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(1 edit) (+2)

One of the best games/VNs on all of Love the diversity, dialogue, art, and narrative. This was an absolute delight to play - thank you so, so much for making it!!





(1 edit) (+5)

i just LOVE this game!! i teared up so much and oh my gosh i just love it with the bottom of my heart, and the fact that this, in a way, is a prequel of pom gets wi-fi is what i love most!! i love pom gets wi-fi! and i am jumpin with joy at the fact pom and shibe's owners are wonderful lesbians!! i just love this game so much and the fact that it isn't some perfect diary teen story and that it goes through the struggles of different teens is so interesting! i love this game to death and inspires me more for my ambition as a game dev, keep up the good work! my fave was DEFINITELY min-seo! i relate a lot to akarsha tho, but i love them all but min has a special place in my heart. mainly because i fall for korean girls, im too gay for them. the dialogue and music was wonderful and perfect, too! every character is unique and distinct, i just love them all!


I can't thank you enough for creating this game. It was beautifully written and resonated with my inner 14 year old. I almost never see girls like me in any media, so it means a lot to me to have this amazing game exist now.


THIS!!!! THIS IS WHERE LESBIANS GO WHEN THEY DIE!!!! THIS SO BEAUTIFUL!!!! My favorite character is Diya, she's such a innocent cinnamon bun and I love her! <3


this was amazing ;-; i definitely teared up at the end gjhjghj... and i found that the backstories hit pretty close to home. i loooved the characters and the art was great, and that KISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ah! im getting all weepy thinking about butterfly soup again. came back to buy the pdf :)


I must say that this game is one of best things that has ever happened to me.Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for making this wonderful game!I am very glad that I have found this game as I have yet to discover who I really am,even though I am 19...I find myself struggling lately like the girls in the story.Now to the review,the protagonists are so relatable it is scary;I have never expected to see so much of myself on  each one of them,especially Noelle and Diya.The secondary characters(my favourite secondary character is Ju-Seo) were relatable and likeable,too.The dialogue is so cute,so funny and brings me back to my high school days.The story is very well-written and I like that the game touches upon serious subjects like: gender,school,parenthood,abuse,sexism,racism,society and sexuality.The music choices are perfect for each scene(when the titanic flute fail music started playing over in the scenes where Min-Seo and Akarsha did skateboard or that other time when they became friends,I literally couldn't stop laughing and now that I am writing this review I giggle.Furthermore,the artwork is very beautiful and pleasant to look at.Most importantly though what really stood out to me was the overall message of the game;That you should be yourself and that you should not be afraid for who you are.This optimistic message is what made me adore this game.Once more,thank you alot for this game.I wish you the very best in your life.  :)


hello !!! i found this game via tumblr and i rly love this and it was genuinely funny (as in waking up my sister at 3am due to laughter funny) and it's just! really soft! and well written!

i'm an queer asian teen girl myself and i'm also kind of delving into my orientations and seeing this kind of representation makes me !!! :D!!! and i get all kinds of warm inside and. yes. thank you so much


Just finished it, that was so fun! Don't know what to say more than : I'm really curious about what you'll do next, because I had a real pleasure to go throuth the entire story! Thanks for that! 


I'm lesbian.


I rarely ever comment on anything due to shyness,but damn,I just felt compelled to tell you that I loved this game. I loved how nicely written it was, loved the plot and the characters(who were depicted really well,amazing representation).I often play video games  and visual novels, but there is hardly enough stories about lesbians out there, let alone stories I can really connect with,so thank you so much for this game,it`s really neat and it made my week and I`m definitely replaying it .

P.S. d o g s!


I happened upon this game by pure coincidence when someone mentioned it on Twitter (cool way to start a story right, involve social media? I'm down with the kids!).

Anyway, I popped over to this page and read through all of the glowing comments, and just had to experience this for myself.

Before I even start, I do have to acknowledge some (probably pretty obvious) things:

1- I'm not a lesbian

2- I'm not even a girl

3- I'm also not asian

4- I don't like baseball

So you know, you may well be wondering what the heck I would see in a game like this. Let me tell you what I saw. Pure amazingness. Excellent humour, fantastic writing, sugary sweet cute characters (even the potentially homicidal ones) and unadulterated bittersweet perfection.

This may well be my favourite visual novel / adventure game of the year. I got totally absorbed in it, found myself playing for hours without realizing it had been that long. And now I'm at the end... and I don't quite know what to do with my life now. It's like I've been living their life all day and I'm not quite ready to stop.

Never stop making games, because we all need this kind of joyous, crazy, wonderful, sappy kinda love in our lives!


Came back to donate after playing because this game was so amazing. <3


I LOVED IT !!! My fav was definitely Akarsha, but I loved all of the characters and got super attached in a really small time! Before I finished the game I checked your profile and saw that you also created Pom gets wifi (which I also loved lol) and I have to say the ending HAD ME SHOOKETH!!! Anyways great game! :)


I loved this game! The writing was amazing, especially the characters! They all felt so real and I want to know more about them! (I also enjoyed the artbook and thought it was really funny!)

Thank you for creating this. I look forward to your future works, and will help spread the word about this game!


I finally decided to play this game after seeing it about a dozen times on Tumblr and boy am I glad I did. The only thing better than the memes is the excellent cast of characters. I know this is the kind of thing that I will end up playing far more than once.


I played this game multiple times already, and I love the characters. They are all so unique and fun, and I love the POV shifts that allow you to flesh out the characters even more.

(2 edits) (+1)


But for real haha. This game is a masterpiece;;; I friggin love it. The chats are hilarious, they always made me laugh (and they still do whenever i look back on screenshots),  and the game in general is hilarious, but also really adorable?? they're all so damn gay and i love it. I love how the characters really do seem like real people,  their friendship and them crushing on each other aaaaAAAA AA its so cuteeee---- also the art is amazing??

honestly, i just adore this game. It's gay, its adorable, the characters are lovely, the story is beautiful, and??? i could go on forever. just – this is now one of my favorite games and i may or may not have made some doodle fan art already,,,

this game should bless even more people in the world 


I literally made an account just to comment on here about this fabulous game. Like for real man, from start to finish = 11/10 IGN rated, hehe. I think you're humour was beyond hilarious; I died at literally everything. The art and just general aesthetic was my life?? I loved it from the pastel colours to friggin' Akarsha's damn jacket (which fyi I couldn't stop dying over; I'm gonna find a replica and buy one irl). And don't even get me started on the damn writing. That shit was stellar, you jus-...AMAZING! You held account for everything, from memes to not dead jokes to the little details like when Diya has to stand slightly to the right because of her ear! I loved that! So cute :D ESPECIALLY THE CHARACTERS, BROOOOOO. ARE THEY BASED OFF REAL PEOPLE? BECAUSE I LITERALLY WANT TO MEET THEM. Fuck me, they were just so relatable and so modernised. Although, I was really rooting for Arkarsha and Noelle to get together, I thought they would've been hella cute. Could've sworn I got the vibe of "I find you annoying af but really I wanna fuck you". Ohhh welll, guess I'll have to deal with my daydream fantasies instead *sigh* All in all, this game, interactive novel, masterpiece will always be my fav! Fantastic job and can I dare to ask for ...



I loved this game and its characters soo much, thx for creating this wonderful piece of art


Thank you, this game made me very happy while i played it




A really great game! I love the characters  a lot.  The art has the right feel. 

The silly banter was absolutly the right thing at the right time. Had a shitty day and your story made it great. 

As a GameDev thingy myself I do have some observations:

I run across a few skips/bugs espacially in the baseball scenes. Mostly related to Min throwing. Both in uniform and in casual wear. 

The writing for the flashbacks/childhood szenes feels a bit off sometimes. Especially the  scene with min and her brother. Maybe I am off in how old they are, as I am not from the US. 

The baseball game against the other teams does stretch a bit. The pacing is a bit weaker than the rest.  It could gain a lot from more custom illsutrations. (I know, I know) Also are there ome of the head pop ups missing when they speak?

Some of the backgrounds are looking to much like thier photo references. But others look great.  I like especially the school courtyard.

That sounds negative its not! I really adore the whole thing and it made me very happy. Thank you making it.


I don't what to say man but I love this ish! The dialogue was so funny and each character was so fleshed out and relatable in their own. I feel like I went to high school with all of these girls I met all of them! I also loved that it was an LGBT story that dealt with POC characters but wasn't all angst and bad decisions. It's nice to have a fun story that provides us with the same loving message. I played the game for free but before I even finished it I just knew I had to pay for the pdf. I can't wait for the sequel!

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(1 edit) (+1)

CAN I JUST SAY. I laughed SO MUCH! AND god they're all hilarious and adorable and the art was beautiful?? and WOW! what incredible dialogue? and all the effects ? were super well done? and just their FACES. THE MUSIC CHOICES GOD THE RECORDER GODDDDD. and i even (re)learned some stuff about baseball. I WOULD LOVE TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT WHAT HAPPENS TO EVERYBODY, but it's also such a beautiful whole story. AGH WOW I LOVED IT!!!!!


this game is a piece of art. but i need to know what happened to them all in the future, i need that happiness, i need to know what happened to akarsha!!


I think I will be using the phrase "hella kawaii" all the time now.  Awesome.


OMG! I love this game so much! It's so cute. It gave me the feels... I can relate sometimes! I absolutely love the humour and the jokes etc... IMO, Arkarsha is my favourite character because I can relate to her and she is just like me.


This is the best game I've played this year, and in 2017 that's saying something. I cried and laughed so much, both of which I feel like I haven't done enough of lately. This game gave me so many emotions. Namely, all of them all. Please, please, keep making games! Even if they have nothing to do with this, I just want to see what else you will do.


This is an amazing graphic novel, it is very well made! If you enjoy comedy and romance I highly recommend this game! All the characters are very love-able and you will be able to relate to at least one of them! It's an amazing to game to play if you have some extra time and love yourself!


This is legitimately one of the most hilarious games I've ever played and I'm absolutely in love with your humor. The characters are such wonderful goofballs, and are so realistically written as well! This is an amazing game thank you so much for making this and providing good gay content to the world <3 


I fucking loved this game so much, and honestly I feel like its kind of weird. I'm a straight guy in grade 10 and I was just looking for games and I happened to find this one. I downloaded it I have no idea why but it just made me curious. AND I FUCKING LOVED IT. It was such a amazing game and made me sad when it ended the story was so short and it didn't tell much of what the other characters did. like did any one else get together, did their parents accept it? I need to know!!! 


Finally got around to playing this game! I laughed so hard for three hours, it was great. The characters are so refreshing because even though they are a little bit extreme at times (i.e. Min and I'LL PUNCH THE BEAR IN THE HEAD), they are written like normal high school girls. I could even see parts of my friend group in here, which was really fun to take screenshots and send it to them.

I had a lot of fun playing this game and loved it very much!

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