[編集]reach (三単現: reaches, 現在分詞: reaching, 過去形: reached, 過去分詞: reached )
- (他動詞) (人が)(場所に)到着する。
- 1906年, E. Nesbit, "The Railway Children"[1]
- They reached the station and spent a joyous two hours with the Porter.
- 彼らは駅に到着すると、ポーターの人と楽しく2時間を過ごした。
- They reached the station and spent a joyous two hours with the Porter.
- 1948年, Ruth Stiles Gannett. "My Father's Dragon"[2]
- For seven hours my father climbed and slipped and leapt from rock to rock, but while it was still dark he finally reached the very last rock and stepped off onto Wild Island.
- 父は7時間もよじ登り、滑り、岩から岩へ飛び跳ね、最終的には、暗い内にまさに最後の岩へ達してワイルドアイランドへと降り立った。
- For seven hours my father climbed and slipped and leapt from rock to rock, but while it was still dark he finally reached the very last rock and stepped off onto Wild Island.
- 1906年, E. Nesbit, "The Railway Children"[1]
- (他動詞) (高い数値や上位の段階に)達する。
- 1922年, Fred H. Colvin and A. Juthe, "The Working of Steel"[3]
- Furthermore, if the load had not yet reached the yield point, and were released at any time, the piece would return to its original length.
- さらに、もし荷重が降伏点に達しておらず、その状態からどの時点でもよいから除荷されたならば、その小片は元の長さに戻る。
- Furthermore, if the load had not yet reached the yield point, and were released at any time, the piece would return to its original length.
- 2019年, Bryan Lynn, "South Korea Proposes Rain Project with China to Cut Pollution"[4]
- South Korea has reached a new high in a kind of air pollution measured in fine dust.
- 微細粒子量で測られたある種の大気汚染レベルにおいて、韓国は新たな最高値に達した。
- South Korea has reached a new high in a kind of air pollution measured in fine dust.
- 1922年, Fred H. Colvin and A. Juthe, "The Working of Steel"[3]
- (他動詞) (結論や合意に)達する。
- 1921年, G. H. Hardy, "A Course of Pure Mathematics"[5]
- The same conclusion might have been reached without the use of geometrical language.
- 幾何学的な言葉を使わなくても同じ結論に達するだろう。
- The same conclusion might have been reached without the use of geometrical language.
- 1921年, G. H. Hardy, "A Course of Pure Mathematics"[5]
- 届く。
- (自動詞) (掴もうとして)手を伸ばす。
- 1906年, E. Nesbit, "The Railway Children"[6]
- “Found him! Was he lost, then?” asked the Doctor, reaching for his coat.
- 「彼を発見しただと! では彼は迷子だったのか?」コートに手を伸ばしながらドクターが訊ねた。
- “Found him! Was he lost, then?” asked the Doctor, reaching for his coat.
- 1906年, E. Nesbit, "The Railway Children"[6]
[編集]reach (複数 reaches)
[編集]- ↑ E. Nesbit. "The Railway Children". 1906. (Project Gutenberg. Last Updated: March 9, 2018.
- ↑ Ruth Stiles Gannett. "My Father's Dragon". 1948. Random House. (Project Gutenberg. September 18, 2009.
- ↑ Fred H. Colvin and A. Juthe "The Working of Steel". Second ed. McGraw-Hill Book Company. New York. 1922. (Project Gutenberg. January 4, 2007.
- ↑ Bryan Lynn. March 09, 2019. "South Korea Proposes Rain Project with China to Cut Pollution" VOA Learning English. 2021年8月22日参照
- ↑ Fred H. Colvin and A. Juthe "A Course of Pure Mathematics". Third Edition. Cambridge University Press. London. 1921. (Project Gutenberg. Release Date: February 5, 2012. Most recently updated: August 6, 2021.
- ↑ E. Nesbit. "The Railway Children". 1906. (Project Gutenberg. Last Updated: March 9, 2018.