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Mailing Lists

Mailing lists are the primary communication channel of the Apache Jackrabbit project. See the Apache mailing list and email contribution pages for general information about mailing list usage and the expected behaviour on the mailing lists.

The following lists are used by the Apache Jackrabbit project:

Mailing list Address Subscribe Unsubscribe
Jackrabbit Announcements List [email protected] subscribe unsubscribe
Jackrabbit Users List [email protected] subscribe unsubscribe
Jackrabbit Development List [email protected] subscribe unsubscribe
Jackrabbit Commits List [email protected] subscribe unsubscribe
Oak Development List [email protected] subscribe unsubscribe
Oak Commits List [email protected] subscribe unsubscribe

See the ezmlm user manual and especially the sections on subscribing and unsubscribing for instructions on how to use the Jackrabbit mailing lists.

Trouble unsubscribing?

If you have trouble unsubscribing from Jackrabbit mailing lists, you probably have subscribed some other address than the one you're trying to unsubscribe. To find out the address you are subscribed with, look for a Return-Path header in the source of one of the messages you've received from the mailing list. It should contain something like which means that you're subscribed with [email protected]. You can turn that into an unsubscription request by replacing the “return-1234” part (the numbers change per message) with “unsubscribe”, like this: Send a message to that address to unsubscribe.

Please do not send unsubscription requests directly to the normal mailing list addresses. If you have trouble unsubscribing and the above instructions don't work, you can ask [email protected] for help.

Mailing list archives

The Jackrabbit mailing lists are archived in many places that provide different features for browsing and searching the archives.

Archive site Jackrabbit Archives
Apache Pony Mail! announce users dev commits oak-dev oak-commits
Apache Mail Archives announce users dev commits oak-dev oak-commits
Gmane users dev
The Mail Archive users dev
Nabble users dev
MarkMail All Jackrabbit lists

The raw list archives are also available as compressed mbox files at