Editor - edit JavaScript code
- Minivents - small event system for JavaScript
- js13kserver - sandboxed JavaScript game server
- timestore - library to manage multiple timers inside separate contexts
- innerself - a React/Redux-like view and state management for your game's UI, in less than 400 bytes
- Element Simple Builder - a small lib to create and update complex DOM from JS, with SVG support
- js13k-level-editor - 1kb 2D map editor that you can use for your game (or include in your game!)
- 3D map editor - 3D map editor with a bunch of 3D shapes / sprites, textures and rotations, with a tiny JSON output
- EscApe - Unicode string decoder/analyzer
- Mini Fourier - Interactive 2D fourier demo (commented source code, 1kb minified)
- Mini KeyCode - Find the keyCode of any keyboard key
- Mini URI - Convert assets (sound, image, ...) in Base64. You may save hundreds of bytes by embedding them in your index.html
- Mini Hex - A mini Hexadecimal viewer/editor
- Bacionejs - edit JavaScript code on phone offline
- How to minify your HTML5 game for the js13kGames competition
- js13kGames tutorial - How to make a text game with HTML5
- Getting started with HTML5 game development
- Tiny platformer
- A first-person engine in 265 lines
- HTML5 game development Gulp workflow
- js13kGames tutorial video series by Zenva Academy - create a Frogger game in 13kb or less
- A-Frame School
- Making Asteroids with Kontra.js and Web Maker - handy tutorial from Steven Lambert, the author of Kontra.js
- Procedurally Generated Dungeon Tutorial
- Creating simple music using the Web Audio API
- How to master screen orientation with HTML5 - 6 technics to detect, react and control screen orientation on mobile devices
- Trigonometry cheat sheet
- 3D projection - How to render 3D points / polygons on a 2D canvas
- 3D SDF - How to render 3D shapes with WebGL using signed distance functions (see also: Inigo Quilez tutorials)
- WebGL guide - Explains 3D polygons, texturing, shading, shadows, interactivity, etc, with tiny interactive demos. See also: part 2
- CSS3D games tutorial - How to make interactive scenes with CSS3D
- JS games inputs - How to support arrow keys, WASD and ZQSD keyboard inputs in just 115b of JS
- Mini 2D platformer - 2D platformer demo with commented source code
- Mini 3D platformer - 3D platformer demos with commented source code
- JS13k 2021 tools & tips thread - by xem
- Build a tiny game for JS13K with Kontra.js - by Lee Reilly
Videos and audio
- Jupi Plays Indie Games 2014 - YouTube playlist with Jupiter Hadley playing all the games from the 2014 edition
- Let's play vids for js13k 2015 - YouTube playlist for 2015 entries by Keith Karnage
- Jupi Plays Indie Games 2015 - YouTube playlist for 2015 entries by Jupiter Hadley
- Jupi Plays Indie Games 2016 - YouTube playlist for 2016 entries by Jupiter Hadley
- JS13K 2017 games compilation - YouTube video by Agar3s
- Jupi Plays Indie Games 2017 - YouTube playlist for 2017 entries by Jupiter Hadley
- The Game Developers Radio: Game Design Daily 068 - game dev article round up part 02 on SoundCloud
- How to squeeze a HTML5 game in 13 kB? - Andrzej Mazur's introductory speech. Subtitles by B0dz1o
- Edge Guard podcast #111 about js13kGames 2019
- Jupi Plays Indie Games 2019 - YouTube playlist for 2019 entries by Jupiter Hadley
- js13kGames 2020: showcase of Web Monetization category entries by Jupiter Hadley
- 20 award-winning 13-kilobyte JavaScript games - js13kGames 2020 winners by Ania Kubów for freeCodeCamp
- Jupi Plays Indie Games 2021 - YouTube playlist for 2021 entries by Jupiter Hadley
- Playing js13kGames 2021 game jam entries - YouTube playlist for 2021 entries by Pablo_TescoSpar
- js13kGames 2021 - can you build a game with < 13kb? - Michelle Mannering playing some of the 2021 entries on Twitch
- Compiled 13s clips from each js13kgames 2023 entries - YouTube video by Dobuki Gamer
Blog posts and post mortems
- 2013 post-mortems:
- Life of Blobb by Alex Gyoshev
- 2015 post-mortems:
- Nomis by Nick Branstein
- Tiny Stealth by Eduardo Lopes
- Time Worm by James Wright
- It's a Lovely Day for a Drive by Jay Oster
- Raw | space by Bitowl
- GeoQuiz by Maxime Euzière
- Behind Asteroids — The Dark Side by Gaëtan Renaudeau
- Galactic Backfire by Rene Hangstrup Møller
- Road Blocks by Ash Kyd
- The Cursed Mirror by Marco Emiliozzi
- Poust by Chris Glover
- Bombs Away by Makeshift Mitten
- ParaTec Systems by Logan Franken
- Bokosan by Gabor Heja
- 7 Great JS13K 2015 Games by Paul Hack at Gamejolt Fireside
- Jam Favorites: JS13KGames Jam by Jupiter Hadley at Gamejolt Fireside
- js13kGames: Code golf for game devs - 2015 winners share their JavaScript tips and tricks at Mozilla Hacks
- Game Development, JavaScript and Codility - interview with FatFisz recruited by Codility after js13k 2015
- 2016 post-mortems:
- Super Chrono Portal Maker by Xem
- yoctoPets by Walsh9
- Shuttle Power Dash by Mary Bush
- Nexus Overload by Pixel Jerry
- PULSE by Marco Fernandes
- Blade Gunner by Jerome Lecomte (@herebefrogs)
- Glitch Hunt by James Wright
- Glitch Torpedo by Plissken2013es
- Nomis 2 by Nick Branstein
- Buggy SnAkE by Zosia Korcz
- Phosphorus Dating by Bruno Croci
- Build a game in 13kB or less with js13kGames - a recap of some entries from previous years and GitHub's invitation to 2017
- A-Frame comes to js13kGames: build a game in WebVR - Mozilla Hacks introducing new A-Frame category in 2017
- Interview with Andrzej Mazur - Game Development Using JavaScript - Jscrambler blog post
- What is the js13kGames competition? - blog post by Davit Markarian
- Lesser-known developer contests you can join in 2018 by Mike Sedzielewski at FreeCodeCamp
- 2017 post-mortems:
- Lost In Labyrinth by Daniel Lawrence
- Scribble by Vishnu Bharathi
- Adrift by David Stark
- The Lost Packets by Andrew Higson-Smith
- LOSSST by Maxime EUZIERE (warning: big ass story: 10500 words + 80MB of images)
- Greeble by Ryan Malm
- Lost in Asterion by Santiago Zapata ⁄ Slashie
- Lost in Cyberspace by Zosia Korcz
- A Day in the Life by Mattia Fortunati
- Lost in Jungle by Zendrael
- AMAZ3D by Gaëtan Renaudeau
- Fly South by Christian Paul
- The Forest by Alex Porter
- Lost in the woods by Abdun Nihaal
- A Tourist In Paris by Jerome Lecomte (@herebefrogs)
- Vernissage by Platane
- Lessons learned from the A-Frame category in the js13kGames competition - tips and tricks from the WebVR category
- Organizing a successful competition that doesn’t scale - a look back at a few issues that occured during js13kGames 2017
- Create a 13 kB JavaScript game in 30 days with js13kGames - GitHub's tips and tricks article by Lee Reilly
- 2018 post-mortems:
- 13Kars by Kesara
- Disconnected by Nick Shillingford
- Offline: O.E.C.T by Ben Fox
- Goblin Tower 13k by Mys
- JS13K Battlegrounds by Cody Ebberson
- Off The Lines by Kev Etchells
- You Are Offline by Kev Etchells
- Risky Nav by Sebastian Dorn
- ONOFF by Daniel Marino
- [Hoverla] by Viktor Uhryn
- SYSTEMS by nesrak1
- Bo the Dog by Asisa
- Bellwoods by Matt DesLauriers
- Underrun by Dominic Szablewski
- An Offline Life by André Jaenisch
- Earth That Was by Jaime Gonzalez Garcia
- When my vpn goes offline(...) by Lucas Bersier
- Planet Figadore has gone OFFLINE by picosonic (Jasper Renow-Clarke)
- Wired by Bojan Pejkovic
- Watashi no Shashin by Brian Hambley
- WiFiHunt by Shreyas Minocha
- Lasergrid by Timmy Kokke
- Exo by Jack Oatley
- Quest of Tod by Samir Hodzic
- The Core by Matthew McCord
- Whirled on the JS Game Jam Code by Andras Serfozo
- Twisty Polyhedra by Aditya Mishra
- Keep-Alive by Surbhi Mahajan
- Anti_Virus by Punit Gupta
- Sum It Up by Hemkaran Raghav
- Up & Down by Dinkar Pundir
- Robo Galactic Shooter by Ashish Bardhan
- Geoquiz2 / Envelope / Man on Wire by xem & friends
- KickIt! by archiewald
- ArcherFire: Duet of Aces by Santiago Zapata
- Ranger Down by Nik Coughlin
- SUBmersible WARship 2063 by Jerome Lecomte (@herebefrogs)
- Planetfall by Ian Chiao
- untitled13 by Gabor Heja
- Alone in Darkness by Jonathan Vallet
- 13 Games in ≤ 13kB of JavaScript - GitHub's highlights by Lee Reilly
- These amazing browser games are 13 kilobytes or less in size by Logan Booker at Kotaku.com.au
- Tiny JavaScript games from the JS13kGames competition by David Cassel at The New Stack
- Eighth annual js13kGames challenge by Lee Reilly on GitHub's blog
- js13kGames — a review by eBay Tech
- This Real Time Strategy Game Is Just 13 Kilobytes by Karl Bode at Vice Games
- Highlights from the js13kGames 2019 competition - top 10 winners showcased by Lee Reilly on GitHub's blog
- 2019 post-mortems:
- Making a Progressive WebXR game with 13Kb + three.js by Arturo Paracuellos
- Back To The Stars by Marco Fernandes
- BackFlipped: Back to the Basics by Tom Hermans (@Auroriax)
- Backstabber Hero (Part 1 - Sources of inspiration) by Niklas Berg (@nkholski)
- Back on Track (mania) by xem
- How to design a javascript game? (in 13KB or less) by Joao Lopes lopis
- Retrohaunt by Donitz
- Back from Kooky Island by Alexander Curtis
- Creating a 13KB JS Game using SVG by Joao Lopes lopis
- Get Back From Robot City by Kev Etchells
- BACKSPACE - Return to planet Figadore by picosonic (Jasper Renow-Clarke) (@femtosonic)
- Lights Back On by Alejandro Molina (@amolinasalazar)
- Quick Wins by Ryan Tyler (@Carelesslabs)
- Backside Ball - Entering JS13KGames 2019 as a Beginner by Vertfromage
- Backpack Monsters by @slashie_
- The Making of VOIDCAL by Dominic Szablewski
- Racer by James
- Random Learnings from Entering JS13K Games 2019 by @JohnKilmister
- JS13k 2019 Developer Commentary by Daniel Lawrence (@64Mega)
- Backshot Tactics - A Multiplayer Game for js13kGames by Antonio Salvati (@salvan13)
- A story of making a 13 kB game in 30 days. “The Wandering Wraith” post mortem. by Mateusz Tomczyk
- Back to life by Serpent7776
- Do Not Look Back! by Jerome Lecomte (@herebefrogs)
- Bubba's Back Room by Eric Rowell
- Bounce Back Postmortem: A Boomerang Adventure by Frank Force
- Backcountry by Michał Budzyński and Staś Małolepszy
- 2020 post-mortems:
- Minipunk - Voxels and Bloom Shaders and boss fights, oh my by Cody Ebberson
- Coding Golf - Broken Links by picosonic (Jasper Renow-Clarke) @femtosonic
- JS13K 2020: Planet Not Found by Josep del Rio (@joseprio)
- You have found - js13k game build with Haxe - by @mknol
- Employee not Found - A journey of self-inflicted hardships - by @jayther
- Manipulating SVG for fun and profit- Game devlog and postmortem - by @benjymous
- Flow of Four - Intention Postmortem - by @SubZtep
- Ned Snow - How did I design a WebVR game - by Juankz
- 404 - Rhythm Not Found - by agar3s, mapedorr, QuietGecko and Slashie.
- Find the theme - game made with OCaml - by @Serpent7776
- Island Not Found - a post mortem - by Ben and Salvatore
- 404 BC Pinball post-mortem by Adrian Lissot (@adrianlissot)
- Building a Pseudo-3D Racing Game for the 2020 JS13k Game Jam by @mattmckenna
- Edge Not Found postmortem - Sokoban puzzles on an endless grid - by Tom Hermans (@Auroriax)
- Cardice - Roguelike deckbuilding with dice - by Jonathan Vallet (@JoeVallet)
- Forgetful God - A Sokoban puzzle game using Geometry and Color Mixture - by Franck Ly (@Matt)
- And then it was gone by Sebastian Dorn (@sebadorn)
- Coler 2d Platformer Postmortem by eguneys (@eguneys)
- Dewdrop Farm - A Post-Mortem by Frank Mitchell (@onefrankguy)
- FyraNollFyra - Post Mortem by Niklas Berg (@nikbrg)
- HTTP Runner - Post-mortem by Lucas Augusto (@_TRGuy)
- Using Emojis in a Point and Click Adventure by Lance Ewing (@lance_ewing)
- Delete! by clocks-in-a-cooler
- Black Jack 404 - Post Mortem by johnedvard
- Robot Mission 404 Post Mortem by Verfromage
- The making of Track not found?! by Xem
- The Making of ROAR by Staś Małolepszy
- The Making of ZzFXM by Keith Clark & Frank Force
- The Making of FOURFOLD by Saud
- Highway 404 - a post-mortem by Jerome Lecomte (@herebefrogs)
- Using js_of_ocaml to write game in 13k for js13k game jam - by Serpent7776
- Exit postmortem (webxr category) - by James
- Ninja vs EVILCORP by Rémi Vansteelandt @remvst
- Wow, this Quake clone is smaller than a Word doc - by Zack Zwiezen at Kotaku
- This Quake clone is just 13 kilobytes and plays right in your browser - by Shawn Knight at TechSpot
- Q1K3: a JavaScript homage to Quake in Just 13KB - QuakeWiki
- 13 tiny and terrific entries from the js13kGames competition - by Lee Reilly at GitHub Blog
- Hundreds of developers build tiny JavaScript games for JS13K - by David Cassel at The New Stack
- 2021 post-mortems:
- Space Huggers by KilledByAPixel (Frank Force)@KilledByAPixel
- Crater Space by picosonic (Jasper Renow-Clarke) @femtosonic
- Airspace Alpha Zulu by picosonic (Jasper Renow-Clarke) @femtosonic
- Shadow of the Keening Star by Elliot Nelson @7tonshark
- Cat Goric: Escape from the Warp Chamber - Post-Mortem by Victor Nogueira @felladrin
- Galaxy Raid by Josep del Rio (@joseprio)
- Distant Friends - by mapedorr, QuietGecko and Slashie.
- Rocket Jockey: Captain Pick-a-Card's Great Escape by Ryan Kubik (@ryrykubes) and Brendan McCracken (@icynotesdx)
- Subspace Zero by Alex Delderfield @Alex_ADEdge
- SPACE Saver by Chris @ripter001
- Q1K3 by Dominic Szablewski
- 2021: a Space Opera by Jerome Lecomte (@herebefrogs)
- LOSSST - A Snake in Space by xem
- Moon Buggy Racing by Johan Wigert @DeveloperVoyage
- 2022 post-mortems:
- Bee Kind by picosonic (Jasper Renow-Clarke) @femtosonic
- The Neatness by Mark Vasilkov @mvasilkov
- Charon Jr. by Rob Louie @rob_louie
- 13 by Elias Ku @eliaskuvoice
- Death Estate by jayther (J'Brian) @jayther
- Moth by Elliot Nelson @7tonshark
- Soul Jumper by Ryan Tyler @CarelessLabs
- Gravepassing by Kacper Kula @kulak_at
- TenderGotchi by Slashie @slashie_
- Stand By Me by Jerome Lecomte (@herebefrogs)
- Dante by Salvatore Previti @SN74HC00
- Norman the Necromancer by Dan Prince
- Hang by a Thread by John Edvard @ReitGames
- Deathkeeper by Timmy Kokke @Sorskoot
- 2023 post-mortems:
- Fort Knight post-mortem by Ryan Tyler @CarelessLabs
- The Terror of Mongolia [Part 1][Part 2] by Jack Le Hamster @JackLeHamster
- Slicing with Samurai Sam, a js13kgames entry by John Edvard @ReitGames
- Princess of Corinium by picosonic (Jasper Renow-Clarke) @femtosonic
- When Your Neighbors Are Mongols by Antix Development (Cliff Earl) Antix Development
- A tiny pixel art game using no images by João Lopes lopis
- Wanted by isacben (Isaac Benitez) isacben
- Hugo the Wizard by Curtastic
- The Making of UPYRI by Rob Louie @rob_louie
- Robin of Thirteensley by Chris Subagio
- Cathedral builder by Homer Dilpleu HomerDilpleu
- Super Castle Game by Mark Vasilkov @mvasilkov
- Age of the Demigods by ArmaanM (Armaan Mohammed) @ArmaanM_GameDev
- Harold is Heavy by Elliot Nelson @7tonshark
- Trench fisher by John Swana @swashjunior
- Death Sea XIII by Misael Braga ms_bit
- FEAST NIGHT by Almar @repunkgame
- Robin Hood by Mhmd Jawad mhmdjawad
- Bewitched! by Eoin McGrath @eoinmcg
- Sir Coadalot and the Holy Grail by Nik Lever @niklever
- Go Forth and Conquer by Brian Hambley @BrianHambo3
- Mongol March by Leo Kuo @leokuo0724
- Jurassic Nursery by platane @platane_
- Path to Glory by Rémi Vansteelandt @remvst
- WitchCup1276 by Christoph Schansky @DerBenniBanni
- Thirteen Potions by Cassidy @cassidoo
- The First Horde by Slashie @slashie_
The first version of this list was originally created by John Kilmister.