
 中国本土と香港の規制当局は、中国企業の香港上場を加速させる手助けをしてほしいと有力投資銀行などに要請している。複数の関係者が明らかにした。写真は香港証券取引所の看板。北京のイベントで2020年9月撮影(2024年 ロイター/Tingshu Wang)
[シドニー/香港 9日 ロイター] - 中国本土と香港の規制当局は、中国企業の香港上場を加速させる手助けをしてほしいと有力投資銀行などに要請している。複数の関係者が明らかにした。
7人の関係者の話では、中国証券監督管理委員会(証監会)は10月に2回会合を開き、出席した10余りの銀行や法律事務所に対して、幾つかのオフショア上場案件の承認手続きの迅速化に取り組んでいると説明した。会合にはJPモルガン(JPM.N), opens new tab、モルガン・スタンレー(MS.N), opens new tab、ゴールドマン・サックス(GS.N), opens new tab、UBS(UBSG.S), opens new tab、中国国際金融(CICC)(601995.SS), opens new tab、華泰証券(601688.SS), opens new tabなどのバンカーが出席したという。

私たちの行動規範:トムソン・ロイター「信頼の原則」, opens new tab


Scott Murdoch has been a journalist for more than two decades working for Thomson Reuters and News Corp in Australia. He has specialised in financial journalism for most of his career and covers equity and debt capital markets across Asia and Australian M&A. He is based in Sydney.


Julie Zhu is a Hong Kong-based senior correspondent for Reuters, focusing on M&A, IPOs, private equity and regulatory changes across Greater China. Since joining Reuters in 2016, Julie has led the coverage of some of the region’s most significant stories including China’s unprecedented regulatory crackdown, Beijing’s COVID policies, Ant Group’s IPO fiasco and Evergrande’s debt crisis. She was named Reuters’ Reporter of the Year in 2021. Prior to Reuters, Julie worked at the Financial Times where she reported on business and general news about South China and Hong Kong.


Kane Wu covers M&A, private equity, venture capital and investment banks in Asia. She tracks the region's most high-profile deals, fundraisings as well as investment trends amidst geopolitical, macroeconomic and regulatory changes. She was nominated for a SOPA Excellence in Business Reporting award for coverage of China regulatory crackdown in 2021. Prior to Reuters, she worked at the Wall Street Journal and also wrote about Asia's loan market for Thomson Reuters Basis Point. She is based in Hong Kong.