date open / start area venue info


17:00 / 18:30 愛知
052-320-9100 (12:00-18:00)


15:30 / 17:00


11:30 / 13:00 大阪
0570-200-888 (平日・土曜11:00-16:00)


17:00 / 18:30


15:30 / 17:00


17:00 / 18:30 神奈川
050-5533-0888 (平日12:00-15:00)


17:00 / 18:30


11:30 / 13:00


17:00 / 18:30 福岡
0570-09-2424 (平日・土曜11:00-17:00)


17:00 / 18:30


11:30 / 13:00 東京
050-5533-0888 (平日12:00-15:00)


17:00 / 18:30


14:30 / 16:00



open 17:00 / start 18:30


052-320-9100 (12:00-18:00)



open 15:30 / start 17:00


052-320-9100 (12:00-18:00)



open 11:30 / start 13:00


0570-200-888 (平日・土曜11:00-16:00)



open 17:00 / start 18:30


0570-200-888 (平日・土曜11:00-16:00)



open 15:30 / start 17:00


0570-200-888 (平日・土曜11:00-16:00)



open 17:00 / start 18:30


050-5533-0888 (平日12:00-15:00)



open 17:00 / start 18:30


050-5533-0888 (平日12:00-15:00)



open 11:30 / start 13:00


050-5533-0888 (平日12:00-15:00)



open 17:00 / start 18:30


0570-09-2424 (平日・土曜11:00-17:00)



open 17:00 / start 18:30


0570-09-2424 (平日・土曜11:00-17:00)



open 11:30 / start 13:00


050-5533-0888 (平日12:00-15:00)



open 17:00 / start 18:30


050-5533-0888 (平日12:00-15:00)



open 14:30 / start 16:00


050-5533-0888 (平日12:00-15:00)


  • 全席指定

    9,900 円(税込)


  • ・3歳以上有料、3歳未満は入場不可となります。
  • ・購入枚数制限:1公演につき2枚まで
  • ・原則としてJO1公式アプリによる電子チケットの対応となります。
  • ・車椅子でご来場の方には専用のエリアをご用意いたします。 ご希望のお客様は全席指定のチケットをご購入いただき、公演の5日前までに各地お問い合わせ先へ必ずご連絡をお願いいたします。
  • ・今後の感染症状況、政府・各地自治体の判断に応じて各会場のご収容人数が変動する可能性がございます。
  • ・その他、感染症予防に関するご案内はページ下部の注意事項をご確認ください。
  • ・Admission charges for ages 3 and up.
    Children under the age of 3 are not permitted entry.
  • ・The number of tickets that can be purchased are limited to 2 tickets per show.
  • ・In principle, e-tickets through JO1 official app will be supported.
  • ・A special area will be provided for visitors who are in wheelchairs. If you are such a person, please check the box on the special form when you apply.
    Please note that the number of seats is limited.
  • ・The number of people allowed into each venue may change in accordance with any infection outbreaks in the future, or based on decisions by the government and local authorities.
  • ・For other information on infectious disease prevention, please see the notes at the bottom of the page.

最速先行/Fastest lead Ticket Official Lottery

  • スケジュール

    Application Period: May 25th, 2022 (Wed) 20:00 to June 5th, 2022 (Sun) 23:59
    Announcement of results: June 16th, 2022 (Thu) 13:00

  • 対象

    【応募者】JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUBを12ヵ月以上継続中会員の方、または月会費まとめて払いコース会員の方
    【同行者】JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUBにご入会されている方(コースおよび入会日不問)
    [Applicants] Those who have been a JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB member for at least 12 months, or members who are on the course where they pay the monthly membership fee in a lump sum.Monthly Membership Fee Bundle Payment Course
    [Accompanying Persons] Those who are JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB members (accepted regardless of course or date joined)
    You can apply giving your first 10 preferences.

  • 購入枚数制限
    Purchase restrictions

    The number of tickets that can be purchased are limited to 2 tickets per show.

  • 当先行はチケットぴあによるチケットお申し込み、JO1公式アプリによるチケット発券となります。
  • ※これから月会費まとめて払いコースにご入会・コース変更される方もお申し込み可能です。
  • ※同月内に月会費コースから月会費まとめて払いコースに変更した場合、初月のみ両コースの会費が発生します。
  • ※ご自身の入会日に関しては、マイページのデジタル会員証をご確認ください。
  • ※申し込み多数の場合、月額費まとめて払いコースの方及びFC発足の2019年12月から月額費コースを続けていただいているJAMの皆様を優遇させていただきます。
  • You can apply for pre-sale tickets through PIA, and be issued tickets through JO1 official app .
  • ※From now on, it will be possible for people to apply who are going to join the monthly lump sum course or change course.
  • ※In the event that you change from the monthly fee course to the monthly lump sum course within the same month, membership fees for both courses will be charged only in the first month.
  • ※Please refer to your digital membership card on My Page for the date you became a member.
  • ※In the event there are a large number of applications, we will give preferential treatment to those who pay in full for the entire year, and to JAM members who have continued to be monthly members since the FC's launch in December 2019.

会員先行/Ticket Official Lottery

  • スケジュール

    Application Period: June 17th, 2022 (Fri) 12:00 to June 20th, 2022 (Mon) 23:59
    Announcement of results: June 30th, 2022 (Thu) 13:00

  • 対象

    【応募者】JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUBにご入会されている方(コースおよび入会日不問)
    【同行者】JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUBにご入会されている方(コースおよび入会日不問)
    [Applicants] Those who are JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB members (accepted regardless of course or date joined)
    [Accompanying Persons] Those who are JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB members (accepted regardless of course or date joined)
    You can apply giving your first 10 preferences.

  • 購入枚数制限
    Purchase restrictions

    The number of tickets that can be purchased are limited to 2 tickets per show.

  • 当先行はチケットぴあによるチケットお申し込み、JO1公式アプリによるチケット発券となります。
  • ※これからご入会される方もお申し込み可能です。
  • You can apply for pre-sale tickets through PIA, and be issued tickets through JO1 official app .
  • ※From now on, it will be possible for people to apply who are going to join.

JO1 Mail会員先行
/Mail Member Ticket Official Lottery

  • スケジュール

    Application Period: July 1st, 2022 (Fri) 12:00 to July 4th, 2022 (Mon) 23:59
    Announcement of results: July 14th, 2022 (Thu) 13:00

  • 対象

    【応募者】JO1 Mailにご入会されている方(コースおよび入会日不問)
    【同行者】JO1 Mailにご入会されている方(コースおよび入会日不問)
    [Applicants] Those who are JO1 Mail members (accepted regardless of course or date joined)
    [Accompanying Persons] Those who are JO1 Mail members (accepted regardless of course or date joined)
    You can apply giving your first 10 preferences.

  • 購入枚数制限
    Purchase restrictions

    The number of tickets that can be purchased are limited to 2 tickets per show.

  • 当先行はチケットぴあによるチケットお申し込み、JO1公式アプリによるチケット発券となります。
  • ※これからご入会される方もお申し込み可能です。JO1 Mail入会はこちらから
  • You can apply for pre-sale tickets through PIA, and be issued tickets through JO1 official app .
  • ※From now on, it will be possible for people to apply who are going to join.Click here to join JO1 Mail

会員二次先行/Ticket Official 2nd Lottery

  • スケジュール

    Application Period: Julu 15th, 2022 (Fri) 12:00 to Julu 18th, 2022 (Mon) 23:59
    Announcement of results: July 28th, 2022 (Thu) 13:00

  • 対象

    【応募者】JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUBにご入会されている方(コースおよび入会日不問)
    【同行者】会員・非会員の方含めてどなたでも申込可能(非会員の方はPlus member IDが必要となります。) 第1~10希望まで申し込み可能
    [Applicants] Those who are JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB members (accepted regardless of course or date joined)
    [Accompanying Persons] Applications are open to both members and non-members (Non-members will need to provide their ID.)
    You can apply giving your first 10 preferences.

  • 購入枚数制限
    Purchase restrictions

    The number of tickets that can be purchased are limited to 2 tickets per show.

  • 当先行はチケットぴあによるチケットお申し込み、JO1公式アプリによるチケット発券となります。
  • ※これからご入会される方もお申し込み可能です。
  • You can apply for pre-sale tickets through PIA, and be issued tickets through JO1 official app .
  • ※From now on, it will be possible for people to apply who are going to join.

ぴあ いち早プレリザーブ
/Pia First Pre-reservation (priority for Pia card holders only)

  • スケジュール

    受付期間:2022年7月29日(金) 12:00〜2022年7月31日(日) 23:59
    当落発表:2022年8月5日(金) 13:00
    Application Period: July 29th, 2022 (Fri) 12:00 to July 31st,2022 (Sun) 23:59
    Announcement of results: August 5th, 2022 (Fri) 13:00

  • 対象

    【応募者・同行者】JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB会員・非会員の方含めてどなたでも申込可能(非会員の方はPlus member IDが必要となります。) 第1~10希望まで申し込み可能


    ※ぴあプレミアム会員 限定先行

    [Applicants・Accompanying Persons] Applications are open to both members and non-members (Non-members will need to provide their ID.) You can apply giving your first 10 preferences.
    Ticket PIA membership registration (free of charge) is required in order to apply.
    Please register your membership before applying (*accompanying guest is not required to register).

    *Pia First Pre-reservation will be determined by lottery.
    *Priority access limited to PIA Premium members only.
    *Payments by PIA card only.
    *For more information, please verify the Ticket PIA website.

  • 購入枚数制限
    Purchase restrictions

    The number of tickets that can be purchased are limited to 2 tickets per show.

  • 当先行はチケットぴあによるチケットお申し込み、JO1公式アプリによるチケット発券となります。
  • You can apply for pre-sale tickets through PIA, and be issued tickets through JO1 official app .
  • ※From now on, it will be possible for people to apply who are going to join.

チケットぴあ ファミリーマート先行
/Ticket Pia, Family Mart Lottery

  • スケジュール

    受付期間:2022年8月2日(火) 18:00〜2022年8月7日(日) 23:59
    当落発表:2022年8月12日(金) 13:00
    Application Period: August 2nd,2022 (Tue)18:00 to August 7th,2022 (Sun) 23:59
    Announcement of results: August 12th, 2022 (Fri) 13:00

  • 対象

    【応募者・同行者】JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB会員・非会員の方含めてどなたでも申込可能(非会員の方はPlus member IDが必要となります。) 第1~10希望まで申し込み可能


    [Applicants・Accompanying Persons] Applications are open to both members and non-members (Non-members will need to provide their ID.) You can apply giving your first 10 preferences.
    Ticket PIA membership registration (free of charge) is required in order to apply.
    Please register your membership before applying (*accompanying guest is not required to register).

  • 購入枚数制限
    Purchase restrictions

    The number of tickets that can be purchased are limited to 2 tickets per show.

  • 当先行はチケットぴあによるチケットお申し込み、JO1公式アプリによるチケット発券となります。
  • You can apply for pre-sale tickets through PIA, and be issued tickets through JO1 official app.
  • ※From now on, it will be possible for people to apply who are going to join.

/Regular ticket sales (first come first serve)

  • スケジュール

    受付開始:2022年8月23日(火) 12:00〜
    Application Period: August 23rd,2022 (Tue)12:00

  • 対象

    【応募者・同行者】JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB会員・非会員の方含めてどなたでも申込可能(非会員の方はPlus member IDが必要となります。)


    [Applicants・Accompanying Persons] Applications are open to both members and non-members (Non-members will need to provide their ID.) You can apply giving your first 10 preferences.
    Ticket PIA membership registration (free of charge) is required in order to apply.
    Please register your membership before applying (*accompanying guest is not required to register).

  • 購入枚数制限
    Purchase restrictions

    The number of tickets that can be purchased are limited to 2 tickets per show.

  • ※先着順のため予定枚数に達し次第終了となります。
  • ※チケットぴあによるチケットお申し込み、JO1公式アプリによるチケット発券となります。
  • ※Because it will be on a first come first serve basis, sales will conclude once the number of available tickets are sold.
  • ※You can apply for pre-sale tickets through PIA, and be issued tickets through JO1 official app.
  • From now on, it will be possible for people to apply who are going to join.

最速先行/Fastest lead Ticket Official Lottery

  • スケジュール

    Application Period: August 12th, 2022 (Fri) 12:00 to August 15th, 2022 (Mon) 23:59
    Announcement of results: August 25th, 2022 (Tue) 13:00

  • 対象

    【応募者】JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUBを12ヵ月以上継続中会員の方、または月会費まとめて払いコース会員の方
    【同行者】JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUBにご入会されている方(コースおよび入会日不問)
    [Applicants] Those who have been a JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB member for at least 12 months, or members who are on the course where they pay the monthly membership fee in a lump sum.Monthly Membership Fee Bundle Payment Course
    [Accompanying Persons] Those who are JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB members (accepted regardless of course or date joined)
    You can apply giving your first 3 preferences.

  • 購入枚数制限
    Purchase restrictions

    The number of tickets that can be purchased are limited to 2 tickets per show.

  • 当先行はチケットぴあによるチケットお申し込み、JO1公式アプリによるチケット発券となります。
  • ※これから月会費まとめて払いコースにご入会・コース変更される方もお申し込み可能です。
  • ※同月内に月会費コースから月会費まとめて払いコースに変更した場合、初月のみ両コースの会費が発生します。
  • ※ご自身の入会日に関しては、マイページのデジタル会員証をご確認ください。
  • ※申し込み多数の場合、月額費まとめて払いコースの方及びFC発足の2019年12月から月額費コースを続けていただいているJAMの皆様を優遇させていただきます。
  • You can apply for pre-sale tickets through PIA, and be issued tickets through JO1 official app .
  • ※From now on, it will be possible for people to apply who are going to join the monthly lump sum course or change course.
  • ※In the event that you change from the monthly fee course to the monthly lump sum course within the same month, membership fees for both courses will be charged only in the first month.
  • ※Please refer to your digital membership card on My Page for the date you became a member.
  • ※In the event there are a large number of applications, we will give preferential treatment to those who pay in full for the entire year, and to JAM members who have continued to be monthly members since the FC's launch in December 2019.

二次先行/Ticket Official 2nd Lottery

  • スケジュール

    受付期間:2022年8月26日(金)12:00~2022年8月29日(月) 23:59
    Application Period: August 26th, 2022 (Fri) 12:00 to August 29th, 2022 (Mon) 23:59
    Announcement of results: September 8th, 2022 (Tue) 13:00

  • 対象

    【応募者】JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUBにご入会されている方(コースおよび入会日不問)
    【同行者】会員・非会員の方含めてどなたでも申込可能(非会員の方はPlus member IDが必要となります。) 第1~3希望まで申し込み可能
    [Applicants] Those who are JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB members (accepted regardless of course or date joined)
    [Accompanying Persons] Applications are open to both members and non-members (Non-members will need to provide their ID.)
    You can apply giving your first 3 preferences.

  • 購入枚数制限
    Purchase restrictions

    The number of tickets that can be purchased are limited to 2 tickets per show.

  • 当先行はチケットぴあによるチケットお申し込み、JO1公式アプリによるチケット発券となります。
  • ※これからご入会される方もお申し込み可能です。
  • You can apply for pre-sale tickets through PIA, and be issued tickets through JO1 official app .
  • ※From now on, it will be possible for people to apply who are going to join.

追加公演ぴあ いち早プレリザーブ
/Pia First Pre-reservation (priority for Pia card holders only)

  • スケジュール

    受付期間:2022年9月9日(金) 12:00〜2022年9月12日(月) 23:59
    当落発表:2022年9月22日(木) 13:00
    Application Period: September 9th, 2022 (Fri) 12:00 to September 12th,2022 (Mon) 23:59
    Announcement of results: September 22nd, 2022 (Tue) 13:00

  • 対象

    【応募者・同行者】JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB会員・非会員の方含めてどなたでも申込可能(非会員の方はPlus member IDが必要となります。) 第1~3希望まで申し込み可能


    ※ぴあプレミアム会員 限定先行

    [Applicants・Accompanying Persons] Applications are open to both members and non-members (Non-members will need to provide their ID.) You can apply giving your first 3 preferences.
    Ticket PIA membership registration (free of charge) is required in order to apply.
    Please register your membership before applying (*accompanying guest is not required to register).

    *Pia First Pre-reservation will be determined by lottery.
    *Priority access limited to PIA Premium members only.
    *Payments by PIA card only.
    *For more information, please verify the Ticket PIA website.

  • 購入枚数制限
    Purchase restrictions

    The number of tickets that can be purchased are limited to 2 tickets per show.

  • 当先行はチケットぴあによるチケットお申し込み、JO1公式アプリによるチケット発券となります。
  • You can apply for pre-sale tickets through PIA, and be issued tickets through JO1 official app .
  • ※From now on, it will be possible for people to apply who are going to join.

追加公演 チケットぴあ ファミリーマート先行
/Ticket Pia, Family Mart Lottery

  • スケジュール

    受付期間:2022年9月23日(金) 12:00〜2022年9月26日(月) 23:59
    当落発表:2022年10月6日(木) 13:00
    Application Period: September 23rd,2022 (Fri)12:00 to September 26th,2022 (Mon) 23:59
    Announcement of results: October 6th, 2022 (Tue) 13:00

  • 対象

    【応募者・同行者】JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB会員・非会員の方含めてどなたでも申込可能(非会員の方はPlus member IDが必要となります。) 第1~3希望まで申し込み可能


    [Applicants・Accompanying Persons] Applications are open to both members and non-members (Non-members will need to provide their ID.) You can apply giving your first 3 preferences.
    Ticket PIA membership registration (free of charge) is required in order to apply.
    Please register your membership before applying (*accompanying guest is not required to register).

  • 購入枚数制限
    Purchase restrictions

    The number of tickets that can be purchased are limited to 2 tickets per show.

  • 当先行はチケットぴあによるチケットお申し込み、JO1公式アプリによるチケット発券となります。
  • You can apply for pre-sale tickets through PIA, and be issued tickets through JO1 official app.
  • ※From now on, it will be possible for people to apply who are going to join.
  • 無限大シート(注釈付き指定席)
    /INFINITY seat(Reserved seat, with annotations.)

    9,900 円(税込)


  • ・座席の位置や機材の影響で出演者・ステージの全体および演出の一部が見えづらい可能性がございます。


  • ・座席の位置や機材の影響で出演者・ステージの全体および演出の一部が見えづらい可能性がございます
  • ・3歳以上有料、3歳未満は入場不可となります。
  • ・購入枚数制限:1公演につき2枚まで
  • ・原則としてJO1公式アプリによる電子チケットの対応となります。
  • ・今後の感染症状況、政府・各地自治体の判断に応じて各会場のご収容人数が変動する可能性がございます。
  • ・その他、感染症予防に関するご案内はページ下部の注意事項をご確認ください。
  • ・Due to the placement of the seat, and/or due to the effects of equipment, some or all performers, as well as a portion or all of the stage and performances may be difficult to view.
  • ・Admission charges for ages 3 and up.
    Children under the age of 3 are not permitted entry.
  • ・The number of tickets that can be purchased are limited to 2 tickets per show.
  • ・In principle, e-tickets through JO1 official app will be supported.
  • ・The number of people allowed into each venue may change in accordance with any infection outbreaks in the future, or based on decisions by the government and local authorities.
  • ・For other information on infectious disease prevention, please see the notes at the bottom of the page.

先行/Ticket Official Lottery

  • スケジュール

    Application Period: August 9th, 2022 (Tue) 12:00 to August 14th, 2022 (Sun) 23:59
    Announcement of results: August 19th, 2022 (Fri) 13:00

  • 対象

    【応募者】JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUBにご入会されている方(コースおよび入会日不問)
    【同行者】会員・非会員の方含めてどなたでも申込可能(非会員の方はPlus member IDが必要となります。) 第1~10希望まで申し込み可能
    [Applicants] Those who are JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB members (accepted regardless of course or date joined)
    [Accompanying Persons] Applications are open to both members and non-members (Non-members will need to provide their ID.)
    You can apply giving your first 10 preferences.

  • 購入枚数制限
    Purchase restrictions

    The number of tickets that can be purchased are limited to 2 tickets per show.

  • 当先行はチケットぴあによるチケットお申し込み、JO1公式アプリによるチケット発券となります。
  • ※これから JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB にご入会される方もお申し込み可能です。
  • ※同月内に月会費コースから月会費まとめて払いコースに変更した場合、初月のみ両コースの会費が発生します。
  • You can apply for pre-sale tickets through PIA, and be issued tickets through JO1 official app .
  • ※From now on, it will be possible for people to apply who are going to join the monthly lump sum course or change course.
  • ※In the event that you change from the monthly fee course to the monthly lump sum course within the same month, membership fees for both courses will be charged only in the first month.

先行/Ticket Official Lottery

  • スケジュール

    Application Period: October 4th, 2022 (Tue) 12:00 to October 6th, 2022 (Tue) 23:59
    Announcement of results: October 14th, 2022 (Fri) 13:00

  • 対象

    【応募者】JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUBにご入会されている方(コースおよび入会日不問)
    【同行者】会員・非会員の方含めてどなたでも申込可能(非会員の方はPlus member IDが必要となります。) 第1~3希望まで申し込み可能
    [Applicants] Those who are JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB members (accepted regardless of course or date joined)
    [Accompanying Persons] Applications are open to both members and non-members (Non-members will need to provide their ID.)
    You can apply giving your first 3 preferences.
    *Selections will be made from only domestic members due to the reception period. We kindly ask for your understanding.

  • 購入枚数制限
    Purchase restrictions

    The number of tickets that can be purchased are limited to 2 tickets per show.

  • 当先行はチケットぴあによるチケットお申し込み、JO1公式アプリによるチケット発券となります。
  • ※これから JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB にご入会される方もお申し込み可能です。
  • ※同月内に月会費コースから月会費まとめて払いコースに変更した場合、初月のみ両コースの会費が発生します。
  • You can apply for pre-sale tickets through PIA, and be issued tickets through JO1 official app .
  • ※From now on, it will be possible for people to apply who are going to join the monthly lump sum course or change course.
  • ※In the event that you change from the monthly fee course to the monthly lump sum course within the same month, membership fees for both courses will be charged only in the first month.

About identity verification when entering with E-tickets


    Winners of tickets and accompanying persons must register their face photos on Tixplus by the deadline. Failure to do so will lead to refusal of admission.
    ※If you have already registered, you do not need to re-register. You can check your registration status on the MY Page. Click here for MY Page
    We will verify the identity of all visitors at the time of admission for this event. If you cannot verify your identity, we will refuse admission for any reason.
    The purchaser’s name and photo will display on the E-ticket, and his/her identity will be verified at the time of admission to each venue using the E-ticket.
    If you do not register your face photo, you will be refused admission. In addition, even if you have already registered your face photo, we may ask you to show your ID if it is difficult to verify your identity.
    The purchaser must bring an ID card to the venue that can be used to verify the name on the ticket.
    For details on ID, please check the official website and the E-ticket details page.
    For more details about the performances, please check the guide on the official website


JO1公式トレード開始!/JO1 The Official Trade begins!

If you have purchased advance tickets or general tickets and unfortunately cannot attend the event due to your schedule, you can list your tickets during the Official Ticket Trade period.
If you are a member of the official fan club, you can apply to purchase tickets. Please take advantage of this service.

  • 申込・出品期間 /Subscription/Listing Period

    Sequentially after starting at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 24th, 2022 until 11:59 a.m on the day before each performance.*Trade start date and time vary depending on the performance date

  • 無限大シート 申込・出品期間 /INFINITY seat
    Subscription/Listing Period

    From 1week before each performance to 11:59 a.m the day before each performance*Only Aichi performances are scheduled to start 5days before each performance.

  • 一般発売 申込・出品期間 /Regular ticket sales
    Subscription/Listing Period

    From 5 days before each performance to 11:59 a.m the day before each performance*Only Aichi performances are scheduled to start 3days before each performance.

  • ※公式トレード以外の転売、譲与は禁止となります
  • ※公式トレードはチケプラのシステムを使用いたします
  • (9/2更新情報)
  • 海外会員様のチケットはトレードに出品できない旨をご案内しておりましたが、出品ができるよう調整を行いましたのでご案内いたします。
  • ※愛知公演については個別で対応させていただきました。
  • *Resale or transfer of tickets other than through official trade is prohibited.
  • *The Official Trade will be conducted through the Tixplus system.
  • (Update 9/2)
  • We have adjusted the trade system to allow overseas members to trade their items.
    We appreciate your understanding that the procedure will differ depending on your own situation, as the trade system is a domestic service.
  • *As for the Aichi, it was handled on an individual basis.



09/22 (Thu)start 6:30PM [JST]


10/01(Sat) 12:00PM[JST] ~
10/02(Sun) 11:59PM[JST]



9月2日(金) 15:00 ~ 10月2日(日) 21:00

JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB release for overseas fans

Live Streaming Ticket with Memorial Picture Ticket
4,100 yen (tax included) *Including ticket delivery fee of 500 yen (tax included)

Ticket Sales Period
September 2nd,(Fri)3:00PM [JST] ~ October 2nd,(Sun)9:00PM [JST]

for overseas fans

This Concert will be available to overseas residents too.
*This system is conforming to the global network stream of Amazon CloudFront.


配信視聴券 3,600円(税込)


9月2日(金) 15:00 ~ 10月2日(日) 21:00

FANY Online Ticket

9月9日(金) 10:00 ~ 9月21日(木) 10:00

General ticket for overseas fans

Price 3,600 yen (tax included)

Ticket Sales Period
September 2nd,(Fri)3:00PM [JST] ~ October 2nd,(Sun)9:00PM [JST]

for overseas fans

This Concert will be available to overseas residents too.
*This system is conforming to the global network stream of Amazon CloudFront.


/About Ticket Applications
  • 各先行ごとに、お申込み可能な対象者(応募者同行者)が異なります。必ず対象をご確認の上、お申し込みください。
  • お申し込みは各先行につき、「お一人さま1回のみ。1公演につき2枚まで。」となります。
  • 1回のお申し込みで、各先行につき第1希望~第10希望(任意)まで選択可能、同一日時公演の重複当選はありません。
  • 同行者としてお申込みされた場合も申込み回数が1回としてカウントされます。
  • 同一先行での重複応募は応募無効となる可能性があります。
  • 同一先行内での応募者/同行者を入れ替えてのお申込みは、組み合わせによっては応募無効となる場合もありますので、ご注意ください。
  • たとえ複数当選購入されても、ご本人様以外の方のご入場はお断りさせていただきます。また情報の変更、チケットの取消、払戻、返金等も一切できません。
  • チケットには、お申し込み者、同行者のお名前が表示されます。お申し込みの際は、来場者のお名前にて必ずお申し込みください。
  • お申し込み後の氏名変更はお受けいたしません。チケットに表示される氏名は、お申し込み時にご入力いただいたPlus member IDに紐づく登録情報です。 ご家族間、ご友人間であっても譲渡は固くお断りいたします。いかなる理由があろうとも、ご変更は受け付けいたしませんので、お申し込みの際はお間違いご入力漏れの無いようご注意ください。
  • 不正売買が発覚した場合、ご入場をお断り致します。その場合、チケットの払い戻し交通費等の負担は致しかねます。
  • Those who are eligible to apply (applicants/accompanying persons) will be different according to each pre-sale ticket service. Please make sure to check your eligibility before applying.
  • For each pre-sale ticket, applications are "Limited to only 1 per person, and limited to 2 tickets per show."
  • For one application it is possible to give your first 10 preferences (optional) per each pre-sale ticket. There will be no multiple winners for performances on the same day at the same time.
  • Even in the event that an application is made by an accompanying person, numerous applications shall only be counted as one.
  • Multiple applications for the same pre-sale ticket may result in your application becoming invalid.
  • Please note that applications where the applicants and accompanying persons have been switched for the same pre-sale ticket, may become invalid depending on the pairing.
  • Even if you win or purchase multiple tickets, no one other than yourself will be allowed entry to the venue. No changes to information, cancellations or refunds, etc., will be done under any circumstances.
  • The names of the applicant and accompanying person will be shown on the ticket. When applying, please make sure to apply using the names of the people coming to the event.
  • We will not accept changes in your name after you apply. The name displayed on the ticket is the registration information associated with the Plus member ID at the time of application. Transferring names is strictly prohibited, even between family members or friends. No changes to names will be accepted for any reason, so please make sure that there are no omissions or errors when entering your information.
  • In the even that any unauthorized sales or purchases are discovered, admission will be denied. In such cases, we will not be able to give refunds for tickets, or cover transportation expenses.
  • 海外在住の方のお申込みについて
    /Applications from overseas fans
  • 【お申込み方法】
    海外会員の方は、受付ページの「お申し込みはこちら/Application」をタップ後表示される「Monthly Membership Fee Course」または「Monthly Membership Fee Bundle Payment Course」よりお申し込みください。


  • 【発券方法】
    電子チケットを表示するスマートフォンにJO1 APPをダウンロードしてください。

    JO1 APPアプリを起動後、下部メニュー「チケット」をタップし、チケット購入されたPlus member ID(メールアドレスも可)とパスワードにてログインします。


    ご当選の方は、チケット受取開始日になりましたら、Plus member IDに登録のメールアドレス宛にご案内させていただきます。


  • [How to apply]
    Members from overseas should apply through “Monthly Membership Fee Course”, or “Monthly Membership Fee Bundle Payment Course”, which appears after tapping “お申し込みはこちら/Application” on the Receipt page.

    Digital tickets can also be used on smartphones from overseas. You can enter your foreign phone number on the apply screen.
    *If you cannot receive your electronic ticket even on the starting date of ticket reception, please contact the Tixplus customer support from the following link.

  • [Ticketing method]
    Please download the JO1 APP to the smartphone on which you will show the electronic ticket.
    *If you live overseas and do not own a Japanese mobile phone number, it can be used on a foreign smartphone as well, but the SMS function will be necessary.
    *Please enter the same number as the number that you entered during the application.

    After launching the JO1 APP, tap "Ticket" in the bottom menu and log in with the Plus member ID (an email address is fine as well) and password that you used to purchase the ticket.

    Once the telephone number input screen is displayed, please enter the phone number of that smartphone that you will be using.
    *After entering it, an SMS message will be sent, so please enter the verification code.

    If you are selected, once the starting date for ticket reception arrives, you will receive an email directed to the email address registered with the Plus member ID.

    *Once ticket reception starts, "A new ticket has been received" will be displayed on the ticket list, so please tap it and check that the ticket for the relevant performance is being displayed.
  • チケットに関する注意事項
    /Items of Note Regarding Tickets
  • 各チケット先行は全て抽選となります。先着順ではございませんので、受付期間中に公演に関する注意事項をご確認いただいき、お間違えのないようお申し込みください。受付終了後、お申込みいただいた全応募者の中から厳正なる抽選を行い、当選者を決定いたします。
  • 受付開始直後と受付終了間近は、アクセス集中により繋がりにくい可能性があります。予め時間に余裕をもって、お申込み手続きをお願いいたします。
  • お席に関してのお問い合わせには、一切お答えできません。
  • 今後の情勢により、ご購入していただいたチケットが同行者とお隣同士にならない、または当初販売していなかった空席が追加販売になる可能性などがございます。
  • チケットご購入、ご来場の際にお客さまの緊急連絡先などをご提供していただく場合がございます。
  • お客さまの個人情報は国の機関、自治体等からの要請を受けて、必要な情報提供を行う場合がございますので、予めご了承ください。提供いただいた情報は、上記記載目的以外には一切使用いたしません。
  • お客様の都合による、チケット購入後のキャンセル/変更/払い戻しは一切できません。例外として、公演が中止になった場合などに、払い戻しのご案内をさせていただく場合がございます。
  • やむを得ない理由により参加ができなくなった場合は公式トレードをご利用ください。
  • 車椅子でご来場の方には専用のエリアをご用意いたします。ご希望のお客様は全席指定のチケットをご購入いただき、公演の5日前までに各地お問い合わせ先へ必ずご連絡をお願いいたします。なお、車椅子席には限りがございますので予めご了承ください。
  • All pre-sale tickets will be decided by lottery. It is not first come first serve, so please make sure to check all the items of note regarding the performances during the application period, and not make any errors in your application. After the application period, the winners will be decided by a fair and impartial lottery from among all those who applied.
  • Please note that it may be difficult to connect to the site immediately after the start and near the end of the application period, due to the heavy traffic we will receive. Please carry out the application process with enough time in advance.
  • We will not be able to respond to any inquiries regarding seats whatsoever.
  • Due to future developments, there is a possibility that the tickets you have purchased may not be next to your accompanying person, or that additional seats may become available that were not originally on sale.
  • When purchasing tickets or visiting the venue, you may be asked to provide your emergency contact information, etc.
  • Please be aware that we may give out your personal information when necessary, in response to requests from government agencies, and municipalities, etc. The information provided will in no way be used for any purposes other than those stated above.
  • No cancellations, changes, or refunds can be made after purchasing tickets, for any reasons owing to your circumstances. In special cases, we may offer refunds in the event that a performance is canceled, etc. If you are unable to attend due to reasons beyond your control, please use the official Trade.
  • A special area will be provided for visitors in wheelchairs. If you wish to use it, please contact the various locations at least 5 days prior to the performance. Please note that wheelchair seating is limited.
  • チケットの転売・譲渡について/Resale and transfer of tickets
  • 転売目的のチケット購入は一切禁止といたします。本受付にて購入されたチケットは、理由を問わず第三者に転売する行為は一切禁止されています。また、転売のために第三者に提供する行為も禁止されています。
  • 転売行為とは、オークションへの出品、落札、インターネット上の売買、チケットショップ、購入代行業者、ダフ屋や悪質な第三者を通じての売買等を含んでおります。
  • オークション等での出品や高額転売などが発覚した場合は、出品者及び購入者の入場をお断りさせていただきます。 また、転売等が確認できた場合、公演当日に該当席のご本人確認をする場合があります。ご本人確認が取れなかった場合には、ご入場をお断りさせていただく場合がございます。
  • チケットの譲渡等に関するトラブルは主催者は一切の責任を負いかねます。
  • The purchase of tickets for the purpose of resale is strictly prohibited. It is strictly prohibited to resell tickets purchased with this service to any third party, regardless of the reason. It is also prohibited to provide tickets to a third party for them to resell.
  • Resale activities include selling tickets at auctions, making successful bids, buying and selling tickets on the Internet, ticket stores, purchasing agents, and selling through scalpers and malicious third parties, etc. In the event that an item is found to have been sold at an auction, etc., or resold at a higher price, the seller or purchaser will be denied entry. In the event that it has been confirmed that there has been a resale, etc., we may verify the identity of the person in the corresponding seat on the day of the performance. If we cannot verify identity, entry may not be permitted.
  • The organizer will not be responsible for any problems whatsoever, related to the transfer of tickets, etc.
  • 録音・録画・写真撮影に関して/About Audio Recording, Video Recording, and Photography
  • 場内でのカメラ、携帯電話、スマートフォン等による写真、動画の撮影及び録音等は固くお断り申し上げます。これらの行為は法律でも禁止されています。
  • 撮影や録音されている方を見つけた場合、直ちに機器の没収及び退場処分となりますので予めご了承ください。スタッフの指示に従わず生じた事故、盗難等につきましては、主催者、アーティストは一切の責任を負いません。
  • 公演当日、映像及び写真撮影のカメラが入ります。お客様の様子が映り込む場合がございますので予めご了承ください。
  • Photography, video recording, and audio recording, etc., with cameras, cell phones, smart phones, etc., is strictly prohibited in the venue. These activities are even prohibited by law.
  • Please be aware that if you are found filming or recording audio, your equipment will be immediately confiscated, and you will be asked to leave the venue. Neither the organizer nor the artists will be held responsible for absolutely any accidents, theft, etc., that occur as a result of not following the instructions of the staff.
  • Cameras for recording videos and taking photos will be present on the day of the performance. Please understand that you may be caught on camera.
  • ファンレター/プレゼント/お花に関して/ About fan letters/gifts/flowers
  • ファンレター、プレゼント(祝花/バルーン/米花輪等) はお受け取りできません。予めご了承ください。
  • Please be aware that fan letters or gifts (congratulatory flowers/balloons/fan rice, etc.) cannot be accepted.
  • 応援グッズ・有志での企画に関して / About items for cheering and volunteer projects
  • 応援グッズ使用の際の注意事項や、持ち込み可能なグッズについての注意事項は別途ご案内いたします。
  • We will provide separate guidance regarding the precautions for the use of items for cheering, and the goods you are allowed to bring in.
  • 会場でのお願い及び感染対策について / About requests and infection control measures at the venue
  • 本公演のチケット販売は、紙チケットによる接触機会の削減及びご来場者様の情報を漏れなくご登録いただくため、全て電子チケットでのお取り扱いとなります。ご入場の際は、お客様ご自身でスマートフォン等の操作をお願い致します。
  • 本公演は政府が定めた収容率に応じた動員人数、感染予防対策を講じた座席配置になっています。但し、今後の規制緩和に応じて、動員人数と配席が変更となる場合もございますので予めご了承ください。
  • 本公演のチケットは、チケット購入時に購入者並びに同行者の氏名、連絡先を確認の上、販売させていただいています。
  • 本公演にて新型コロナウイルス感染者が発生した場合は、感染経路追跡のため必要に応じて、保健所等の行政機関にお客様の個人情報を共有させていただく場合がございますので予めご了承ください。
  • 感染予防に関する案内板やサイン等の設置を行い、注意喚起を促します。
  • 常時マスクの着用及び、手洗い、うがい、咳エチケット、こまめな手指消毒にご協力ください。
  • 飛沫感染防止のため、大声での会話、歓声、声援を禁止といたします。
  • 手すり、ドアノブ、照明スイッチ等、不特定多数の方が接触する箇所や感染リスクの高い箇所を中心に定期的な消毒作業をいたします。また、必要に応じてドアの開放を行い、会場内の換気に努めます。
  • 来場者への対面対応が必要な場所においては、アクリル板や透明ビニールカーテン等を設置し飛沫感染防止対策を施します。
  • 会場内外におきましては、いかなる密集、グッズ等のトレーディング行為も禁止とさせていただきます。
  • ステージと客席間の距離は十分に確保いたします。
  • ご入場後に体調を崩された場合は、速やかにお近くのスタッフまでお申し出ください。
  • 体調不良であることが見受けられるご来場者様には、スタッフよりお声掛けさせて頂きますことご了承ください。また、状態によってはご入場をお断り致しますこと、重ねてご了承をお願い致します。
  • 万が一、会場内で感染症発生の可能性が生じた場合、座席の照合をさせていただきます。公演中の不要なお座席の移動交換は禁止とし、来場者同士の接触や物の貸し借りはお控えください。
  • 水分補給の目的以外でのご飲食は禁止といたします。アルコール飲料の持ち込み不可/飲酒は禁止です。
  • 売店の営業に関しましては、公演前に各会場ごとに改めてご案内とさせていただきます。
  • 喫煙所は閉鎖又は人数制限をさせていただく場合がございます。
  • In order to reduce the chances of contact that comes from paper tickets, and to ensure that all visitors' information is registered without omissions, all tickets for this performance will be sold electronically. Please operate your smartphone or other devices yourself, when entering the venue.
  • The seating arrangements for this performance are designed to accommodate the number of people in attendance, according to the capacity ratio set by the government, and infection prevention measures that are in place. However, please be aware that the number of audience members and seating assignments may change in accordance with the easing of regulations in the future.
  • Tickets for this performance will be sold after verifying the names and contact information of the buyer and accompanying persons at the time of purchasing the ticket.
  • Please note that in the event of an outbreak of COVID-19 at this performance, we may share your personal information with administrative agencies such as public health centers as is necessary, to trace the route of infection.
  • We will install information boards and signs, etc., regarding infection prevention to alert people to its importance.
  • Please cooperate by wearing a mask at all times, washing your hands, gargling, practicing good manners when coughing, and cleaning your hands with sanitizer frequently.
  • To prevent droplet infection loud conversations, vocal cheering and shouts of support are prohibited.
  • Regular disinfection will be performed focusing on handrails, doorknobs, light switches, and other areas that come into contact with large numbers of the general public, or have a high risk of being infected. In addition, doors will be opened as is necessary, in an effort to ventilate the venue.
  • In areas where face-to-face contact with visitors is necessary, we will install acrylic panels, and transparent vinyl curtains, etc., as measures to prevent droplet infection.
  • Any kind of crowding together, or trading of goods, etc., is prohibited inside and outside of the venue.
  • Adequate distance will be maintained between the stage and audience seating.
  • If you feel ill after entering the venue, please notify the nearest staff member immediately.
  • Please be aware that our staff may approach and talk to you if you appear to be unwell.Please once again be advised that depending on your condition, you may not be permitted entry to the venue.
  • If by some possibility there is an outbreak of COVID-19 in the venue, we will verify the seats. Moving or exchanging seats unnecessarily during the performance is prohibited. Please also refrain from touching each other or lending or borrowing items.
  • Eating and drinking are prohibited except for the purpose of rehydration.
  • Information regarding the opening of concession stands will once again be announced at each venue prior to each performance.
  • Smoking areas may be closed, or the number of people able to use them may be restricted.
  • 入退場時におけるお願い/ About Admission
  • 本公演は転売防止策として、電子チケットでの受付となり「JO1公式アプリ」での発券となります。
  • スマートフォン未所持や登録不備等でチケットが表示できない場合は、理由を問わずご入場をお断りいたします。※18歳以下の同行者の方で応募時にスマートフォン未所持の申請をされた方は除く。
  • 入場いただけない場合でも返金等の対応はいたしかねます。
  • 公演当日はご本⼈確認を実施する場合がございます。 ご本⼈確認は申込代表者、同⾏者のどちらも⾏う場合がございます。 ご本⼈確認ができない場合および不正・転売⾏為が発覚した場合は入場をお断りいたします。


    3.写真付き公的免許証(船舶・航空・建築士 他)




  • 新型コロナウイルス接触確認アプリ(COCOA)をダウンロードいただき、アプリの起動を推奨いたします。
  • ご来場前にご自身の体調の確認と検温をお願い致します。
  • 妊婦の方、妊娠が想定される方、持病や基礎疾患のある方、お一人での行動が難しい方等、ご自身のお身体と安全を第一にご自身の判断のもとご来場をご検討ください。
  • 入場時には検温を実施します。37.5度以上の熱がある場合は指定の待機場所にて、時間を空けた後に再び検温を行い、体温に変化が見られない場合は入場をお断りいたします。
  • 入場待機列、化粧室の待機列などでは、来場者間に距離を置いてお並びいただくようご案内いたします。指定された位置、係員の指示に従い、整列、ご入場いただきますようお願い致します。
  • 会場内の各所に消毒液を設置いたします。入場時は、備え付けの消毒液にて手指消毒をお願い致します。
  • 入退場時は、過度な密集を防ぐために座席エリアごとで時間帯を分け規制入退場を行う予定です。スタッフが順次ご案内致しますのでご協力をお願い致します。
  • ご退場後は、会場周辺に滞留することなく速やかにご移動をお願い致します。
  • 終演後に感染が確認されたお客様は、管轄の保健所へご連絡の上、各公演のお問い合わせ先へご報告ください。あわせて、接触確認アプリ(COCOA)への陽性情報の登録にもご協力をお願い致します。
  • As a measure to prevent the resale of tickets, e-tickets will be accepted for this performance, and tickets will be issued through the "JO1 official APP".
  • Even for reasons such as that you do not have a smart phone, or cannot display your ticket due to registration being incomplete, etc., you will not be permitted entry. No refunds will be given in the event that you are not allowed to enter.
  • We may ask you to confirm your identity on the day of the performance. Confirmation of identity may be conducted for both the person responsible for the application and the accompanying person.
    In the event that you cannot confirm your identity, or are found to be engaged in unauthorized or resale activities, you will not be permitted entry to the venue.

    Valid identification (photo that shows your entire face, no photocopies, still within the validity period)

    Type 1: If you have photo ID

    Please bring one of the following items
    1. Passport
    2. Driver's license/International driver's license
    3. Official driver's license with photo (marine, aviation, architect, etc.)
    4. Basic residential registers card
    5. Physical disability certificate
    6. Alien registration card
    7. My number card (notification card will not be accepted)
    8. Welfare certificate
    9. Insurance card with photograph
    10. Student card with photograph
    11. Rehabilitation certificate
    If you have any other identification other than the above (1) to (11) that is considered to be official identification, please contact Tixplus customer support at least 2 days prior to the performance.

    If you do not have any of the above 1-11, or what is considered to be an official ID, please bring the following documents.
    ※Please note that student ID cards for those 19 years of age or older will not be accepted, even if they have a photo.
    ※If you have a student ID/insurance card that does not have a photo, please refer to type 2.
    ※Please note that for documents to confirm your identity, those that are photocopies, have been handwritten, have expired, or have been doctored to make them unusable will not be accepted.

    Type 2: If you do not have a photo ID

    <Please bring two pieces of official identification>
    ・Documents considered to be official identification
    Health insurance card, certificate of residence, a copy of family register, an abstract of family register, certificate of registered seal, pension book.
    ※Please bring all official identification like it was when it was issued to you.
    The certificate of residence, copy of the family register, and extract from the family register are valid within six months of having been issued.

    ※You will not be permitted entry with only one piece of official identification.
    ・Documents that have your name printed on them that will be accepted
    Employee ID card, student ID without photo, credit card, cash card
    Utility bills (electricity, water, etc.) and miscellaneous mail will not be accepted, even if they have your name printed on them.
  • We recommend that you download and activate the COVID-19 Contact-Confirming Application (COCOA).
  • Please check your own physical condition, and take your temperature before coming to the venue.
  • To pregnant women, those who think they might be pregnant, those with pre-existing or underlying medical conditions, and those who find it difficult to do things by themselves, etc., please consider whether to come to the event based on your own judgement, putting your own health and safety first.
  • Your temperature will be taken at the time of entry. If you have a fever of 37.5°C or higher, you will be asked to wait in the designated waiting area. After a time interval your temperature will be taken again, and if it has not changed, you will be denied entry.
  • Visitors will be asked to line up with space in between each other in the waiting lines for entry, and restrooms, etc. Please line up and enter the venue in accordance with your designated position, and the instructions of the staff.
  • Sanitizer will be provided at various locations in the venue. Please disinfect your hands with the sanitizer provided when entering the venue.
  • To prevent excessive crowding, we plan to separate the entry and exit times by seating area. Staff will guide you in order, so we ask for your cooperation.
  • After exiting the venue, please move away immediately, and do not hang around the nearby area.
  • If you have been found to be infected, after the show, please contact the public health center in your area and then make a report to us using the contact information for each performance. We also ask for your cooperation in registering information if you have tested positive, on the Contact-Confirming Application (COCOA).
  • 公演に関する注意事項/Please of Note Regarding the Performance>
  • 本公演は政府や各自治体によるガイドラインに従いながら、各地の定める会場の収容率での開催となり、新型コロナウイルス感染予防対策を講じて実施いたします。主催者が定める入退場フロー、観覧ルールに沿ってお楽しみください。
  • 本公演は新型コロナウイルス感染予防対策に細心の注意を払い、ご来場者様と出演者、スタッフの健康と安全の確保を最優先に考え、できる限りの感染予防対策を講じた上で開催をいたします。
  • 公演日、開場開演時間、出演者等は急遽変更になる場合がございます。また、収容人数の制限が非常に厳しくなり実施が著しく困難な場合、やむを得ず公演中止の判断となる可能性がございます。
  • 公演内容、出演者に変更があった場合でも払い戻しはいたしかねますので予めご了承ください。会場までの交通費・宿泊費は各個人の負担になります。
  • 今後、政府や各自治体が示す指針、ガイドライン(イベント開催制限の段階的緩和の目安)に沿って、ご案内の内容が変更になる可能性がございます。
  • ご来場のお客様は、本ページに記載の注意事項を必ずよくお読みいただき、新型コロナウイルス感染拡大防止にご協力をお願い致します。また、「JO1 OFFICIAL SITE」、「JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB」に明記されている注意事項を必ずお守りください。
  • 主催者が定める注意事項に違反、またはご対応いただけない方はご入場をお断り、もしくはご退場いただく場合がございます。ファンクラブ会員の方はファンクラブを退会していただく場合があり、その場合の入会金及び年会費の払い戻しは一切お受けできませんのでご注意ください。
  • 出演者の「入待ち」、「出待ち」は禁止といたします。
  • 公演当日は入場時にご来場者(申込者および同行者)の身分証確認を実施する場合がございます。ご本人確認ができない場合および不正・転売行為が発覚した場合には、理由の如何を問わず入場をお断りさせていただきます。
  • チケットの紛失、忘失された方は、如何なる理由であってもご入場いただけません。また再発行もできませんので十分にご注意ください。
  • 会場内にお手荷物を預けられるクローク等はございません。荷物や貴重品の管理は、自己責任にてお願い致します。盗難・紛失等の被害につきましては、主催者は一切の責任を負いかねます。
  • ペンライトやうちわ等の応援グッズは、公演や他のお客様の観覧の妨げとなるような高さ、大きさ、並びに迷惑行為は禁止といたします。
  • 公演当日の詳しい入場方法や、感染症対策についての注意事項・最新情報は、随時当特設サイトにてご案内いたしますので、必ずお読みいただきご来場をお願い致します。
  • This performance will be held based on the capacity of each venue, following the guidelines set by the government and local municipalities, and will be held in accordance with measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Please enjoy the performance in accordance with the entry/exit flow, and rules for viewing put in place by the organizer.
  • This performance will be held with the utmost care and attention being given to measures for preventing the spread of COVID-19, and we will give absolute priority to ensuring the health and safety of the audience, performers and staff, with all possible infection prevention measures being put in place.
  • Performance dates, opening/starting times, and performers, etc., may be subject to changes at very short notice. In the event of extreme difficulty due to tighter capacity restrictions, we may have no choice but to cancel the performance.
  • Please note that no refunds will be made, even in the event that any changes are made to the content of the performance or performers. Transportation to the venue and accommodation expenses are to be borne by each individual.
  • Please note that in the future, the information provided may be subject to changes in accordance with instructions and guidelines (aimed at gradually relaxing restrictions on holding events) issued by the government and various municipalities.
  • We ask that all visitors to the event make sure to carefully read the points of note listed on this page, and cooperate in preventing the spread of COVID-19. In addition, please be sure to observe the points of note specified in " JO1 OFFICIAL SITE " and " JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB ".
  • Those who violate the points of note set forth by the organizer, or do not comply with them may be denied entry or asked to leave the venue. Please note that fan club members may be asked to withdraw from the fan club, in which case the joining fee and annual membership fee will not be refunded.
  • "Waiting for the entry" or "waiting for the exit" of performers to and from the venue is prohibited.
  • On the day of the performance, visitors (the applicant as well as their companions) may be required to verify their personal identification upon entry. If personal identification cannot be established, and/or any improper acts or attempts to resell tickets are discovered, entry may be revoked regardless of the reasons for such acts.
  • Those who have lost or forgotten their tickets will not be permitted entry regardless of the reason. Please take careful note that tickets cannot be reissued.
  • There is no cloakroom, etc., where you can leave your baggage at the venue. Please take personal responsibility for looking after your belongings and valuables. The organizer will take absolutely no responsibility for any damages caused by theft or loss, etc.
  • Items for cheering such as penlights and fans, etc., that are so high or large that they obstruct the performance and the view for other audience members, and any actions that cause any inconvenience, are prohibited.
  • Detailed information on how to enter the venue on the day of the performance, as well as precautions and the latest information on measures against COVID-19, will be posted on JO1 official website as is necessary, so please read it before coming to the venue.
  • 入場時・場内での禁止事項 /Points about prohibition at the time of entry, and in the venue
  • 感染防止のための注意事項やお願いに従えない方、安全確保の妨げになると判断した方。また、公演中にこのような行為が発覚した場合は途中退場いただきます。
  • 特別な事由を除き、マスクを常時着用していただけない方。
  • 37.5度以上の熱がある方。また、咳、呼吸困難、全身倦怠感、咽頭痛、鼻汁、鼻閉、味覚、嗅覚障害、眼の痛みや結膜の充血、頭痛、関 節 筋肉痛、下痢、嘔気、嘔吐といった体調不良の症状のある方。
  • 新型コロナウイルス陽性判定を受け、現在医師から自宅待機の指示を受けている方。
  • 新型コロナウイルス陽性判定を受けた方と濃厚接触がある方、政府から入国制限、入国後の観察期間を必要とされている国地域への訪問歴及び当該在住者との濃厚接触がある方。
  • 酒気帯び状態の方。アルコールの摂取は体温上昇の可能性がありますので、来場前の飲酒はお控えください。また、アルコール類の持込は禁止とさせていただきます。
  • Those who are unable to follow the precautions and requests to prevent infection, or those who are deemed to be obstructive to maintaining the safety of the audience. Also, those who are found to be doing such actions during the performance, will be asked to leave the venue mid-way through.
  • Those who are unwilling to wear a mask at all times, except for special reasons.
  • Those who have a fever of 37.5°C or higher. Those with symptoms of illness such as a cough, difficulty breathing, general malaise, a sore throat, nasal discharge, a congested nose, taste or smell disorder, eye pain or bloodshot eyes, a headache, joint or muscle pain, diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting.
  • Those who have tested positive for COVID-19, and are currently instructed by a physician to stay home.
  • Those who have been in close contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, those who have a history of having visited a country or region where the government has imposed entry restrictions or a post-entry observation period, or those who have been in close contact with a person residing in such a country or region.
  • Those under the influence of alcohol. Please refrain from consuming alcohol prior to coming to the venue, as alcohol consumption may raise your body temperature. Also, bringing alcoholic beverages into the venue is prohibited.
  • グッズ及びCD、DVD等の販売対策について / About measures for selling merchandise and CDs, DVDs, etc.
  • グッズ販売を行う際は、別途、販売エリアの対策及び注意事項をご案内いたします。
  • 会場内外でのライブグッズ及びCD、DVDを販売可能と判断した場合は、密集を防ぐ整列、飛沫感染防止対策を講じた上で販売いたします。
  • We will provide separate guidance on the measures and precautions to be taken in the sales area when selling merchandise.
  • When it is deemed possible to sell live merchandise, CDs, and DVDs inside and outside the venue, they will go on sale after measures to prevent crowded lines, and droplet infection have been taken.
  • イベントスタッフ、関係者、出演者の感染症対策について / About infection control measures for event Staff, related personnel, and performers
  • 全てのイベントスタッフ、関係者及び出演者に対し、検温、健康状態のチェックを実施し、マスクの着用、こまめな手洗い、手指消毒を徹底いたします。
  • 発熱等の体調不良が確認された場合は、当該業務への従事を中止いたします。
  • その他、異変が起こった場合、直ちに保健所など保健行政機関や近隣の医療機関と連携し、イベントスタッフ、関係者及び出演者の健康と安全を確保する策を講じます。
  • We will be strict in making all event staff, related personnel, and performers adhere to taking their temperatures, checking their health, wearing masks, washing their hands frequently, and sanitizing their hands.
  • In the event that a person is found to be unwell, such as having a fever, etc., they will be stopped from engaging in work at the event.
  • In the event of any other unusual circumstances, we will immediately cooperate with public health administrative agencies such as public health centers, and nearby medical institutions, and will take measures to ensure the health and safety of event staff, related personnel, and performers.
    ※「2022 JO1 1ST ARENA LIVE TOUR 'KIZUNA'」では、会場にお持ち込みのペンライトのみ連動させていただきます。

    ◆連動する前に必ず新しい電池に交換してください。【アルカリ単4乾電池 × 3本】

  • 公演が始まる前に電源を入れてください。スティック本体にあるボタンを押すと電源が入ります。
  • JO1 OFFICIAL LIGHT STICKは無線制御機能を搭載しており、電源を入れるだけで、自動で連動されます。
  • 公式アプリの起動は不要となります。(座席番号の入力をする必要はございません。)
  • 開演前にライトスティックの制御と事前点灯チェックが行われる場合があります。
  • 公演が始まるとライトが消え、準備モードに変換されます。誤作動ではございませんのでご安心ください。

  • ※その他注意事項:
  • 現在、OFFICIAL LIGHT STICKをご自身のアプリで色を設定されている方、青い点滅のBluetoothモードに設定されている方は本公演において演出が反映されません。
  • 既にいずれかの設定をされているお客様はボタンを3秒以上長押しして一度電源をお切りいただき、再度電源をお入れください。

  • ◆電池に関する注意事項
    ※その他、上記以外の操作に関する不明点に関しましては各会場のOFFICIAL LIGHT STICKサポートブースにお越しください。


    JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB/JO1 Mailのご登録・ご利用について
    Regarding Registration and Use of JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB/JO1 Mail

    Can I apply for advance tickets even if I haven't enrolled in the fan club yet?
    >JO1 Mail入会はこちらから
    You can apply for advance tickets if you enroll in the fan club within the enrollment period.
    >Click here to join JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB
    >Click here to join JO1 Mail
    Can you confirm that my ticket application is complete?
    A申込完了メール・当落結果通知メール内に<申込状況照会 URL>を掲載しておりますので、URL よりご確認ください。また各申込受付ページ内にも申込照会ページが掲載されております。
    ※サポート情報として、当落結果通知メールを上記の結果発表日時に配信いたしますが、メールが未着の際は必ず、お客様ご自身で [申込状況照会] の結果発表をご確認ください。
    We have linked the in the application completion email and results email, so please check from the URL.
    Furthermore, within each application page is an application status inquiry page.
    ※In order to see your application status inquiry, you will need the "application number" displayed onscreen at the completion of your application, as well as the "application status inquiry password" registered at the time of your application. We recommend that you absolutely secure this information by taking a screenshot, etc.
    ※As additional information, an email notifying applicants of the success or failure of their application will be sent on the above-mentioned announcement date. If you do not receive an email, please make certain to take steps to verify the results of your [application status inquiry].
    ※Please edit your email settings to allow emails from Emails will not be resent.
    ※We will not be held responsible in any way for any mid-transmission Internet errors, transmission delays or unsent transmissions due to the customer's email servers, or issues regarding their device settings, etc.
    Can I apply for each advance ticket sale?
    You may apply for each advance ticket sale. There are no duplicate wins for the same day performance.
    There will be no cases of anyone being selected multiple times for a performance on the same date and time.
    I've already enrolled. Can I change my personal information (name, date of birth, etc.)?
    ・Eから始まるPlus member ID


    After you have enrolled and your payment has been processed, you cannot pass on your membership to another person for any reason, not even to family members. If you wish to apply for a ticket on behalf of someone else, please be sure to register the name of the person who wishes to apply or attend.
    If any of the circumstances below apply to you, please contact us with the required information:
    ●Your surname has changed after marriage
    ●Your registered name contains incorrect kanji or furigana
    ●Your last name and first name are reversed
    Required Information:
    ・Current registered name (kanji/furigana)
    ・Correct name notation (kanji/furigana)
    ・Date of birth (8 digits, according to the Western Calendar)
    ・Registered email address
    ・Registered phone number
    ・Plus member ID starting with E
    Contact Us

    Applying For Tickets, Ticketing, and Admission

    QPlus member IDとはなんですか?
    What is a Plus member ID?
    会員登録いただくと自動的に「Plus member ID」が発行されます。
    Plus member ID is the ID that you need when using Tixplus (formerly: EMTG) services (applying for ticket pre-sales, receiving electronic tickets, trading tickets). A Plus member ID will be issued to you automatically if you register as a member. Please click here if you have any other questions.
    I don't understand the proper way to apply for tickets.
    チケットぴあ [email protected] (営業時間10:00~18:00 土日祝・年末年始除く)
    ※メールの件名に“2022 JO1 1ST ARENA LIVE TOUR ‘KIZUNA’ (受付先行名を記載)お問い合わせ”、本文に 「ご質問」「お名前」「お電話番号」 を必ずご明記ください。
    With regard to applying for tickets, please inquire with Ticket PIA.
    Ticket Pia [email protected] (Hours of operation: 10:00 - 18:00 excepting Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and New Year holidays)
    *Please make certain to enter in the subject line of your email, "2022 JO1 1ST ARENA LIVE TOUR ‘KIZUNA’
    (enter the name of the show for which you are applying for advance tickets) inquiry," and in the body of your email, clearly specify "your question," "your name," and "your telephone number."
    We will not respond to emails that do not contain a question (the content of your inquiry).
    I should be eligible for the advance ticket sales, but I cannot apply.
  • 月会費コースの方
    【月会費コース(JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUBを12ヵ月以上継続中)の方はこちら】よりお進みください。
  • 月会費まとめて払いコースの方
  • The application buttons are different for those who have been in the Monthly Membership Fee Course for at least 12 consecutive months and the Monthly Membership Fee Bundle Payment Course.
  • Those in the Monthly Membership Fee Course
    Please proceed from [Monthly Membership Fee Course (Those who have been a JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB member for at least 12 months)].
    *If you have not been in the course for at least 12 consecutive months, there will be an error.
    For the "Monthly Membership Fee Course", "Member continuation state: ongoing" will be displayed on My Page.
    Please check the "digital membership card" for your date of commencement of membership on My Page.
    Please log into the site and check this on My Page.
    If you have not been a member for at least 12 consecutive months, if you switch to the [Monthly Membership Fee Bundle Payment Course] now, you will be able to apply for the advance sales right away as an applicant.
  • Those in the Monthly Membership Fee Bundle Payment Course
    Please proceed from [Monthly Membership Fee Bundle Payment Course].
    *Even if you have been a member for at least 12 consecutive months, please proceed from [Monthly Membership Fee Bundle Payment Course].
    For the "Monthly Membership Fee Bundle Payment Course", "Membership expiry date: ****/**/**" will be displayed on My Page.
    Please log into the site and check this on My Page.
  • Q電子チケットはいつ表示されますか?
    When will the electronic ticket be accessible?
    We plan to display the tickets two weeks before each performance and the seats on the day of the performance.
    What should I do to change from the Monthly Membership Fee Bundle Payment Course collective course?
    A月会費コースから月会費まとめて払いコースへの変更をご希望の場合は、MY PAGE内「退会手続き」または「コース変更はこちら」から、月会費コースの退会手続きを行ってください。

    再登録後は必ず、MY PAGE内「メールマガジン設定」をご確認ください。



    If you wish to change from the monthly fee course to the monthly fee collective payment course, please carry out the procedure to withdraw from the monthly fee course from "Withdrawal Procedure or "Click here to change course" on MY PAGE.
    After that, depending on the period in which you re-register for the monthly fee collective payment course, the method of registration will differ, so please check the following.
    ※Please note that the fees for the monthly fee course and monthly fee collective payment course incurred during the membership period cannot be refunded.
    ※Upon withdrawing from the site, all of the settings related to email delivery will be turned "OFF". After re-registering, please be sure to check the "email magazine settings" on MY PAGE.
    [If registering for the monthly fee collective payment course within the next month after withdrawing from the monthly fee course]
    It is possible for you to inherit your member information and use the site.
    When you log in with your registered email address and password obtained when registering as a member of the monthly fee course, you will be shown the course and payment method selection page, so please make payment for the monthly fee collective payment course.
    [If registering for the monthly fee collective payment course after the next month after withdrawing from the monthly fee course]
    It is not possible to inherit your member information and use the site.
    Please select "proceed to the membership procedure" on the new membership page and carry out the procedure. When doing so, when you log in using your registered email address and password obtained when registering as a member of the monthly fee course, you will be shown the course and payment method selection page, so please make payment for the monthly fee collective payment course.
    ※Regarding changes in the payment course during the same month*
    If you withdraw from the monthly fee course and join the monthly fee collective payment course during the same month, you will be charged the fee for both the monthly fee course and the monthly fee collective payment course for this month.
    "Monthly fee" 550 yen (including tax) + "monthly fee collective payment course" 6,600 yen (including tax) = 7,150 yen (including tax) in total
    Is it possible to change the applicant's plus-one?
    Only the applicant can change their plus-one.
    What devices are compatible with e-tickets?
    A 対応機種はこちらよりご確認ください。
    Please check here for compatible devices.
    I was elected to receive tickets, but the payment period has passed.
    A 支払期限が切れてしまった場合、支払手続は自動的にキャンセルされ、当選は無効になります。いかなる理由でも無効の取消はできません。
    If the deadline to pay has passed, the payment process will be automatically cancelled, and you will no longer be able to receive tickets. This is non-negotiable.
    I was selected to receive tickets but I'm no longer able to attend the concert.
    If you are suddenly unable to attend, we are planning an "official ticket trade" program by which you can trade in your ticket for another ticket of the same price. Detailed information will be announced at a later date.
    What is facial photo registration?
    These tickets will be issued through the JO1 Official App and you will enter the venue with your e-ticket and a facial photo. It's necessary to register your facial photo and those for anyone accompanying you in advance.
    What forms of ID are required on the day of the concert?

    3.写真付き公的免許証(船舶・航空・建築士 他)




  • 新型コロナウイルス接触確認アプリ(COCOA)をダウンロードいただき、アプリの起動を推奨いたします。
  • ご来場前にご自身の体調の確認と検温をお願い致します。
  • 妊婦の方、妊娠が想定される方、持病や基礎疾患のある方、お一人での行動が難しい方等、ご自身のお身体と安全を第一にご自身の判断のもとご来場をご検討ください。
  • 入場時には検温を実施します。37.5度以上の熱がある場合は指定の待機場所にて、時間を空けた後に再び検温を行い、体温に変化が見られない場合は入場をお断りいたします。
  • 入場待機列、化粧室の待機列などでは、来場者間に距離を置いてお並びいただくようご案内いたします。指定された位置、係員の指示に従い、整列、ご入場いただきますようお願い致します。
  • 会場内の各所に消毒液を設置いたします。入場時は、備え付けの消毒液にて手指消毒をお願い致します。
  • 入退場時は、過度な密集を防ぐために座席エリアごとで時間帯を分け規制入退場を行う予定です。スタッフが順次ご案内致しますのでご協力をお願い致します。
  • ご退場後は、会場周辺に滞留することなく速やかにご移動をお願い致します。
  • 終演後に感染が確認されたお客様は、管轄の保健所へご連絡の上、各公演のお問い合わせ先へご報告ください。あわせて、接触確認アプリ(COCOA)への陽性情報の登録にもご協力をお願い致します。
  • As a measure to prevent the resale of tickets, e-tickets will be accepted for this performance, and tickets will be issued through the "JO1 official APP".
  • Even for reasons such as that you do not have a smart phone, or cannot display your ticket due to registration being incomplete, etc., you will not be permitted entry. No refunds will be given in the event that you are not allowed to enter.
  • We may ask you to confirm your identity on the day of the performance. Confirmation of identity may be conducted for both the person responsible for the application and the accompanying person.
    In the event that you cannot confirm your identity, or are found to be engaged in unauthorized or resale activities, you will not be permitted entry to the venue.

    Valid identification (photo that shows your entire face, no photocopies, still within the validity period)

    Type 1: If you have photo ID

    Please bring one of the following items
    1. Passport
    2. Driver's license/International driver's license
    3. Official driver's license with photo (marine, aviation, architect, etc.)
    4. Basic residential registers card
    5. Physical disability certificate
    6. Alien registration card
    7. My number card (notification card will not be accepted)
    8. Welfare certificate
    9. Insurance card with photograph
    10. Student card with photograph
    11. Rehabilitation certificate
    If you have any other identification other than the above (1) to (11) that is considered to be official identification, please contact Tixplus customer support at least 2 days prior to the performance.

    If you do not have any of the above 1-11, or what is considered to be an official ID, please bring the following documents.
    ※Please note that student ID cards for those 19 years of age or older will not be accepted, even if they have a photo.
    ※If you have a student ID/insurance card that does not have a photo, please refer to type 2.
    ※Please note that for documents to confirm your identity, those that are photocopies, have been handwritten, have expired, or have been doctored to make them unusable will not be accepted.

    Type 2: If you do not have a photo ID

    <Please bring two pieces of official identification>
    ・Documents considered to be official identification
    Health insurance card, certificate of residence, a copy of family register, an abstract of family register, certificate of registered seal, pension book.
    ※Please bring all official identification like it was when it was issued to you.
    The certificate of residence, copy of the family register, and extract from the family register are valid within six months of having been issued.

    ※You will not be permitted entry with only one piece of official identification.
    ・Documents that have your name printed on them that will be accepted
    Employee ID card, student ID without photo, credit card, cash card
    Utility bills (electricity, water, etc.) and miscellaneous mail will not be accepted, even if they have your name printed on them.
  • We recommend that you download and activate the COVID-19 Contact-Confirming Application (COCOA).
  • Please check your own physical condition, and take your temperature before coming to the venue.
  • To pregnant women, those who think they might be pregnant, those with pre-existing or underlying medical conditions, and those who find it difficult to do things by themselves, etc., please consider whether to come to the event based on your own judgement, putting your own health and safety first.
  • Your temperature will be taken at the time of entry. If you have a fever of 37.5°C or higher, you will be asked to wait in the designated waiting area. After a time interval your temperature will be taken again, and if it has not changed, you will be denied entry.
  • Visitors will be asked to line up with space in between each other in the waiting lines for entry, and restrooms, etc. Please line up and enter the venue in accordance with your designated position, and the instructions of the staff.
  • Sanitizer will be provided at various locations in the venue. Please disinfect your hands with the sanitizer provided when entering the venue.
  • To prevent excessive crowding, we plan to separate the entry and exit times by seating area. Staff will guide you in order, so we ask for your cooperation.
  • After exiting the venue, please move away immediately, and do not hang around the nearby area.
  • If you have been found to be infected, after the show, please contact the public health center in your area and then make a report to us using the contact information for each performance. We also ask for your cooperation in registering information if you have tested positive, on the Contact-Confirming Application (COCOA).
  • Qライブ当日応募者と同行者は同時に入場が必要ですか?
    Do applicants and their plus-ones need to enter the venue at the same time on the day of the concert?
    Aチケットは応募者・同行者それぞれのスマートフォンに表示されますので、同時入場の必要はございません。 18歳以下の同行者の方で、スマートフォンをお持ちでない場合に限り、購入者のスマートフォンにチケットを2枚まとめて表示し、同行者と一緒にご入場いただけます。 ただし、入場時に有効な身分証明書でのご本人確認を別途行う場合がございます。
    Since e-tickets are accessible on smartphones for applicants and plus-ones, you don't have to enter at the same time. If you're a plus-one under the age of 18 and you don't have a smartphone, you can display two tickets on the applicant's smartphone and enter together. However, we may need to verify your ID at admission.

    Parents/Guardians and Children

    My child doesn't have a Smartphone. Can they apply for a ticket on a parent or guardian's device?
    When applying, please designate the guardian as the "applicant" and designate any children as "accompanying persons." Use "09000000000" as the mobile number for any accompanying persons, and be sure to select "Does not have a smartphone" under "Smartphone device for display of electronic ticket" when entering the information for any accompanying persons on the application screen.
    Please tell me how my child can join if they do not have a smartphone.
    Please refer to the following regarding membership and ticket application for children.
    *Please refer to the other questions regarding "Regarding membership and ticket application for children" as well.
    Can I apply for a ticket if neither the applicant nor the plus one have their own mobile phone?
    If neither the applicant nor the plus one have a smart device, you cannot apply.


    • 本公演のオンライン配信ライブはお手持ちのPCやスマートフォンなどからご視聴いただくものです。ご視聴いただくには事前にチケット(視聴権)のご購入が必要です。
    • チケットのご購入前に、各配信プラットフォームのホームページに記載の注意事項をよくお読みいただき、配信ライブ視聴に適したインターネット環境・推奨環境をお持ちかどうか必ずご確認ください。
    • 生配信視聴は、ライブ配信サービス「StreamPass」「FanStream」または「FANY Online Ticket」よりご覧いただけます。
    • ライブ配信を途中から視聴した場合はその時点からの配信となり、配信中は巻き戻しての再生はできません。
    • 公演は約2時間を予定しております。(前後する可能性がございます。)
    • ライブ配信終了後、チケットをお持ちの方は、【①11/19(金)夜公演:11/22(月) 18:00 ~ 11/23(火) 23:59】【②11/20(土)夜公演:11/23(火) 18:00 ~ 11/24(水) 23:59】【③11/21(日)夜公演:11/24(水) 18:00 ~ 11/25(木) 23:59】までアーカイブ配信をご視聴いただけます。公演ごとにアーカイブ配信期間が異なりますので、ご注意ください。
    • 配信期間中は何度でもアーカイブ視聴可能です。
    • 視聴途中であっても期限を過ぎるとアーカイブ配信が終了いたします。お時間に余裕を持ってご視聴ください。アーカイブ配信の開始時間は各配信プラットフォームの情報からご確認ください。
    • 配信開始直前はサイトへのアクセスが集中するため、配信ページへのログインは時間に余裕をもってお済ませくださいますようお願いいたします。
    • チケットご購入後の公演延期・中止以外の理由に伴うキャンセル・変更・払い戻しはできません。
    • 配信には機材・回線等、最善の準備を行い実施いたしますが、配信の特性上、不慮の一時停止や映像の乱れなどが起こる可能性がございます。その場合もチケット代の払い戻しは致しかねますことを予めご了承ください。
    • サイトメンテナンスなどによりご視聴頂けない期間が発生する場合がございます。
    • お客様のインターネット環境、視聴環境に伴う不具合に関しては、主催者は責任を負いかねます。
    • データ通信量への負荷が多くなることが想定されるため、各配信プラットフォームの視聴推奨環境の注意事項を必ずご確認ください。
    • 視聴に関わるインターネット通信費用はお客様のご負担となります。
    • 視聴チケットをご購入いただいても、チケットの実券や商品の発送はございません。
    • 新型コロナウイルス感染拡大状況などにより、急遽イベントを中止する場合がございます。予めご了承ください。
    • 本公演は有料での配信ライブです。一切の権利は主催者が有します。カメラ・スマートフォンなどによる画面録画・撮影・録音は全て禁止いたします。また、動画サイトなどへの無断転載・共有を行った場合、法的責任に問われる場合がございます。
    • 配信ライブ映像を商用利用することは禁止とさせていただきます。これには、飲食店、広間等で聴衆から料金を受領して配信ライブ映像を流すことを含みます。

    ▼FANY Online Ticket