All valid points regarding my suggestion.
Out of curiosity, what alt fire modes did you have in mind for the spike and rocket launcher? I'd rather hear your ideas before handing mine out.
I'm liking what I'm seeing so far.
+The game flows well and the art direction is solid.
+I noticed that magazines and shell casings make noise and collide with your body, nice touch.
+The music fits well.
-MG ammo was a bit generous, I could get enough of it that I rarely had ammo issues.
-Enemies were easily stunned and encounters felt a bit easy.
Stuff I'd like to see:
*Might I request that the Data Spike get a melee attack button? It seems difficult to justify the spike being just another weapon when it's an extension of the player character's body. You can even pull a Duke Nukem and keep the spike's weapon slot.